Isn't this a ghost face beast?

It's a ghost face beast... right.

Suddenly the five heroic spirits gathered together, and instead of a high battle, Carlos had a strange sense of absurdity.

Want to laugh.

what is this?

Blizzard Universe?

Although the guy who attacked Tam. Mourning kept his optical stealth all the time, Carlos's attention was highly concentrated during the battle with the bandage man. Not to mention the optical stealth, the fissure raid could also be prevented.

The mages and thieves of Azeroth don't know any tricks, and the common sense that invisibility equals invincibility does not work for Carlos.

Especially during the knife-blade collision, the dust in the air actually exposed the physical characteristics of the sneak attacker.

No need to hide, Protos, your melancholy chin and anti-articulated limbs have already betrayed your identity. The only suspense is that your old surname Ze is still Gao.

Do you think you can hide the fact that you have a light blade with a physical sword?

"what is that?"

With a sudden fatal blow, Tim Mourning didn't react until Carlos stood in front of him, and he almost died.

But Carlos didn't want to explain anything. The heavy smoked sword hung down on the ground and shielded his lord with a shield. Carlos half turned his head to focus on the battle over there.

The little girl is so pitiful.

You can understand with thinking through your ass.

The Protoss was attracted by the battle between himself and the bandaged man, and came to pick up the omission.

Although it is not clear what happened to Little Red Riding Hood and the Ghost Face Beast, Ruby Roth made it clear that he deliberately lured the Ghost Face Beast to come here, hoping to use the power of everyone to destroy the opponent.

However, the adult world is very complicated.

Carlos confronted the air, and the bandage man was also guarding the master. The Protoss had long since disappeared without a single blow, and no one wanted to help her.

The Crescent Rose in Ruby Roth's hand is a long-handled sickle with the function of a firearm. The sickle blade is flying in the air, shooting directly or using the reaction force of the bullet. The red robe girl's battle is beautiful like a dance.

It's a pity that the little girl's furious voice spoiled such a sense of beauty.

"It has eaten its own master and mine! It is not a hero at all!"

But both Carlos and the bandager chose to turn a blind eye to nothing.

"Do you have any suggestions?"

Tam Mourning's posture was abnormally low at the moment, even if Carlos turned his back to him, he still bowed his head and saluted.

"you will die."

Carlos was thinking about the situation, fearing that he would say something wrong, so he adopted a brain-refilling dialogue method.

Sure enough, Tim Mourning fell into a deadlock of brain repair.

This [Fireless Embers] is far more powerful than I thought, but the other heroic spirits are not easy to give. I will die, meaning that without its protection, I will be killed by the assassin just now? But the information revealed by the girl in red... the opponents have already been eliminated, which is really good news, if it is true. Whether or not to intervene is difficult to choose, after all...

Tam Mourning raised his head and looked aside, but was surprised to find that the bandager and his lord were gone.

When I left, I didn't even notice it!

Carlos knew the answer to this question, not because his magical perception was stronger than Tim Mourning, but because... he saw it.

I happened to see it.

And this good glance also gave Carlos a bottom line about the identity of the bandage man in his heart.


Although the whole body was bound by a black bandage, it did not reveal the unique light of the virtual spirit, but the ability to open and close the door of the dimension silently.

Did not run away.

It's worth coming tonight. The fight has confirmed the identities of the four opponents.

Just as Carlos contemplated this weird Holy Grail ritual, the battle between Ruby Ross and the ghost face beast changed.

Ruby Roth's bullets have run out.

The spear and sickle crescent rose, in all fairness, is a specialized weapon.

In other words, the sickle is an agricultural tool rather than a weapon. The inner bladed sickle can only effectively kill the enemy with a horizontal slashing action. If you use the battlefield against the enemy, the sickle may not be as good as a wooden stick.

But with the large-caliber shooting function of mechanical linkage, Crescent Rose has a hundred ways to play.

Purely used as a sickle or a firearm, Crescent Rose is deformed and impervious, but the combination of the two, coupled with the powerful strength of Ruby Roth, has created the mythical legend of Crescent Rose.

Now, the bullets are out.

Ruby Lowes is in trouble.

On one side is the youthful and invincible beautiful girl, on the other side is the hideous ghost face beast. Needless to ask, Carlos's personal inclinations are undoubtedly Ruby Ross. But this ceremony is related to Carlos's way home, no matter how good it looks, what's the use.

Victory, what Carlos wants is the victory of this ritual war.

So this lady, I'm sorry, please die with this gorilla.

Carlos has a good idea, but Ruby Ross is not a fool. If you don't come to help me, I won't go to you?

Just do it, find a flaw in the ghost face beast, pull away and flash past Carlos.

Carlos slid sideways for a half step and blocked all possible routes for Ruby Lose to attack Tim Mourning with a shield in his hand, but he did not attack her in the end.

As a result, Carlos stood in front of the ghost face beast who followed.

"Join Hong Mo."

Although I don’t know that the Titan Guardian of this world is a gangster, and turned a ghost-faced beast infected with a flood into a hero, but because it is a reshaped body of the projection, the ghost-faced beast actually returned after being infected with the flood. Have language skills and basic wisdom.

Seeing that Carlos was not easy to deal with, the ghost face beast used the wooing skill.

"Where is your Lord now."

Carlos asked in an extremely pretentious tone.


Guimian Beast answered truthfully.

There's nothing to talk about.

Seeing Tam Mourning's disgusting eyes, Carlos had to sigh.

I don't make a stand here, I'm afraid that I'm going to oppose my "Master" camp.

"Be careful, then protect yourself."

Carlos motioned to Tim Mourning to be careful of Ruby Ross with his eyes, but Tim Mourning looked in his eyes and indeed [Fireless Embers] a red light flashed in the eyes of the black helmet.

This is simply...... This is simply Tyrael let Illidan act on his face!

"If loyalty doesn't exist, what's the use of keeping life."

The ghost face beast is still waiting for Carlos to answer his question, Carlos has already carried a huge sword and slashed up.

Then, the ghost face beast easily blocked Carlos's attack with the long-handled warhammer in his hand.

Carlos let go of the weapon with his hands flat, and the pitch-black sword and shield turned into smoke wrapped around his body and reattached to the armor.

The ghost face beast naturally wouldn't watch Carlos pretend to be forced, and when he came back, it was already a heavy hammer.

Ruby Ross didn't know what the black humanoid in front of him wanted to do, but he couldn't see him die, so he could only turn on [Fast Speed] and rush forward to block the attack of the ghost face beast for Carlos.

However, Ruby Ross was too far behind the Ghostface Beast in power, and was swept away by the Ghostface Beast brute force after a stalemate.

"What are you doing?"

Ruby Ross asked angrily, is it interesting to put a human cross?

But Tim Mourning understood that Carlos was not in a daze, and that his magic power was going to be emptied again.

"Nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two. That's enough."

Carlos suddenly accelerated forward and finished the cross slash before the ghost face beast moved with the invisible sharp blade in his hand.

"It is your glory to die under the sword of darkness."

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