Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 548 Which one is better in balancing German technology?

Mi Luen is a cute girl, not only because she is cute and cute, but also because she is a hopelessly cute material control.

But if you think Milune is a mascot with no arms around her because she likes small animals, you would be wrong.

Miluen really doesn't like it and is not suitable for fighting, especially one-on-one solo fights. There are character reasons as well as professional talent problems.

But this does not mean that Miluen has no fighting ability.

Because she is the strongest balance druid among Cenarius's men, dare to laugh that Malfurion is as strong as a trash.

Through the communication between Milune and the small animals and the sensory feedback of the trees and the Hinterland Forest, Master Carlos followed the actions of the Zandalari troll.

And all of this made Carlos feel a sense of confusion that one drink and one peck are made by nature.

This Hinterland is the home of the trolls, and it is also the place where I have fought.

In order to establish prestige and victory, Carlos, who was only fourteen years old, traveled all over the mountains and rivers of the Hinterland. The lake of memories was full of waves, as if young and crazy just yesterday.

If the destination of the Zandalari troll is Sinshalo, there are three alternative paths. Considering that they carry a large amount of supplies, there is only one path that they can actually walk --- Valley Three.

It doesn't matter what Valley No. 3 originally called. The Alterac army's battle map marked it as No. 3. Then Carlos naturally called it that way.

It’s unrealistic to escort a large amount of cargo across the mountains from the East Blue coast. Even the Zandalari Master Troll’s core technology will not dry up the stupidity of raining mountains and meeting water to build bridges. You can walk hard gravel roads along dry river valleys. It is the choice of normal people.

The No. 3 Valley is an excellent ambush location.

Because it doesn't go there, the troll needs to go around at least a hundred kilometers.

At present, when the enemy is in the dark, Carlos judged that the Zandalari troll had not discovered his existence and would not do such thankless things.

This gives Carlos a great deal of space to operate.

The total of the tree spirits and tree men who followed to protect Carlos is less than thirty. It seems that his safety is more than enough at present, but it is a pipe dream to defeat more than a thousand Zandalari trolls head-on.

To borrow a famous saying - even a thousand pigs can't be killed for three days and three nights.

Therefore, if you want to complete this seemingly impossible task, it becomes an inevitable option with the help of nature's extraordinary craftsmanship.

The tree people have been transforming the environment without sleep for two consecutive days.

The elite treants selected by Cenarius and the dull treants produced under natural conditions are obviously not the same species. Once rooted, trees are also a good hand, at least Carlos can't tell the difference between trees and treants.

In this way, at the scheduled ambush site, more than one hundred treants disguised as forests and took root on the slopes of both sides of the valley. As long as the roots are pulled up, the first wave of attacks will be completed by mudslides.

Then, while disguising traces, the dryads were also constantly calming the beasts in the Hinterlands. Milun alone had fooled five big cocks into the camp.

Ah, what a big grunt, it's five owl beasts.

The other Laughing Sisters also bewitched and controlled many large and medium-sized animals such as Timberwolves, Bison and Tigers.

At this point, Carlos has a theoretical chance of winning.

As long as the Treant is launched at a good time, divide the troll queue passing by the No. 3 Valley ambush site into two with mudslides. It is best to bury a part directly, and then use the beast to attack, Carlos can take the opportunity to eat half of the likes. Dara, the remaining half will lose the initiative on the battlefield regardless of whether they stick to or flee in the panic. Coupled with the location of the valley, there is no other way but to retreat. Morale vented, and the enemy was nothing more than a chicken.

And Carlos's purpose of attacking Zandalar was not because of the ancient reason of eating and sleeping and beating trolls, but also to understand what happened.

Although it is known that something has happened, there is no way to clarify the next course of action without the definitive information.

Moreover, Carlos still has the final confidence --- the Green Dragon Legion.

At the bridgehead of Stormwind City, statues of five heroes have been erected. The old friends of the past have been separated.

It was also true that Falstad was trapped in Draenor with the spirit of the Wildhammer dwarves, and Eagle's Nest was forced to ask the Alliance for help.

So the Wildhammer dwarves don't have to think about it.

Carlos thought so, and the troll thought so.

But the only difference with the troll is that the troll ignores the existence of the green dragon, and Carlos knows that the Hinterland is stationed with an entire army of green dragons.

Although the process of Cenarius taking himself out of the Emerald Dream was full of weirdness, even without the name Cenarius, Carlos still had the qualification to talk to the green dragon.

Don't forget, the dragons owed Carlos favor for the red, green and blue beating of the big cousin.

So let Miluen help bring a message, Carlos believes that the green dragon still has a face.

Plan and act later, this is the difference between a brave man and a brash man.

It's a pity that preparations are never enough. Carlos feels that there are more details that can be perfected. The Zandalari troll has already arrived.

Some pack beasts that did not belong to the Eastern Kingdom carried large bags and small bags. Driven by the Zandalari trolls, they walked in two rows in mighty rows in the valley.

There are a thousand people, and the sky is tens of thousands of people, boundless.

The double column of more than 1,000 people stretched out a full two kilometers in length. Carlos observed it and made a bold decision.

He gave up his plan to cut off the Zandalar troll in half, and instead let the Zandalar Raptor knights and well-equipped tall troll warriors with about two hundred people who looked very impressive in the front row over, and signaled. The tree man started.

The dirt and rolling stones that had long been loosened by the treants' roots whizzed down with huge kinetic energy, and the attack without warning disrupted the Zandalar troll's position.

It is a pity that these Zandalar trolls are not their waste compatriots. The sudden mudslide did not cause any casualties. All Zandalar trolls reacted as soon as the upheaval happened and escaped from the scope of the mudslide. Only a few dull pack beasts died here.

Carlos sipped softly and waved his big hand, the wild beast coalition was launched.

Because only the elites in front of Zandalar were cut off, the formation of the troll team in the second half of Carlos's attack was still very long.

At the same time, because the number of trolls to face is much larger than planned, the number of beast alliances and treants is somewhat insufficient.

Just when Carlos was about to take a deep breath and rush into the enemy's line, Miluen gave Carlos a big surprise.

Miluen, who had been yelling that there was no bunny hugged to death along the way, after a long preparation for singing, cast a large star fall, and taught the Zandalari trolls why they want to "just hit Germany."

With just one blow, more than three hundred trolls died on the spot, and the pressure on the treants, the dryads, and the tame beasts was drastically reduced.

You’re not Milune, but you are Elune, are you? !

Carlos looked at Miluen with some caution, but Miluen's fawn-like lower body fell directly on the ground.

"I'm going to hug the little rabbit now! Now! Here! Just! Yes!"

Seeing Miluen who started to be so cute because of her loss of strength, Carlos felt that he was thinking too much.

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