Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 542 A long and strange journey (1)

Helping Medivh get the technology of Titan, the benefits of the Astral Master are self-evident.

But Carlos was not jealous. He could not play with how much he had the ability to wear and how much hat he had in that Titan base.

Besides, Medivh treats himself not badly.

Everything he did was just part of the transaction, and the end result was that Medivh sent himself back to Azeroth.

Medivh fulfilled his promise and gave himself some of the backhands he had left in Azeroth.

This wave is not a loss.

Well, no loss.

Forcibly not to lose.

Carlos grinned, MMP in his heart.

There is no sun and moon alternation, no morning or evening, because there is no reference in the Emerald Dream, Carlos has lost his sense of time.

Medivh, a liar...

It's not a good swish, then a ah, it's crackling at best, and an accident is nothing more than a jingle, then aha, and it's back to Azeroth.

Surviving in the Wilderness Now: What's the situation with Carlos Grylls' Food Adventure? !

Breathing the sweet air of the emerald dream and living a comfortable life of beating roe deer and scooping fish, Carlos thought about life.

Since when did I lose my guidance coordinates, I don't know it.

The Emerald Dream is a mysterious existence, and being a planetary blueprint is only one of its functions. A planet with an Emerald Dreamland, the size of the original Emerald Dreamland is as big as the planet, plus the subsequent DLC, it can be considered that the Emerald Dreamland is physically larger than the planet itself.

Without positioning coordinates, let alone crossing back to Azeroth from the Emerald Dream of the alien planet, even returning to the material world requires luck.

How could Carlos lose such an important thing so easily?

What's more, after the loss, it actually requires contemplation to remember that the positioning coordinates were lost!

What's wrong.

Carlos felt the anomaly instinctively, but couldn't find where the anomaly existed.

So after thirty-three meals, Carlos, who was addicted to food, remembered that he still had the Holy Light.

So, in the brilliant light, Carlos woke up.

Dream in a dream!

I fell into a dream in the emerald dream.

Looking at the mysterious magic rune on his arm, it was the positioning coordinates that Medivh left for him, Carlos remembered.

Unlike Malfurion, he enters the emerald dream with his body and spirit, so he is different from the druid, because of the inconsistency between the mind and the body, there is a dream in a dream.

It's really dangerous.

If you can't wake up, the spirit is indulged in dreams, and the body is wandering in the emerald dream, God knows what the consequences will be, but it is not expected to be too good anyway.

Because the biggest enemy of this planet is the Burning Legion, and it has not been parasitized by things such as the ancient gods, there are not many [enemy] in this emerald dream.

But the Emerald Dream itself was not friendly to Carlos. A small dismissal made Carlos a cold sweat.


At the same time, Carlos noticed one thing.

His holy light turned white.

No, it turned yellow.

No, it's not green anyway.

Looking back on it carefully, it seems that after leaving Draenor, or after meeting Medivh, something changed in himself.

But these things are not a top priority, and Carlos is not too concerned.

It is more important to continue the journey.

Following the guidance of the positioning coordinates, I don't know how long I have been walking. After feeling exhausted, Carlos cautiously left two holy light cyclones in his body, one clockwise and the other counterclockwise.

After about 36 million revolutions, the two holy light cyclones will collide with each other, and the shock will be enough to awaken oneself.

So Carlos fell asleep again.

However, this time I have no dreams.

After waking up, Carlos continued on the road, and finally reached the foot of a towering giant tree root before being tired again, followed the thick roots and entered the tree hole, a strange feeling stung his heart, Carlos suddenly turned his head back. Run out of the tree hole...

Azeroth is back.

Without any reason, Carlos just understood that this emerald dream was no longer the other emerald dream, and he was back.

Raising his arm to take a look, the positioning coordinates left by Medivh were gone. It seemed that he had exhausted his energy while passing through two emerald dreams and disappeared into the invisible.

But in a daze, Carlos always has an unreal illusion, and something is wrong.

what is it?

The Emerald Dream is too mysterious, and Carlos's understanding of it only comes from the game experience of the previous life.

It can be said that the Emerald Dream is the existence that touches the blind spot of Carlos's knowledge.

As for spirit, dreams, imaginary space, etc., it is very difficult to understand three-dimensional life forms. This is a limitation determined by life forms.

Obviously he has gone home, and he can return to Azeroth as long as he finds the green dragon. What's wrong in the end?

Are you suspicious of your own gains and troubles, or is something really happening?

Just as time loses its meaning without a reference, Carlos can't determine what is going on with his inner anxiety without valid information.

Holy light in case of unresolved situation.

Carlos, who was trying to enter the meditation state, finally found out what was wrong.

Both soul and body...

He is now in the state of soul or spirit, so he doesn't have the positioning coordinates left by Medivh. And his body, perhaps because of the shock caused by passing through the Emerald Dream, or because of other reasons, was lost somewhere in the Emerald Dream.

My inner anxiety is precisely because of this reason!

Fear comes from the unknown.

After understanding the problem, instead of panic, Carlos began to enjoy the strangeness in front of him.

Because the paladin tempers the spirit and the body all the year round, and the body and the soul fit together, this is also one of the main reasons why the paladin can resist the attack of the devil spirit.

Without a single trace of awareness in this way, the soul and the body are separated, which is a novel experience for Carlos. Observing the world through the five senses and directly observing the world through the soul are two completely different feelings.

I want to fly.

Then fly.

In the Emerald Dream, the stage is as big as the heart is. When Carlos thinks, he gets rid of the shackles of gravity.

No wonder Malfurion is addicted to sleep and has no intention of paying public food...

In the Emerald Dream, every free soul is his own master and the god of the world.


The invigorating experience brought the joy of stirring the soul. After playing for a while, Carlos stopped, relying on the natural connection between the soul and the body to determine the position.

After all, the Emerald Dream of Azeroth is not peaceful, and the long-tongued man of Xavius ​​is the nightmare of this world.

However, considering the issue of time, the ancient gods have not been so deeply corroded by the world tree, and there is no need to worry too much.

Carlos embarked on the journey to find the flesh in a happy mood.

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