Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 57: I want to be heaven-defying today

The Alterac Mountains in July are the most beautiful scene, with flowers everywhere, cows and sheep on the ground. Countless young people who dream of getting ahead have gathered in Alterac City with the vision of becoming nobles or son-in-laws of nobles.

"The world's number one martial arts club? Uncle Aiden's head twitched?" Carlos was a little messy in the wind, what kind of thing is this.

"Our King, taking advantage of the influence of the Great Troll War's victory, has not dissipated, and has sent invitations to other kingdoms. This time, the selection of the Alterac Knights is not limited to the Alterac Kingdom. Others. Young people under the age of 20 in the kingdom can participate in the selection as long as they have official certification. I don’t know how Terenas thinks about it. After he nodded, the remaining kings also nodded and agreed.” Alex explained to his son. the whole story.

"To suppress my influence? I don't have such a big face yet." Carlos couldn't understand Aiden's arrangement.

"It doesn't matter, my father is full of confidence in you now. The more opponents you have, the stronger you are, doesn't it appear that you are more powerful?" Alex looked openly.

"My father, there must be something strange about this!" Carlos didn't feel good.

"It's not important. The secret report shows that Aiden and his queen are at least three times a day. What are the ancient panda recipes, night elves, and tauren fitness methods are messy and messy. It's useless. As long as you can't give birth to a son. , Everything is in vain. You just have to play with peace of mind, father will watch these things, Aiden don't want to make a wild breed to perfuse our Barov family." Alex said Haki sideways.

What you said makes sense, but I was speechless. Carlos felt that his father's passage was a bit too informative, and he needed time to digest it.

"Carlos, I wanted to give you this gift after you competed with Mr. Dathrohan, but my mother didn't want the gift to you to be flawed, so I didn't complete it until yesterday. I hope you like it." Janis motioned. The butler fetched a long box and handed it to Carlos.

Carlos opened the box.

Bonigoto Phantom Dancer: (The two-handed great sword forged by the dwarf forge master Seedorf. Tempered iron felt, after the second enchantment and quenching of Giannis Barov and the archmage square brick, the texture of enchanting mithril. Epic quality) Attack power 56~69, sharpness +7, armor penetration +3, sturdiness +4, fire resistance +3, cold absorption +1, light weight +2, magic damage +1. Permanent enchantment: powerful and sharp. Special effect: form curing. Special effect: ice shock. Special effect: phantom remains.

Special effect: form curing. It can absorb the energy of the flame to repair the damaged blade.

Special effect: ice shock. While the Bonigoto Phantom Dancer has collected the flames, the deep sea gems installed at the end of the hilt can also store the power of the cold. The secondary ice cone can be recharged in 48 hours, with a reserve of 1. The exclusive technical support provided by the Great Master Brick, bankruptcy legal skills, is trustworthy.

Special effect: phantom remains. Bonigoto Phantom Dancer will generate residual sword shadows during the swinging process. The enchanting effect is cured by Janis Barov.

Carlos held the Bonigotto Phantom Dancer whose appearance had changed dramatically, and was stunned. This gift was really unexpected. Although the attributes have not been improved by qualitative changes, the two new special effects are really cool and have no friends, especially the phantom residue. Although the phantom is not useful for the masters, the force is also part of the strength!

Carlos felt that he was invincible in the world.

Sure enough, only mother is good in the world.

Two days later, the world's number one martial arts club officially began. The improvised martial arts venue was filled with noble lords and ladies of all sizes. It was Aiden's palace chief who delivered the opening speech.

"First of all, welcome everyone to Alterac to watch the selection meeting of the Royal Knights. What makes this meeting different from previous years is that there are more people and stronger strength. Young men from various countries are gearing up, and the winner will be awarded by His Majesty Aiden. Canonized and become a glorious kingdom knight.

Secondly, before the start of the selection conference, let us warmly welcome the debut of the eldest son of the Grand Duke Alex of the Barov family, Baron Carlos Barov. With your testimony, Baron Carlos will complete his coming-of-age ceremony. Let us welcome our warriors with the warmest applause! "

Amidst enthusiastic applause, Carlos rode a tall horse into the arena, then stepped aside after going around the stadium.

