Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 56: Submerged and Overwhelmed

The situation has deteriorated too fast, even if Anduin Lothar worked hard, he couldn't restore the overwhelming power.

"Your Majesty Regent, the orc warlock forces have built an air defense net, and the air knights can no longer conduct in-depth investigations, and the enemy is not far from a large-scale attack." Evel Youngden, who is in charge of intelligence, told Anduin Lowe. Sa reports.

"Call me the Duke, the Lord, or the Lord. There is one king in the Stormwind Kingdom. It used to be Ryan, but now it is Varian." Anduin Lothar corrected his subordinates.

"Yes, Sir Sir." The person in charge of MI7 is kind enough.

"How is the placement and transfer work going?" Anduin Lothar squeezed the bridge of his nose tiredly.

"More than 10,000 civilians have fled into the mountain, but some nobles are..." Aiville Youngden hesitated.

"To make the country difficult to make money, embezzle supplies, squeeze the fleeing people, what other new tricks can't be done, tell me." Anduin Lothar smiled indifferently, "I will give you special authorization, no trial, just Execution."

"Sorry, Sir, although MI7 also performs assassination missions, at this time, maintaining order with the law is far more important than punishing a few worms." Evel Youngden advised.

"In addition to the law, there is the army to maintain order. They are defending their homes and their relatives are oppressed by the country. Who is willing to fight for Stormwind. Perform my orders." Anduin Lothar signed a special order, adding After stamping the letter, it was thrown to Evel Youngden.

The pier in Stormwind City is too small. Although Ryan had planned to expand the pier to clear the lanes, he could not implement it because of the huge cost. The size of the Royal Fleet was too small, with more than 20 ships capable of transporting. How many people are leaving? The noble's private trading fleet is making every effort to transfer property. If he orders the collection of ships now, there will be endless troubles. Now he really does not have the energy to fall into aristocratic wrangling. Still tolerate them for a while, Anduin Lothar set an ultimatum in his heart.

Although the orc army is on the strength, Anduin Lothar still has the confidence to rely on Stormwind's superior position to defend for a month.

In the simple and secret cell, Orgrim watched the interrogation of the biracial Galona.

Because Ner'zhul, the mentor of all orc shamans, was tempted by Kil'jaeden and fell, the orcs believed the great sage Ner'zhul's lie about the draenei's attempt to destroy all the orc clans. This is the first time for different orc clans. They united to form a tribe and took the lead in launching a war against the draenei. After the defeat of Shattrath, there were many half-Draenei and half-orcs born out of orc brutality, but not so many survived. Among them, Gul'dan was most satisfied with Galona. Garona grew up with dark magic, tortured by magic, and enslaved by magic. Gul'dan controlled her soul to ensure her absolute obedience. She is not a half-orc, to Gul'dan, she is just a weapon, a tool. The warlock serving Orgrim used the magic mark left by Gul'dan on Galona to find and capture this half-orc female thief. The double torture of punishment and magic destroyed Galona's will. After persisting for forty-eight hours, Galona, ​​unable to bear it, betrayed her master, Gul'dan, and confessed to Orgrim, the new warchief of the tribe, information on the secret organization of the Shadow Council led by Gul'dan.

"Give her food and water, and take care of it." Orgrim told his subordinates to keep secrets.

Excitement and excitement filled Orgrim's heart. Gul'dan's unexpected coma gave the new chief the opportunity to take control of the tribe army, and obtained the exact information from the Shadow Council, allowing Orgrimmar to see the end of Gul'dan. The hope of brutal rule over the orcs behind the scenes.

The top priority is to destroy Stormwind City and completely defeat the enemy in front of you. Only in this way can Orgrimmar have enough prestige to instruct the tribe to act according to its own wishes. Only in this way, after eliminating the members of the Shadow Council who passed through the Dark Portal, Orgrim has enough prestige to persuade the patriarchs of other clans to fight against the remnants of the Shadow Council in their hometown of Draenor.

The Qing suppression troops had already set off in secret. In order to distract the Shadow Council, Orgrim gave an order to launch a general attack on Stormwind City.

