Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 55 Blood and Sand

The news of the fall of Stormwind has spread among well-informed upper-class people. Lord Thoradin’s last blood heir, Grand Duke Anduin Lothar, led Stormwind King Ryan Wrynn’s only son, Varian Wrynn. The rumor that he will seek refuge in Lordaeron is no longer a secret. The common people are still praying for a good autumn harvest, but they don't feel a storm is coming.

Carlos’s training course is coming to an end, and at the request of Cedan Daszohan, Alex arranged a 1VS50 contest.

Guy Erdalon Lake Heart Castle, the underground training ground (the Scarlet Puppet), everyone who is qualified to watch the game sits on the upper terrace, and Carlos is naked and closed his eyes in the middle of the training ground.

"Carlos, there will be ten people on the scene to suppress you at any time, until you defeat fifty opponents or you lose the ability to fight, the competition will not end, is there a problem?" After Cedan Dassohan asked his disciples, The competition officially begins.

Todd handed two unshaved one-handed swords to Carlos and then exited the field. Fifty upper-body soldiers in chain armor lined up and entered the training ground. Of them, 40 were scattered and stood at attention against the wall. The soldiers surrounded Carlos at a distance of ten meters.

"Dathrohan, is it really okay for Carlos not to wear armor? What should I do if he is injured." Although Alex arranged the competition, he was still worried about his son.

"Master Duke, this competition is to show you the training results of the past six months on the one hand, and on the other hand it is also a self-breakthrough training. Your grandson is a natural warrior, please trust him." Saidan Dathohan Said confidently.

"Oh my god, brother's muscles are awesome!" Wilton said with bright eyes.

"You won't be so fat if you eat less dessert." Alex struck his brother with words mercilessly.

"Big brother and eldest sister all said that I'm so cute, you matchstick!" Wilton retorted.

"Okay, be quiet, it's about to start." Ilucia stopped the two brothers from daily torn and forced.

"Mom, and Uncle Brick." Wilton held his head under his sister's YIN prestige, pretending to be pitiful.

"Mom said I was going to give my brother a surprise, the teacher didn't know." Because Ilucia has a good magical talent, during the six months of Carlos' training, Giannis asked Brick to teach Ilucia's magic knowledge with him. The brick, who had gotten a lot of money from Carlos, agreed without thinking about it for too long, so Elucia now calls the brick a teacher.

(Uncle Brick: Miss, don't always call me Brick, what's my real name? Why can't I remember it.)

Carlos chose to play lightly, not simply for pretending to be handsome, but for practical considerations. First of all, the limit of his stamina lies there. Cedan Dathrohan's vision is tricky and vicious. Fifty people is his limit. Carlos must squeeze his limit to win the final victory. Secondly, wearing armor will cause an extra burden on physical exertion. I will unconsciously adopt the tactics of collision and block. There is still a difference between training swords and actual weapons without opening. This kind of technical flow arena style of play It can only bring victory, not technical improvement. Finally, Carlos wanted to combine the skills taught by Storm Storm and the skills of Professor Cedan Dathrohan, trying to create his own style described by Cedan Dathrohan.

"Come on, let's fight a pain!" Carlos roared, and the competition officially began.

The guards of the castle have been ravaged by storms, storms and Dandema Lanyu successively, and there is no psychological pressure to besiege their eldest son. Just because Carlos is a full head higher than them, the guards have treated Carlos as a boss.

One key to gang fights is to at least ensure that they are invincible behind their backs.

Carlos first launched an attack. The two swords held up a soldier's chop, kicked the other person away, twisted the opponent's weapon with both hands, kicked a small whip on the soldier's knee, and successfully escaped from the encirclement.

The second key to gang fights is to pick the weak ones first.

Some soldiers tried to form a battle formation to force Carlos to the corner. Carlos practiced cutting belt and kicked the two smallest soldiers down first, lifted one person and threw them out. The soldiers did not dare to use weapons to stab their companions. , Was knocked to the ground alive.

The third key to gang fights is to kill the enemy with your eyes.

After all, it was just a competition, and the soldiers came out for the bounty that Alex had promised. Under Carlos's fierce eyes and fanatical expression, who would dare to be ruthless and be careful of being put on shoes in the future.

So, when Carlos brought down the 23rd castle guard, Cedan Dathrohan called the competition to a halt.

"Enough, stop all."

The soldiers who hadn't been on the field moved all their companions who had fallen on the training ground aside, leaving only the master and apprentice on the field.

"A meaningless match, I can fight a hundred enemies like this. Although it's a little bit early, let me be your last enemy." Saidan Dathrohan took off his shirt after speaking. , Showing better muscles than Carlos, and then five push-ups and five vertical jumps as a group, making a full one hundred groups.

"Now the physical exertion of both sides is almost the same, come on, feel the quality of Lordaeron's first great warrior." Slightly panting, Saidan Dathrohan picked up two swords casually and put out a defensive counterattack. Posture.

Usually training with a wooden sword and wearing leather armor are so painful. Carlos clearly knows that without armor, even if the sword is flattened and patted flat, neither he nor Sedan Dathrohan can eat each other. one strike.

The key to victory is who makes the mistake first. Carlos understands the physical disparity between himself and his instructor. Although he has been playing for a while but has been resting for so long, but Cedan Dathrohan has just exercised vigorously. In fact, he has an advantage in physical fitness and must compete. attack.

At the beginning of the battle, the confrontation of the swords made a sharp sound, and the sound of the air bursting when they were swinging even affected the hearts of the onlookers. Although it was only one-on-one, the intensity was far more intense than the previous competition, Alex and Wilton stood up nervously and leaned out of the terrace.

Parry, counterattack, Cedan Dathohan tried to adjust the rhythm in the defensive counterattack.

Attack and attack again, Carlos hopes to overwhelm his mentor with a fierce attack.

With a bang, in a collision, both of them had a sword shattered. The warrior who threw away the destroyed weapon and freed up one hand had more choices. Instead of easing the rhythm of the battle, it became more intense.

Swords and swords fisted, fists and fists collided, Alex stood up abruptly, and those two people on the training ground were like apostles, they were enemies of life and death!

"Old stuff, I've seen you upset!"

"Boy, you are still too tender!"

A heavy punch was made in the abdomen of both sides of the match, and the two finally separated briefly.

Breathe, adjust, take a deep breath, and then adjust. In the fight, the second sword is also broken, and the fight enters the fist to the flesh.

"Guards, separate them!" Alex gave the order.

So it took a while for the onlookers who were in a state of dementia to react and rushed into the arena to stop the battle.

As a result, the two masters and disciples who fell into a violent state attacked the spoiler indiscriminately.

After a period of confusion, the two masters and disciples who had fallen into a weak state recovered their sanity in a corpse (guard: Laozi's waist!).

"Not bad, kid."

"Where, you taught well."

On the terrace, Wilton said with beaming eyes: "It's so cool!"

PS1: If there is an audience master who thinks that five push-ups and five vertical jumps are a set, a hundred sets of exercises are not considered strenuous exercises, you can give it a try. All that can be done in half an hour are pure men, really good guys.

PS2: A lot of viewers are clamoring and want to add more, the author -kun thank you for your love of this book. But if you can’t let me add changes, I’ll add them. So the author-kun opened a post in the QIDIAN book review area, as long as you can tell the source of the author-kun chapter name, every time you say 10 entries, no, 15 articles, the author adds one more chapter. Outside the deceptive long pavilion, beside the ancient road, there is a grassy sky.

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