Azeroth is still waiting for me to save, where can I have time to play with you in the righteous partner game.

Although there is a very interesting impulse deep in my heart, the so-called ritual is just a way to go home, and obtaining the cup of heaven is just a means rather than an end.

Carlos played his current role faithfully, rather than indulging in it, and not too lazy to talk to other people.

In this three days of war.

Three days ago, the seventh pair of heroic spirits and magicians did not know what means they used to avoid the probing eyeliners of the first six groups who arrived in Westwood first and arrived in the city, and the competition ceremony for the Cup of Heaven officially began.

Carlos, who had just learned about the ecology and humanities of this planet, had to interrupt his interesting observation of alien civilizations and enter the battle mode.

On the first day, the wind and waves were calm and peaceful, and all the contestants chose the Laoyin [BEEP] mode at the same time.

That night, fierce fighting broke out in the forest northwest of Westwood, and the forest covering an area of ​​about 300 acres was reduced to ashes overnight.

Tim Mourning informed Carlos that one of the belligerents was determined to be Ruby Ross, and the identity of the other hero could not be ascertained, but it could be confirmed that he was not in human form.

Earth Snake's intelligence ability is really strong.

On the second day, a team of contestants approached Tam. Mourning and Carlos and asked for a temporary union. Tam. Mourning asked Carlos about his attitude, and Carlos replied with the four-character mantra-you can figure it out. Tim Mourning refused the request for joint, but there was no violent conflict between the two sides, and some indifferent information was exchanged in a friendly atmosphere.

Terrorist riots broke out in many urban areas that night.

Carlos didn't understand whether it was the customs or the reasons. These magicians and heroic spirits did not do business in the daytime, and they had to fight at night to get lost.

On the third day, Tim Mourning informed Carlos of the latest information and determined the appearance of the two heroes. One of them was a bald, anti-articulated humanoid with a pair of light blades and no mouth. The currently determined abilities are: Stealth and teleportation. another

It looks like a gorilla, with an unusually tall body, wearing a highly technological armor, and using a full-length sledgehammer.

At this point, removing the mysterious seventh heroic spirit, basic intelligence has been collected. Tim Mourning made a request to Carlos to play.

"I have no doubt about your majesty's strength, but without intuitive results, the inferior cannot work out a strategy suitable for your majesty."

Regarding Tam. Mourning's temptation, Carlos did not mind and directly agreed.

"Yes, you choose the target."

For Carlos' response, Tim Mourning was a little surprised, but also a little surprised.

Since Carlos was summoned, Carlos has been a little too plain, and the dark armor on his body is the last reverb of a world that is about to die. The level of mystery is extremely high. Tam. Mourning can't find out with magic at all. Carlos, who claims to be "Fireless Embers", has no bottom in his heart.

It's a mule or a horse, and you always have to pull it out.

As the ground snake of Westwood, Tim Mourning does have an advantage in intelligence collection that other magicians cannot match.

Although I was very entangled in why the fight was always after sunset, Carlos didn't ask too much. Suspicious people do not need to use people to do without doubt is the most basic entry-level imperialism, now that the strategy is handed over to Tim Mourning, Carlos will no longer interfere in this aspect.

It was late at night, and at the agreed place, the magician who had tried to join forces with Carlos came here with the heroic spirit.

"Your suggestion to unite, after I think about it, it's not impossible, but I need you to prove that you have the strength to cooperate with us."

Tim Mourning said such words, and the other side readily accepted them.

Cooperation requires equal strength from both sides.

The heroic spirit Carlos faced was the bandager mentioned in the earliest information.

Both sides have a black tone and are equally silent.

In the name of learning, life and death began.

There was no concern about the face of the "Master", the two magicians were still exchanging feelings, Carlos and the other hero directly acted.

Pulling power from the armor, a huge sword exuding thick black smoke was formed. Carlos started with a jump. The masonry ground could not withstand the impact of great force, and the gravel was splashed and dusty. In the smoke and dust, the bandage man evaded Carlos's attack as if he had no weight, and when he raised his hand, multiple energy arrows came.

Carlos evaded the coverage of the energy arrow, but proposed to use the thick part of the breastplate to eat a shot, feeling the opponent's attack power in the most intuitive way.

Okay, a bit sweet.

The least pretending to be a dead star, Carlos spoke.

"Your posture reminds me of an old friend. Then, as a worthy opponent..."

Halfway through, Carlos controlled the armor and changed its form.

That was the armor form used by the guardians who wandered through the abyss.

Although Carlos, as a "pseudo" hero, does not derive power from Tim Mourning, Medivh's hands and feet are genuine. The magic power lost by manipulating the dark armor in battle is one of the best in Westwood. The magician, Tam Mourning still felt the pleasure of being hollowed out, but it was ecstasy from the heart.

This [Fireless Embers] is so strong!

The appearance of transforming the armor is purely Carlos's act of pretending, it does not help the improvement of combat power at all, but while extracting the magical strengthening armor, the power of the holy light is also surging in the body covered by the armor.

As a mortal, Carlos's destructive power surpasses that of extraordinary life.

There is no scientific magic to talk about, and Carlos said that three-dimensional combat is no longer a blind zone of knowledge.

Carlos had a great time playing various void walks, anti-gravity rushes, and big sword swings that drive his body to rotate and slash two-stage heavy blows.

But just when the two magicians had finished evaluating the performance of the heroic spirits and felt that it was almost the same, the uninvited guest interrupted Carlos's fight with the Bandage Man.

Ruby Ross fought with the gorilla, while cutting between Carlos and the bandage man.

Suddenly, with an inexplicable sense of crisis, Carlos blocked behind Tammonin, blocked the blade from the void, and saved the life of his "Master", while the bandager loosened the bandage on his right hand. Carlos looked out from the corner, and didn't understand what it did.

At this moment, the five heroes gathered together.

Before Carlos wanted to say something, Ruby Ross spoke first.

"Help! It is not a hero at all, but a demon!"

Carlos was a little dazed. The ceremony held by the Guardian of the Titans was so unreliable? Even if you get in by yourself, how come there are demons!

While talking, Ruby Roth’s Crescent Rose killed the gorilla in the shape of a long-handled sickle. However, there was not a trace of bodily fluid from the wound on the waist of the orangutan brother. Under the repair of the granulation muscles, it did not take a second to heal as before. .

"Hong Mo!"

Brother Orangutan shouted an unknown slogan and suddenly violent.

It's a pity that the bandage man slowly withdrew to the master's side and made a guard posture, while Carlos was fully guarded against the hidden enemy.

The scene is almost HOLD.

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