The stones fired by the trebuchet made a beautiful arc, straddling the city wall or hitting the city wall. Human soldiers have tried to launch a counter-charge apostle to destroy the tribe’s siege machinery. However, under the strangulation of the orcs and wolf cavalry, the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse paid nearly two hundred lives and only destroyed twelve trebuchets. The same trebuchet tribe also has more than fifty.

"Sir Lothar, can't hold it anymore. There are too many orcs to destroy the green-skinned trebuchets. We can only wait and die." The general cried to Anduin Lothar.

"Persevere, set up a second line of defense, a third line of defense, and a fourth line of defense in the trade zone and the old city. Be prepared for street fighting. His Majesty Magni Bronzebeard of the Dwarf Kingdom has agreed to send a fleet to evacuate the people. What we need to do is to stop the enemy with all our strength, understand?" Anduin Lothar said the only good news among the bad news, hoping to boost morale.

The people of Stormwind did their utmost, but unfortunately the thick walls were finally reduced to rubble under the continuous bombardment of two days and two nights.

"Sir Lothar, although this request is a bit excessive, I need you to transfer a ship to me. There are too many holy relics in the Holy Light Cathedral to be left to the orcs to desecrate, and some extremely gifted children also need to be transferred. They It's all hope for the future. I just leave the old bones behind." The archbishop made a request to Anduin Lothar in shame.

"You will get a boat, under the crown of the archbishop." Anduin Lothar made a careful promise, because he believed that one day he would come back and he must save hope for the future.

The cruel street fighting destroyed the soldiers' will. Everyone believed that Stormwind had been defeated. The only thing that supported the soldiers to fight was the figure of the kingdom lion Anduin Lothar and the great royal sword in his hand. As long as Anduin Lothar hasn't given up, we still have hope. This is the simplest concept of the people of Stormwind.

"Distribute all the food in the granary to the civilians, and let them enter the mountains to take refuge." Anduin Lothar said tiredly. At this point in the war, there is no need for Anduin Lothar to deal with more government affairs. Now his task is to lead the elite of the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse to appear at every critical point, using the advantages of familiar terrain as much as possible. Delay the time. At least wait until the fleet that Magni promised to arrive.

However, things will not always be as you wished. The orcs gave up the looting and began to set fires in the city, and the situation suddenly became critical.

"Sir, we must retreat. If we don't leave, the dock will be occupied by the orcs!" The subordinate anxiously reported the battle to Anduin Lothar, and even grabbed the sleeve of the Grand Duke very rudely.

"There are still so many people who are satisfied to evacuate, how can I leave!" Anduin Lothar's eyes were red, and he didn't know if it was smoked or tired.

"My lord, think about Prince Varian, and your Majesty Ryan! As long as you are still alive, the Kingdom of Stormwind will not perish!" The subordinate drew a saber and put it on his neck.

"Preparing to retreat, I need someone to stay behind the storm fortress voluntarily." Anduin Lothar issued one of the most painful orders of his life.

Opportunity all soldiers have taken a step forward.

"Go out for those under forty."

"It's the only child in the family going out."

"Go out if you haven't married yet."

"There are children who need to be taken care of."

Even with Anduin Lothar's order, only half of the people present left.

"I ask you to ask the Holy Light Master. You didn't deceive your heart, otherwise I won't leave." Anduin Lothar glanced sharply at the people who remained, so half of them left.

"Don't fight, let me stay, this old man." The archbishop of the Holy Light Cathedral smiled calmly.

"Please be sure to stick to the sunset, if there is an afterlife, we are still brothers." Anduin Lothar turned and left after speaking, he was afraid he could not help staying.

"If there is an afterlife, we are still brothers." The martyrs suddenly realized that death could no longer scare them.

When the sky was getting dark, Anduin Lothar took the little prince Varian Wrynn aboard the last ship and left Stormwind City.

Under the embers of the setting sun, the location of Stormwind Fortress suddenly burst out with a dazzling white holy light, and then quickly extinguished, leaving only burning fireworks in the entire Stormwind City.

After all, Stormwind City was overwhelmed by the tide of darkness, and young Varian grabbed Anduin Lothar's hand, feeling at a loss.

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