Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 54: The Emperor's Death

Stonenard, the first large fortress built by the Horde after crossing the Dark Portal, was also a bridgehead against the guards of Stormwind. There, Orgrim, the Blackrock orc, was challenging the Warchief Blackhand.

Although the black hand has a slight advantage in size, the passing of the years and the injuries caused by the perennial campaign made the strongest of the past seem a little weak, while the young Orgrim was at ease.

After all, he was the elder he once respected. Orgrim did not humiliate the Black Hand. After a short period of probing, the storm-like attack completely overwhelmed the Black Hand, and flew the Black Hand’s warhammer with one blow, and Orgrim would be legendary. Hammer: The Destroyer points to the old chief of the past.

"Give up, you are old, black hand. My respected uncle, give up, I will give you a decent end." Orgrim persuaded.

"A decent end? Send me back to my hometown for retirement, and then suffocate by the stove surrounded by a bunch of boys? Boy, have you forgotten who taught your martial arts?" Black Hand slowly got up from the ground. Laughed disdainfully.

"I thank you for all the teachings you have taught me, but it is you. You first violated your beliefs and became Gul'dan's running dog for ridiculous reasons." Orgrim was angry in his memory and sad in tenderness.

Orgrim respected Blackhand from the bottom of his heart, and respected the warchief who led the Blackrock clan to defeat the mighty ogre. But this puppet manipulated by the Shadow Council is not worthy of Orgrim's respect.

"Return the warhammer to him, and I will prove it to you, who is more qualified to lead the tribe!" Orgrim roared at the onlookers, and the atmosphere suddenly reached its highest point.

Having already proven himself in martial arts before, Orgrim changed his style and took all the attacks of Black Hand head-on, and you hit me with a hammer, I'll pay you back.

In the end, Black Hand could no longer hold his warhammer and fell to his knees.

"Orgrim, end my life and let me die like a warrior." Before dying, Black Hand seemed to get rid of the control of Gul'dan's spiritual spells and regained his self-will. "Orcs, tribes, Blackstone clan, all give it to you."

"Ah!" Seeing the stern and gentle black hand again in his eyes, Orgrim's tears couldn't help but surging, and the fury in his heart almost burned his sanity. The wrath of Doomhammer mixed with elements ended Blackhand's life, and Orgrim became the new warchief of the Horde.

Since Gul'dan fell into an unexplained coma three days ago, Orgrim took decisive measures and finally succeeded in gaining the leadership of the tribe today.

Returning to his home, his confidants reported to Orgrimmar, "The warlocks have obtained reliable information. Galona has completed the task of assassinating the human king, and the bastard dug out the heart of the King of Stormwind."

"Find her, find that Gul'dan's toy." Orgrim forced himself to cheer up from his grief. Now that he has accepted the title of warchief, he must perform the duties of a chief.

"If the order is passed on and the armament is prepared for war, it won't take long for mankind to become chaotic."

When the Horde was ready to launch a new offensive, Sir Anduin Lothar heard of the death of King Ryan of Stormwind. He personally killed Medivh, the master of the Burning Legion, the corrupted Titan Sargeras, who corrupted his soul. After receiving news of Ryan's death, Anduin Lothar had lost his best friend continuously in just a few days, and felt heartbroken.

"Can't stay any longer. Khadgar, the aftermath is handed over to you, open a portal to Stormwind City for me." Anduin Lothar cheered up and prepared to return to Stormwind City to preside over the overall situation.

"I'm sorry, Sir Lothar, after the teacher's death, the entire Karazhan's magical energy was completely disordered. The teleportation spell cannot be accurately located at all. I can't take such a huge risk to open the portal for you." Khadgar explained.

"Reginald Windsor, go and inform everyone that we are ready, and we will return to Stormwind City in a little bit." Anduin Lothar said goodbye to Khadgar, ready to find something to eat to fill his stomach, from Karazhan Returning to Stormwind on horseback is not an easy task.

The messenger Reginald Windsor, who received the order, ran all the way, hurling his voice to convey Sir Lothar's orders to the companions scattered in the Karazhan tower. When passing by a glass window, the illusory image Attracted the attention of the young messenger.

In the picture, Reginald saw himself walking through a magnificent city covered in scars, leading to a towering fortress, where he fought a desperate fight with a black dragon, and finally died.

"I will die by the black dragon?"

It is not pleasant to foresee his own death, but the optimistic Reginald Windsor suddenly thought: I will die under the black dragon, so in this war with the orcs, I will not be out of danger!

Reginald Windsor suddenly felt that this was something to be happy about.

"Sir Lothar has an order, return to Stormwind City in an hour!" The messenger's voice became louder.

The tribe's army was like a broken bamboo. After breaking through the Stormwind army that blocked the Swamp of Sorrows, the orcs rushed all the way, letting go of all the human towns on the way. Orgrim had only one target, Stormwind City.

Hurry up, Anduin Lothar finally returned to Stormwind City before the orc siege, but after the king's death, the nobles competed for power and the entire kingdom was in chaos.

"You actually forgot to deliver supplies to the army because you were going to elect the Regent!" The furious Anduin Lothar laughed at the greedy and stupid aristocracy.

"Reported, Griffin Scouts found that the orcs were cutting down a lot of trees to make engineering equipment." The messenger came to the meeting room and reported the latest news to the big men.

"There are no layers of fortifications, no war mobilization, no preparations for supplies, now you think of me?" Although Anduin Lothar was angry, he took over the temporary command of the entire kingdom without any refusal.

Orders that were handled properly were quickly issued, and the nobles seemed to have finally found the backbone, but Anduin Lothar's expression became deeper and deeper.

The elite troops that blocked the crossing of the Swamp of Sorrows were ruined by the stupid nobles. Stormwind now has no enough troops to repel the army of orcs, and the connection between Stormwind and other towns is also blocked by the orcs, and it is impossible to recruit reinforcements. Stormwind cannot be defended anymore. Anduin Lothar made a clear judgment.

"Protect Prince Varian, and don't let the tricks of some despicable people succeed." Instructing his confidant to perform the defense mission, Anduin Lothar decided to go to the cathedral to see his old brother one last time.

In Flash Golden Town, the orc army eliminated all the human resistance forces and built this small town connected to all quarters into a temporary headquarters of the tribe.

Orgrim is checking the construction progress of the catapult.

"Chief, we found the trace of Galona." Some subordinates reported to the warchief.

"You must catch her, the Shadow Council must die!" Orgrim said viciously.

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