Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 544: A Long and Strange Journey (3)

Time is not an independent attribute, but a reference factor.

Time is space, and the two are just different ways of expressing the same thing.

Only by understanding this can we understand the nature of time flow.

A simple example.

For a distance of one thousand kilometers, if you have a speed of one kilometer per unit time, then you can complete the movement from the starting point A to the end B in one thousand unit time. This thousand unit time is your journey The reference scale.

And it is meaningless in itself, only by spreading it over a distance of this thousand kilometers, can you be able to specify your sports situation. And to visualize the displacement that occurs in this space, this period of time becomes "history."

History has nothing to do with time, only people and things are involved.

It’s not difficult to understand if you use your brain a little. Time is just a word created out of thin air by the intelligent race to facilitate self-recognition and understanding.

The development and change process of things has nothing to do with time, and time lags behind this process.

For the same thousand kilometers, when your speed reaches one thousand kilometers per unit time, then for people whose speed is only one kilometer per unit time, you are the god of time.

You can appear out of thin air at the starting point of his front, back, left, and right end points. At this moment, you can face him and make a face, and the next moment you can go behind him and kick his side.

This is the essence of time, a coefficient of comparison and reference, which depends on the existence of space.

This is also the biggest secret of the bronze dragon. The flow of time is dependent on the existence of the Emerald Dream. Only by relying on the spatial attributes of the Emerald Dream that are both independent of Azeroth and interconnected, can the bronze dragon have the ability to travel through the flow of time.

But apart from Nozdormu, the king of bronze dragons, almost all bronze dragons do not understand this principle.

Carlos strolled through the Emerald Dream, followed the guidance of his heart, and unknowingly walked into the Uzumaki of the flow of time.

In the past, in the future, countless things that have happened that have not happened and are about to happen, a summary of all possibilities.

Suddenly, the word copy appeared in Carlos's mind.

Countless Azeroths, Jaina the Lich Queen, Hogg the Great Jackal, Illidan the Lord of Light...

The truth of the Great Enchantment of Azeroth is that in a closed space, Titan confuses the development process of things.

Azeroth is a huge testing ground.

There are countless possibilities, through continuous self-evolution, to find the final solution. the answer 42?

He was silent for a moment, and Carlos put the 42's stalk behind him.

This is really amazing, how did I break through the layers of blockade to get here?

As a three-dimensional creature, how to achieve the time flow that can theoretically be set by five-dimensional creatures?

Carlos couldn't understand everything in front of him.

But he does not need to understand, because everything about him is an arranged process. Through means that he cannot detect, some information factors that did not exist in the world of Azeroth dial out his soul and blend into the flow of time. Takes the call of the ancients.

Amansur, wake up!

It was also at this moment that the thoughts that had been suppressed lingered in his heart, and Carlos finally remembered the key issue that was deliberately ignored-what about the system? !

After escaping from Delano Archimonde, he seemed to have forgotten the existence of the system.

No, it is not simply forgotten, but the system setting has been deleted.

And at this moment, leilaleila, system -kun it's coming again.

But before Carlos could think about it, a huge suction began to drag his soul.

In a trance, Carlos saw the huge dragon, saw the dark Uzumaki minions, saw all kinds of weirdness, and then he felt tired.

Opening his eyes again, there was an ugly and handsome face in front of him.


"Praise Elune, you finally woke up."

"What am I?"

Without extra explanation, Cenarius grabbed Carlos and put it on his back, and immediately there were branches and vines that fixed Carlos's body.

Then Cenarius began to rush into the wilderness.

"what happened?"

Carlos's memory was a little confused, his intelligence was only seventy-nine at a time, and his whole person was muddled.

"You take a rest and wait until I send you out."

Cenarius was not paying attention to Carlos, but carefully guarding his surroundings.

You run up and shake like this, I have a rest?

Carlos's IQ quickly recovered, and his ability to vomit in a short period of time has been restored.

So, one person, one deer, fell into silence for a while.

Carlos recalled, Cenarius was on guard.

Although the atmosphere was very tense, no accident happened along the way. So, there was a crash, it felt like going to the supermarket and passing the curtain of the door, what was different in the world.

Then Cenarius opened Carlos Song to the ground.

"Don't walk around here, I'll be back when I go."

After the instruction, Cenarius cast the spell with both hands, opened a portal, and walked into it.

Then, Carlos, who was messy in the wind, felt like he was a generation shorter. He looked around and found that he was in an empty grassland.

The lawn under the feet has a wonderful symbol through the change of color.

The sky was blue as washing, and the air was full of sweet smells.

This is Mazuki...Ah, it's the breath of freedom.

"The Emerald Dream...?"

"Yes, this is the Emerald Dream."


Carlos turned his head inwardly, Cenarius was already standing behind him.

It's really amazing to go back without going...

"I know you, the king of mortals."

"I also know you, Son of the Moon God, Cenarius."

With the blurted words, Carlos suddenly knew something was wrong.

It is not a secret that Cenarius is Malorne's child. There is a record in the book, but the fact that Cenarius is the son of Elune is not even 10,000 years old to know.

To suffer!

Just awake, my brain is not good, talking nonsense, something is going to happen! ! !

But beyond Carlos's expectation, Cenarius was not surprised by the fact that he knew the Son of the Moon God, and he didn't even mean to ask.

"How can you physically enter the Emerald Dream? This is extremely dangerous."

Cenarius asked.

"I have no idea."

It's not that I don't know the reason, but I don't know how to say it.

Everything was too weird, Carlos could only omit some things that he couldn't say, choose the rest to talk about, and talk about the matter roughly.

"Kromi... the bronze dragon... well, it doesn't seem strange to have a relationship with them. Let's be more specific, I will send you out now."

Just like the matrix of instant vision, four huge portals rose out of nothing, mountains and rivers suddenly appeared, and the fragrance of birds and flowers came.

It's simply... there must be light.

Cenarius cast a small spell, and Carlos became a little treant, and then Cenarius summoned a team of treants and laughter sisters, let Carlos get involved in it, and then walked into it. A portal.

Walking out of the portal, many dragon soldiers of the Green Dragon Legion were guarding the surroundings. A green dragon found Cenarius and bowed his head to greet him, and then said something in dragon language, Cenarius replied a few words, and then left straight away.

After walking for about half an hour, Cenarius watched his surroundings vigilantly, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"There are still some troubles that need to be finished. I won't escort you away. My children will protect you back to human society, so don't live here."

After that, Cenarius disappeared into Carlos's field of vision at an unscientific speed.

"Uh...Where is this place?"

"The Hinterlands."

A dryad answered Carlos's question.

The Hinterlands.

Carlos looked up at the sky, where the dream began.

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