Two wizards who served the Alterac royal family walked off the field and jointly cast spells and opened an unstable portal. An angry Yeti King rushed out of the portal and roared in the center of the venue.

"Ayden bastard! What does he want to do?" Alex was angry.

For boys from civilians, the coming-of-age ceremony is usually to hunt an Alterac snow wolf. The stronger ones will try to challenge the mountain lion; the boys from the noble family will train hard, serving as servants and excellent equipment. Kill a snowman with help, and shamelessly ask the thugs to beat the snowman half to death to make up for the head. The wizard opened the portal to make a Yeti King or he was bloodthirsty, which was enough for murder.

The two royal mages were also taken aback, and jumped up directly with superb performance, climbed to the stands, and fled the scene.

"Ayden, are you going to tear your face with me?" Alex forced his anger and walked to the king's side, lowering his voice to question.

"Alex, I'm not an idiot. This is an accident. The man I sent was just to pick a strong snowman for my dear nephew. Listen clearly, it's just a snowman! Snowman!" Aiden lay down his gun innocently. It was also a fire, God knows what the hunting squad did, how could it attract such a big guy.

"Guards, guards, prepare..."

Before Aiden finished speaking, the horrified audience suddenly cheered.

Carlos launched a charge against the snowman king who was four meters high.

"Oh my God!"

"What the bastard wants to do!"

Both Alex and Aiden were stunned.

Under the fist of the Snowman King, the horse was shot flying, Carlos took advantage of it and jumped onto the Snowman King's shoulder. Inserting the Phantom Dancer into the shoulder of the Snowman King, Carlos grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands and slid down.


In the howl of the Yeti King, its back was marked with a wound running through its buttocks.

The violent action tore more muscles, the blood rain swayed, the Snowman King turned around and punched hard, Carlos grabbed the sword and drew a magnificent and continuous phantom difference, and the phantom dancer drew the Snowman King's fist's thumb. , The pain caused the other fingers of the Snowman King to tremble unnaturally.

The audience cheered and shook the sky. Alex saw that his son hadn't lost the wind in the battle with the fierce beast. He adjusted his collar and watched calmly. Aiden also signaled that the guards are all right, why should he go.

The left foot was broken, the right foot was broken, and a cross-shaped wound was cut out of the waist and abdomen. The huge pain actually calmed down the Snowman King. Seeing the youngest son killed and the eldest son tied up, the angry king killed all the perpetrators and rushed into the opened portal. It's a pity that he didn't have time to vent his anger. The huge trauma made the king understand. If you don't think of something quickly, I will explain it here today.

Carlos walked carefully around the Snowman King, forcing the Snowman King to keep turning his body. The loss of blood has caused the Snowman King's movements to be somewhat slow.

The Snowman King took a deep breath and prepared to freeze the little man in front of him into a popsicle when he approached. But Carlos had no plans to approach the Yeti King head-on.

The Snowman King, who couldn't wait, could only breathe from a distance. The cold breath froze the moisture in the air and brought up pieces of snowflakes.

When his anger was frozen, Carlos leaped into the cold wind, and the Phantom Dancer cut into the neck of the snowman king who was breathing.

In the pain, the Yeti King waved his only intact arm in an attempt to push away the grinning little fairy in front of him, but Carlos dodged flexibly.

After opening the gap, pressing the Snowman King’s head, Carlos avoided the first swing.

Pulling out the Phantom Dancer, two gravity slashes, Carlos dodges the second swing.

The desperate Snowman King slammed up to the ground and tried to get rid of Carlos, but Carlos held his double horns, and the Phantom Dancer was thrown away.

The wound was too deep, and after a dying struggle, the Snowman fell to the ground feebly. After Carlos fell to the ground and rolled two laps to relieve his strength, facing the Snowman King, he backed up and picked up the Phantom Dancer again, and approached the Snowman King step by step.

With one knife, two knives, and three knives, the Snowman King's head was chopped off.

Inserting the Phantom Dancer on the ground soaked by Bloodline, Carlos held the two horns of the Snowman King and raised its huge head.

"Carlos! Carlos! Carlos!"

"Barov! Barov! Barov!"

Cheers were thunderous in the arena.

"Combat evaluation, SSS."

In the hustle and bustle, no one heard what Carlos said to himself.

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