Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 547 Card Dingyuan, get to know.

From Quel'Danas in North Blue to the Cape of Stranglethorn in Booty Bay, an iron curtain across the Eastern Kingdom has come down. Behind this line is the capital of Amani and Gurubashi. Zuaman, Sinsaro, Zurg Laboon-all these vicissitudes of life cities and their inhabitants are all within the Zandalar's sphere of influence, not only succumbing to the influence of Zandalar in one form or another , But also under the increasing high pressure control of Zuldazar. Only Zul'Farrak, exuding its democratic splendor, freely determines its future in the eyes of every citizen of the night elves, humans, and goblins.

If Carlos were to write an anti-Zandalar speech, he would write it like this.

Because Zandalar at this time has not lifted his veil of mystery. Even the night elves have forgotten the most terrifying enemy in the long years.

The ancient trolls only had two empires, one was the Amani Empire, the other was the Gurubashi Empire, and the Zandalar clan, which was never an empire.

The original meaning of the word Zandalar is the preserver of knowledge.

Before the cataclysm of Heaven and Earth, or a little further, before the night elves found the Well of Eternity, the main theme of the ancient continent of Azeroth was the long war between the trolls and the Aqirs.

The two troll empires of Amani and Gurubashi are divided into two parts because of geographical barriers. One part belongs to the trolls north of the Zandalar Mountains, the Amani troll; the other belongs to the Zandalar. The troll south of the mountains, the Gurubashi troll.

As for the Zandalar clan, because the city Zuldazar that lives in is the only gap in the Zandalar mountain range that stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers, it has naturally become the node center for the integration and communication of the two troll civilizations of Amani and Gurubashi.

Thus, Zandalar naturally became the record and inheritor of the troll civilization-the priest clan.

Don't be fooled by the night elves' bragging rights. Although the magic is awesome, it is not so awesome.

The reason is simple. With the help of the bronze dragon, the night elves have not been able to completely win the battle of the quicksand.

You know, Ahn'Qiraj was only a trivial group of Aqir people back then, and the Amani Empire and the Gurubashi Empire were fighting each other at the same time, pressing the Aqir people on the ground and rubbing them.

Only after defeating the Aqir people, the many evil consequences brought about by the blood god worship corroded the foundation of the two empires, and only then did the night elf Kaldorei empire rise.

It should be understood that when the troll empire fell, the trolls killed by the night elves were not even used for blood sacrifices in the two empires.

The chief culprit that destroyed the troll empire was Hakkar, the spiritual corruption of the Ten Thousand Years on the Soul Reaver. The night elves were just the last straw that crushed the camel.

Unfortunately, this history has become a legend with the explosion of the Well of Eternity.

Except for the lingering Zandalar clan, the other trolls have forgotten their glory.

When the sky and the earth broke apart, the ancient Kalimdor continent was torn apart, the area inhabited by the Zandalar clan was thrown into the endless sea, and the Zandalar mountain range that once stretched continuously became a group of islands in the vast ocean.

The Zandalar clan, which had lost contact with other tribesmen, split the night elves' conquest with the new Kaldorei Empire, but was also on the verge of civil strife.

Just as I mentioned before, don't believe the night elves' bragging, let alone the Zandalar troll's self-praising.

What is the successor of imperial civilization, nonsense.

After discovering that they had lost contact with Amani and Gurubashi, the Zandalar clan who elected overseas naturally split. The four largest clans fought each other for thousands of years in order to compete for the right to rule. No one can do anything about it. In the case of thoroughly conquering the other three, they had to join forces in the end.

Although the internal friction is constant, the Zandalari troll has also bumped through the Ten Thousand Years time.

It wasn't until the last few hundred years, when the overseas territories had been exhausted, that the Zandalari troll remembered his former relatives.

As a result, rowing a boat around the world to find a circle...

Huh? !

You said that I am such a priestly clan, a civilized troll who speaks but does not use hands, how can I become a beacon of hope?

The Zandalar clan, stimulated by the misery of the poor relatives, began to vigorously support other trolls scattered around.

It is a pity that Aman, the successor of the Amani Empire, was defeated by the high elves and human forces in one fell swoop. After six hundred years of repeated cleanings, it is already impossible to support Adou; the ascendant Zulge Laboon in Stranglethorn Vale is always covered by the shadow of the blood god worship. On the heads of Gurubashi successors; Zul'Falak, the desert troll city south of Thousand Needles, directly killed Zandalar’s ​​messengers. The descendants of these real Gurubashi trolls have not forgotten Ten Thousand Years The sins of Zandalar before.

At this time, the Zandalar clan really wanted to help their compatriots, but they were both used and rejected by their compatriots.

Until they discovered the existence of Sinsaro.

To be precise, it is the existence of the evil moss clan conquering the Sinsalor evil branch clan for the human alliance.

The cycle of cause and effect is retribution.

It was Carlos who defeated the Hinterland to clean up a large number of superior trolls who believed in the LOA god. As a result, the Hinterland troll who suspended the blood sacrifice in a short period of more than ten years recovered the population even more.

Sure enough, kill the troll, the troll is more professional.

It is precisely because of the incompleteness of the ruling class that Zandalar sees a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an opportunity to integrate the evil moss, evil branches, and deadwood clan.

Therefore, Zandalar sent an expedition team to help Luther King, the leader of the moss troll, complete the unification of the trolls in the northern kingdom of the eastern kingdom.

The time, the right place, and the harmony of people, this time are all on the side of the troll.

First of all, Terenas' dog-biting strategy gave Luther King the opportunity to gather his strength in a fair manner.

Secondly. The Hinterland is full of lofty mountains in the north and south, with the sea to the east, and only the winding mountain trail to the west is connected to the Hillblad hills.

Finally, because of Zandalar’s ​​endorsement, whether it was the out-of-human Zuaman or the out-of-thing Zulg Laboon, they all reached out to Luther King, not to mention that Zandalari brought a lot of evil moss trolls. Missing spellcaster.

The time, the place, and the people are perfect. As long as the power assembly is completed, Luther King can switch his guns, swipe the Eagle's Nest Mountain, and block the Hinterland Pass before the Human Alliance reacts, then the whole game of chess will be played.

With the support of the entire Hinterland, Zuaman in the north will have a better life, and the revival of the trolls has taken a crucial step.

Very realistic and feasible plan.

In the Hinterlands, a storm is gathering, the Alliance of Lordaeron is about to suffer an unexpected blow, and Luther King and Zandalar are imagining the future.

And Carlos is calculating how to get rid of these thousands of Zandalari trolls.

Laozi's dog, Laozi kicks, you can't touch it.

Luther King had counted a thousand things, the only thing that hadn't been counted was that his master had returned.

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