Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 541: Mobius Circle

What should I do if I want to prove that I am friendly and not malicious?

Waiting online, but not in a hurry.

Because Medivh has its own code of conduct-I want to give you benefits, and you can't refuse.

The doors of all the worlds are open to the Astral Master, not a compliment, but a statement.

Medivh explained to Carlos all the details he could explain like Carlos, so Carlos at least no longer suspected that Medivh was disguised by a demon.

But still doubtful.


Except for the chaotic source, the slightly sensible life form, their behavior always has a purpose, even if it is because "I am happy."

Obviously, Medivh won't bother for this kind of fucking reason, and all his actions must be driven by huge interests.

Where are they all?

The second question is where are the Titan Guardians. At first glance, the style here is the style of Titans. The tens of meters high ceiling is obviously not for Azeroth humans like Carlos or Medivh. The huge maze-like building complex was empty, and where did the original owners go.

what happened?

What happened to Adal? In the end, Adal turned into white ashes. It was so unexpected that it was hard not to think of Medivh. What happened in the end, this is Carlos's last and most confused doubt.

In the past few days, Medivh’s hospitality has made Carlos realize what is called a great richness of material.

The servants of the strange races, all kinds of strange delicacies, and the wine pond meat forest are not enough to boast. They overwhelmed Haibo-kun with a smile.

Once Carlos laughed at the roe deer in Azeroth, now he is such a roe deer.

In the palace of the Titans, he is like the omnipotent -Kun Kun, who speaks with one word and follows the law.

This is great satisfaction.

But Carlos still did not forget the three major questions and the temptation to go home.

Before Carlos ran out of patience, Medivh took the initiative to find the door.

"Ready for words?"

"The overall situation is set, I can tell you."

"You speak, I listen."

"It was you who brought me victory, but the winner was [Ember without Fire] compiled by you, not Carlos Barov. Do you understand what I said?"

Medivh looked triumphant.

And Carlos understood.

The so-called cup ceremony is not that the dark armor protects oneself, but that oneself is covering the armor.

All the heroic spirits are heroes of the past or the future. There is nothing wrong with this. There is nothing wrong with Tim Mourning's summoning ceremony. The only problem lies with him, which is the hands and feet of Medivh.

He, Carlos Barov is not a hero, but a technician of [Ember without Fire], a human-shaped self-propelled plug-in, and an external thinking loop.

High, it is high.

Carlos was completely convinced by Medivh's play.

"So what's the point? A winner without a brain, what's the use of that ball?"

Carlos put away his joking expression and got serious.

"Of course it’s qualification certification. I didn’t deceive you. The Celestial Cup Ceremony is indeed a plan for the planet’s Titan Guardian to deal with the crisis. The planet’s Titan Guardian discovered that his legion was corrupted and directly Destroying one's own creation in a large area, all the existing plans are contaminated, so I came up with such a ritual, selecting powerful individuals from the races that have been damaged by the Burning Legion as the blueprint for selection in the show, and selecting a new generation of creations. Blueprints, and then mass-produced to form a legion."

Medivh whispered.

"To be honest, I think the Titan Guardian of this planet is much better than Azeroth's trash. If Odin has such courage, Azeroth doesn't need to worry about our leaving players."

After saying this, Medivh covered his forehead pretentiously, and then continued with a smile.

"On the third day after your arrival, an elite squad of the Burning Legion broke through the defense line and entered here. Because a large number of guards were destroyed by the Titan Guardians, those guards did not have enough power to encircle and suppress the enemy. So guard The players were on the court in person. Guess what the result was?"

Where to use guessing, simple logic questions.

"All annihilated?"

Although the tone of the interrogative sentence, Carlos has no doubts.

"Yes, whether it's the Titan Guardian or the Burning Legion Invader, it's dead, it's all dead."

Medivh’s joy was beyond words and could not be suppressed.

"So [Fireless Embers] has the current highest authority for this facility. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, there is something else that I don't understand, Master Medivh is a relic of Titan's creation.

No, where is this ruin, here is...

Carlos was a bit poor, but Medivh made a lot of money anyway.

"Is this your plan from the beginning?"

"How could it be possible that I went to slap Aggramar positively after my brain was drawn. At first I just wanted to steal from Titan...borrow all the information. I just didn't expect you to be so lucky to send such a big gift package to my hand. Come on. Don't worry, I will be paid adequately, my friend."

Medivh promised Carlos again.

So Carlos held back what he said to his lips.

Adal has turned to ashes, how about figuring out the truth?

"Destroying" Medivh?

The purpose of claiming life is nothing more than claiming benefits.

Medivh repeatedly promised that he would be paid in full, so why should Carlos destroy the current friendly atmosphere.

Let's enjoy life. When Medivh has solved the Emerald Dream, it is time to go home. The hard battle of Azeroth is still waiting for Carlos, and there will be no time to enjoy it.

As a result, Hu Tianhaidi's sorrows were awkward for five days, and Medivh informed Carlos that everything was ready.

In this way, Carlos, who was enjoying life the moment before, pushed away the maid who was stuck beside him without a trace of hesitation, put on the armor, took the weapon, and was ready to embark on the journey again.

Familiar place, in front of the door where Adal turned into ashes, the entrance to the Emerald Dream has been opened. After listening to Medivh's detailed explanation of the operation process, Carlos stepped into the Emerald Dream without hesitation and set foot on the way home.

Then, the door to the Emerald Dream was closed, and Medivh reduced the smile on his face and teleported to the outside of the Titan Palace.

Ten days' time is not enough to produce many troops. The sparse guards on the empty square look chilly, but actually there are hundreds of thousands of them.

The abilities of the Titan rioters are so terrifying.

But in front of Adal, who had come to the real body, such a number was meaningless.

When he came out, he would have to pay it back sooner or later, and Medivh knew this well.

"You are late, Carlos, I have already sent away."

Medivh said.

"Why do you do this?"

Adal's voice is still peaceful, but unlike the previous incarnation, the sparks of holy light from the huge body show that it is not calm.

"That one doesn't want you to go to Azeroth."

After Medivh said this sentence, the scene suddenly became cold.

Seeing that Adal had no direct signs of lifting the table, Medivh pointed his finger behind Adal.

Adal does not have organs such as head or eyes. Following the direction of Medivh's fingers, Naaru's perception spread out, and he found what Medivh wanted it to see outside the planet's atmosphere.

A fleet.

"I have put the coordinates of Draenor in. Now, this fleet belongs to you, Adal."

Medivh is not afraid of Adal, but a stalemate with Adal will not bring him any benefit, so he chooses to stop Ning Ren.

"Did you not consider that your indiscretion would kill Carlos?"

Adar asked.

"It's his own choice. What you can give him is no better than what I give him."

Medivh replied.

So, Adal left.

With a complete sigh of relief, Medivh teleported himself to the very core of the Titan Palace-in front of the Genesis Engine.

There, a mini-naru who was not much bigger than the previous incarnation of Adal was working.

"I have fulfilled my obligations, now it's up to you to fulfill your promises."

Medivh said.

Mini Naru did not respond to Medivh's words, but continued to work.

Medivh clenched his fists and turned to leave.

All this has nothing to do with Carlos.

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