Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 543: A Long and Strange Journey (2)

People who have no far-sightedness must have near-worries, and the same is true for demigods.

Cenarius wandered through the Emerald Dream, feeling the strange fluctuations in his heart, and then trot all the way to the side of the feeling where the weirdness occurred.

Then he saw his mother's figure.


Starting abruptly, but stopping abruptly, Cenarius was in a mixed mood.

How many years, how many years have not seen Elune's figure.

Is it true joy or the enemy's vicious tricks?

Cenarius didn't know.

So he stopped.

Most people who are qualified to contact Cenarius know that he is Malorne's son.

The strongest demigod creature, the White Deer Malorne, known as the God of Journey, Archimonde is the only strongest individual in Azeroth who dare not face the enemy.

As a child of Malorne, Cenarius was born with the responsibility and mission to defend the world of Azeroth.

As a result, many people mistakenly believe that Ysera, the green dragon queen, is his mother.

This is actually a misunderstanding.

Although Cenarius was indeed raised by Ysera, the root power of the Druid Way that he was good at also came from the Emerald Dream guarded by Ysera, and Ysera really admired Malorne...

But Cenarius' life experience was even more bizarre.

Because his mother was Elune, the "moon god", this was confirmed by Malorne himself.

But even for the insider, the bigwigs who knew Cenarius' life experience would not know that Cenarius was indeed Elune's child, but not Elune's "conceived" child.

Perhaps the word creation is more appropriate.

Cenarius is a creation created by Elune based on Malorne.

One of the core missions is to guard the Emerald Dream.

In utilitarian terms, it was Elune's tool for trying to intervene in the Emerald Dream.

I have forgotten how long, Elune hasn't used an avatar to show up in front of other people for a long time.

Although the moon priestess of the Sisterhood of Elune, including Tyrande, could still pray for Elune's power from the Moon God, Elune hadn't shown her will for a long time.

Even to his child Cenarius.

The sudden happiness made Cenarius' eyes a bit sore.

It shouldn't be the trajectory of those Sartre, how can such a figure be disguised by those demons...


After calculating for a moment, Cenarius walked towards Elune's avatar in small steps.

It was still the figure that looked like a night elf, it was still the misty and dreamy clothes, it was still the beauty that couldn't be seen directly, it was still the calm and indifferent temperament.

Cenarius approached Elune, bowed on his forefoot, longing for his mother's attention.

But Elune just stood there, standing by the lake, watching the water quietly.

The scenery is picturesque, but the world is annoying.

After a long time, Elune stretched out his hand and Cenarius understood, turning his head to look at the water.

In the reflection, everything Elune wanted to tell the child came into Cenarius' eyes.

When Cenarius recovered, there was still a figure of the Moon God by the lake.

For a while, Cenarius didn't know whether this was real or dreamy, leaving only endless sighs.

And the mission that must be accomplished.

Send a human out of the Emerald Dream.

Except Ysera, it is extremely dangerous for any entity to enter the Emerald Dream. Even Cenarius himself, if not necessary, would never drag his body into the Emerald Dream.

Because the Emerald Dream is essentially a real virtual world.

Dragging an individual in the material world into the Emerald Dream is equivalent to formatting the individual in the material world, which is very dangerous. Even in the Furious Wolf Rebellion, Cenarius helped his disciple Malfurion suppress the night elves’ werewolf druids, only to sleep those werewolf druids under the world tree instead of dragging them into the emerald dream.

In layman's terms, it is to pull into the gap.

Cenarius's druid power is, in a sense, interstitial power.

Relying on some overlapping parts of the material world and the Emerald Dream, the druids created some interstitial spaces that were both the real world and the Emerald Dream. Using these interstitial spaces, the druids traveled between the real world and the Emerald Dream, achieving the effect of fast travel around Azeroth.

And this kind of interstitial space is the entrance to the emerald dream of all the population, such as those dream gates stationed by the green dragon army in Feralas, the Hinterlands and other places.

But I’m too lazy to explain, the Emerald Dream is actually not physically connected to the real world.

So Cenarius was a little curious about how the human body plunged into the Emerald Dream.

Waved his hand to gather his strength, Cenarius opened a hole to the depths of the Emerald Dream.

Stepping into it, a desolate atmosphere made Cenarius' hairs blow up.

This is the real emerald dream. There is no green dragon, no tree demon, no strange dream creatures, and only the vast world and still time.

Here is the original copy of Azeroth left after the Titans settled the Elemental Rebellion and rebuilt the order.

Based on the clues given by Elune, Cenarius quickly found the human body in a broken world.

The tall demigod only held up the body with his palms, but Cenarius couldn't help frowning.

This is a hollow body without a soul.

Where is the human soul?

Even Malfurion Stormrage and Hamuul Runetotem could not understand the instincts, Cenarius noticed that Ysera had noticed the anomaly.

But Elune's will cannot be violated, so Cenarius could no longer protect the stability of the Emerald Dream.

All this must be resolved before Ysera notices it.

Finding a lost soul in Azeroth may be an unimaginably difficult task, but in the Emerald Dream, things are not that troublesome.

Because of the world tree.

Cenarius let go of his speed and sprinted forward, thinking of the World Tree running. It seemed that after a Ten Thousand Years, it seemed that it was only three or two steps before he arrived at his destination.

Feeling the breath of Cenarius, the roots and branches of the World Tree automatically hovered into the shape of an altar. Cenarius said that the human body in his hand was placed on it, and the communication with the World Tree began.

As a result, the malice from the center of the earth stung Cenarius' nerves.

The corrosion is getting worse.

Things must be resolved before those disgusting things and bad guys notice the deep Emerald Dream.

Cenarius said that all his energy was poured into the world tree. At this time, he seemed to be the whole world, spreading his thoughts, scanning the entire Emerald Dream like a radar wave, and Cenarius was confused.





Where is the soul of this body?

The act of using the power of the World Tree completely caught Ysera's attention, and the guardian of the dream was coming.

There was nothing in the matter itself that could not be told to others, but Elune asked Cenarius to keep secret, which created a contradiction.

Strange, where did this human soul go?

Withdrawing his insight from the world tree, Cenarius was puzzled and perplexed.

Suddenly, Cenarius thought of a place.

Perhaps the answer is there.

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