Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 529: Shut Up! This is not sparta

"There is great wisdom among the stars. Azeroth is not alone in the fight against the Burning Legion. In fact, Azeroth has never been the main target of the Burning Legion. But if you think that everything is going well, the world will be peaceful. It was too naive. When the Burning Legion attacked Aldaki, no one stood up and Aldaki was dead; when the Burning Legion corrupted Argus, Naaru came late, and the Legion had two more giants; the Pantheon decided When fighting against the Burning Legion to kill people, if we don’t stand up, there is really no hope in this universe. Holy Light Legion, it sounds very interesting, but I will not join, because your mother of the Holy Light is mentally retarded. "

After Medivh sent Carlos away, he stood alone at the window and looked at the scenery. In the empty living room, there was only a pleasant wind ringing.

And Carlos, who has crossed a distance of tens of millions of light years, came to the "New World".

[The plan has two parts, the first part is to forge the identity to obtain the qualification, and the second part is to participate in the ceremony to win. 】

The soul contract between Medivh and Carlos Qi has the effect of mantra, so there is the most basic trust between the two.

Although very weird, weird enough to be close to spiritual, but Carlos knew that what Medivh said was true, so he came.

This is a barren world, and Carlos can't even conclude that this is a complete planet or a special plane with a distorted space structure. But these do not affect Carlos's judgment.

Come to the right place.

It has nothing to do with the Holy Light, and it has nothing to do with magic. This is the metaphysics produced by years of training.

The heart of warrior.

The whole world reverberated with a sad and desolate fighting spirit, which is the feeling of going deep into the bone marrow through the pores and reaching the soul.

"Master Fa's spells are really mysterious..."

Carlos chose to forget the fact that the spells of the paladin were not very scientific.

This is a world destroyed by the Burning Legion

This is a less complete world destroyed by the Burning Legion.

This is a dying world.

This is a world that has completed its revenge but has not yet died.

A weird world.

According to Medivh, after destroying the world, the Burning Legion ruled its ashes as usual. But under the interference of the world's last wish, the surrogate completed his revenge.

It was an armor, an armor without a master.

For the first time, Carlos remembered the Paladin T2 set, the Judge, which he had restored.

Really metaphysics.

Because there is no reference, time loses its practical significance.

Following the ruins left by the devil, Carlos didn't know how long it took him to finally reach a deserted place that was a fortress at first glance.

Jumping down a steep slope that could kill millions of demon hunters, Carlos didn't even need to use Divine Shield to cushion him. Medivh's spells effectively protected him for a long time.

Although the corpse has long been weathered and the white bones have also decayed, the hard building itself has been preserved in the scouring of the years, and the traces left on the steel and rock silently tell what happened that year.

Slowing down, Carlos carefully observed everything around him like a tourist who bought tickets at a high price.

A very wonderful mood.

I still don't know how long it has passed, and his consciousness is very clear, but there is a feeling of regaining his senses. Carlos has reached the core position of this deserted fortress --- the empty underground square.

It was the remains of an abyss lord, the huge skull was full of cracks, the left fangs had been broken, the thick breastplate was penetrated, and the war spear in the right hand was full of gaps.

And in front of the bones of the Abyss Lord, a dark thing shrank into a ball.

Is this TMD armor?

Carlos didn't know whether he was dazzled or Medivh was a liar.

Cautiously walked in front of the tuft, Carlos could not feel any signs of "living things".

In a world where time lost its meaning, I looked at whether the birds were used or not, so Carlos reached out his hand and touched the lump.

In an instant, time seemed to begin to flow.

Carlos seemed to "see" everything that happened that year. A pitch-black humanoid monster slaughtered the demons of the Burning Legion one after another, destroying everything she [saw]. In the end, this lacquered black man fought a decisive battle against the new owner of the ashes world in the doomsday fortress built by the former world ruler.

The power of the abyss lord was beyond imagination, causing Carlos to have deep doubts, and Gromsh Hellscream snarled an orc, on what basis Mannoroth was hacked to death.

Is there such a big difference in the strength between the individual Lords of the Abyss?

Or because Mannoroth allocated too much power to corrupt the orcs, or because Gromsh Hellscream re-drank a lot of demon blood before the battle.

But the truth is no longer important, because the battle between the unknown abyss lord and the weird lacquered black type attracted all the attention of Carlos.

Primitive, violent, no skill at all, crude and no beauty, not even comparable to the league recruits who just put down the pitchfork.

But there is another kind of shock, venting this kind of doctrine unscrupulously-having power means being able to do whatever you want.

After the long battle, the main stream of the abyss drained his own devil's blood, and the fire of the soul in his eyes and above his head was gradually extinguished.

In the end, the Abyss Lord used the Burning Body Blast, and the dark humanoid was unscathed.

Then, the victorious monster gradually collapsed from a human form into a "lump".

And Carlos's touch, or Medivh's spell, made the former Avengers react.

That is the last pity of this lingering world.

Carlos was soberly drawn into the dream weaved by the whole world.

Once again, again, again, fulfill the mission.

Wearing a jet-black armor, Carlos faced the "Once" Lord of the Abyss in front of him.

That one can be killed, Gromsh can kill, I can't kill?

Carlos tilted his head and glanced at the empty right hand, then at the left hand, and then looking back, the dark version of the Ashkandi Brotherhood sword had appeared in the right hand inexplicably.

Unable to hum, Carlos was not surprised that Lothar had used the Lion King's Pride Shield in his left hand.

Come on, fight a pain!

Moving forward, Carlos had no head-on thoughts at all.

Not afraid, but not cutting.

Skill is also a part of strength, and it's a fool who punches and kicks me.

Without the shocking collision, the Abyss Lord lost blood faster.

It's time for you to see what is truly cruel!

Carlos did not allow the Abyss Lord to blew himself up in front of him.

Do not blew up!

Shield hits and slashed, kicked and smashed, Carlos's power penetrated into the body of the abyss lord, preventing the fel energy from converging to the core.

"You monster!"

It seemed to be the temporary last words of the Abyss Lord, and it seemed to be some other voice.

In a chaotic twist, Carlos "waked up".

"The ceremony was successful!"

"Oh my God, what dark monster do you look at, it's shocking just by looking at it."

"This time, we are set to win!"

Obviously speaking is language that has never been heard, but it does not prevent Carlos from understanding the meaning.

At this time, a humanoid with double horns came forward, bowed and saluted Carlos, and then said: "The most sincere tribute to the last king of Sparta."

Carlos looked at the magic circle under his feet from the corner of his light, and suddenly realized that he was wearing that piece of armor on his body...

Wait, this is the sense of sight, there seems to be something wrong! ! !

"If you still have any wishes, please join me to win the final victory, in order to satisfy all the cups of heaven."


Carlos felt that his spirit had been shocked, the severity of which was comparable to that when he found himself reborn in Azeroth.

"So, are you Laozi's scolding him?"

Carlos said these words in a wicked manner.

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