Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 528: Nature's Porter

The amount that a mortal can imagine. You are a king, you have a lot of troops under your hand, oh, I remember you said that you took over as the general marshal of the alliance when Lothar. How many troops does the alliance have? Half a million? one million? In the war between Titans and Demons, more than one million soldiers died every minute. As the two most powerful forces in the universe, the Pantheon and the Burning Legion have fought head-on against more than ten Ten Thousand Years. Isn’t it hard to understand? According to historical records, Sargeras’s fall was less than three Ten Thousand Years. After all, the elemental turmoil that suppressed Azeroth was Sargeras’s own hands. But what I want to tell you is this. In the astral world, the speed of time passing is different. On the front line of the conflict between the Pantheon and the Burning Legion, almost ten Ten Thousand Years have been played. Why do you think the Burning Legion does not use a starship to ride its face and play orbital airborne on Azeroth? The reason is very simple. The pressure from the Pantheon is too great, and the Burning Legion simply cannot mobilize so many troops. Although Aggramar did not have the courage to face Sargeras, the army of the Pantheon was not afraid of the demons of the Burning Legion. "

Medivh blew it very beginning, and it felt like dancing and dancing.

"In this way, the two people's brains became dog-headed, and the army began to fail. So the Burning Legion first began to change its moves. It no longer insisted on defeating the Pantheon Titans frontally, but dispersed its forces to sneak attacks on the Titan Foundry that spread throughout the universe. In the era of great development, every planet transformed by the Titans will leave corresponding facilities. It is these facilities that continuously transport soldiers to the Pantheon. The Burning Legion began to attack and corrupt these planetary worlds that provided troops for the Pantheon. Although there are direct conflicts The intensity of the war has become lower, but the flames of war have spread to the entire universe and become more tragic."

As a professional mentor, Medivh's eloquence is naturally not bad, but from his narration, Carlos has a strong sense of immediate vision.

A blind man who has led the world in tactics for a hundred years once said: "The ultimate form of all tactics cannot escape the word change."

The Burning Legion can play.

The information disclosed by Medivh can be said to be highly confidential in the multiverse and very valuable. It can be seen that he trusts Carlos.

However, Carlos has no way to tell Medivh that I am a traverser. I know everything you say, and even some parts of it are more detailed than you.

No way, life is like a play, it all depends on acting.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

Carlos' eyes widened to try not to be so ostentatious.

"Fortunately. You know, that kind of star wars based on millions of units, I can't afford to provoke. But when the Pantheon and the Burning Legion spread the flames of war, this gave me a glimpse of those taboos. Mysterious opportunity."

"Take the chestnut from the fire!"

Carlos gave a thumbs up with a thumbs up.

"To tell the truth, there is nothing good about the devil. Half of the Burning Legion’s magic technology is brought by racial talent, and the other half was stolen from the Pantheon when Sargeras jumped back. You have never seen it before, in the astral world. When the battle started, when the starships on both sides confronted each other, their shapes were the same. Except for the color and power source, the structure was exactly the same. Who do you say is plagiarizing whom?"

"From a rational point of view, the Burning Legion should have copied the Pantheon."

"But there are really a lot of dry goods on the Pantheon. Look at my half-plane comfort, half of the technology is borrowed from the Pantheon Titan Technology."

" are amazing!"

Carlos almost blurted out [what's the difference between this and the actions of the Burning Legion].

But then I thought about it, can the Faye matter be called stealing? Still changed his mouth.

"And in these borrowed techniques, I reversed the analysis and came up with a very... um... energetic intelligence."

"How hot is it?"

Carlos stretched his head forward, and Medivh also leaned over. It was obvious that the two of them were the only one in the living room, but they did the same thing as a spy joint.

"All Emerald Dreams are connected."


"Titans have transformed many planets, but they will only build the Emerald Dream on planets that are considered to be of observational value. What do you think is the Emerald Dream?"

Carlos thought I knew, but I can't say it.

"It is the spiritual home of the Druid."

"That's only incidental. I have seen the Titan Fleet clean the planet contaminated by the Burning Legion before I understand the true role of the Emerald Dream."


"Yes, purge. The entire planet has been contaminated by fel energy, and all creatures have become servants of the shadows, chaos, frenzy, and bloodthirsty beasts. Then the Titan's fleet came. At that time I was thinking about seeing how the Titans were. I smashed the star, and it turned out that I was thinking about it. In an instant, the entire planet seemed to be restarted. All the demons were instantly annihilated, and all the corrupted lives were decomposed into the most primitive life energy, the earth corroded by the evil energy. With a new look, the entire planet is reborn."

"Sorry, my poor knowledge limits my imagination..."

"So, the Emerald Dream is basically the ultimate method left by the Titans, a super weapon, and a monitoring agency for the Titans to monitor the planet."


Medivh is a real boss, Carlos is convinced, whether it is magical skills or logical thinking ability.

But the lack of intelligence made him make a wrong judgment.

It's not right, it can't be called a mistake, it should be said that an incomplete judgment has been made.

The Emerald Dream is far from being the key to the planet's restart.

Sorting out information from Carlos's memory, the Emerald Dream is the blueprint of the entire Azeroth, the backup of the world, and the GHOST mirror image. Restarting the planet is just one of the basic functions of the Emerald Dream, and it has more far-reaching and secretive uses.

But Medivh is not a traverser. It is really awesome to be able to collect this level of information on his own.

"The key to your return to Azeroth is the Emerald Dream."

Medivh didn't sell it, so he went on.

"Use other means to send you back to Azeroth. You are back, but the time is wrong. Your relatives and friends are no longer alive, and the kingdom has long been destroyed. Is this what you want?"

Carlos shook his head.

"So starting with the Emerald Dream is the best choice. You don't care how I found out that the Emerald Dream is connected. The explanation is a bit complicated, otherwise I can't even describe the key points in words. But the basic principle is to find one. The planet that also has the Emerald Dreamland will send you over, and then you will enter the Emerald Dreamland, open a back door with a small means, enter the Ruins of Azeroth dreamland, and then come out."

"What a simple little plan."

This time, Carlos used the standard great tone of speech, and did not hide his irony in the slightest.

"Don't look at me like this, mainly because my status is embarrassing. In fact, I helped Aggramar to do a lot of private work. I belonged to the friendly unit of the Pantheon in front of me. Engaging in the Emerald Dream is a direct expression of turning my face. I'm on it by myself, do I still need you?"

"Technically mature?"

Carlos felt like he was on a thief ship.

"Logic is self-consistent."

Medivh gave Carlos a firm look.

"What do I need to do?"

Carlos asked

"Participate in a ceremony."

Medivh said in a brisk tone, as if going to the vegetable market to buy a dish is comfortable.

Finally, Carlos couldn't help but spit out: "Lakhill ceremony?"

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