Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 549: Everyone For Me

Roughly estimated, in Sintharone, the Evil Branch Troll wrapped up the Witherwood Troll to piece together about 20,000 troops.

A bunch of waste.

This is the Moss Troll's view of Sinsalor's defensive power.

After seeing the wildness of the orcs and the tenacity of the alliance, the Tustingos can no longer be afraid of this kind of children's house-to-house fighting, let alone excitement.

Although he had doubts about Luther King's request to forcefully attack the gate of Sinsaro, Gotta King had no doubts about the battle itself.

The two-month siege was effective, and it seemed that the effect was pretty good.

At least when the Tastingou mercenary group began to attack, the bows and arrows on the wall were ordinary and not a threat at all.

Of course, it may not be because the long-term siege has weakened the morale of the Sinsalor's defenders, but the relationship between Tustingo and the sword.

This is one of the reasons why Luther King must deal with Gotta King.

Although Tastingo served the Barov family, it was not Alterac's regular army, but a mercenary group, mercenaries who took money to do things.

So while this facilitated the enslavement of the trolls by the Grand Duke of Alterac, it also bypassed some high-level barriers.

Such as equipment.

Originally, the best equipment of the alliance could not be given to Tastingo, to the trolls.

But because it is a mercenary group and the master who takes money to do things, the Tustingos got a lot of "eliminated" armaments from Stratholme with the help of some of Alterac's royal merchants.

One set for today and one set for tomorrow. In the long years, the Tastingou, whose number has been fluctuating on the line of two thousand, has become a heavy-duty army.

With Sinsalor’s spiked arrow, why did it penetrate the steel-covered body of Tastingo?

So in order to use Tastin Gou for my use, Go Tajin must die.

The better Tustingo's performance on the battlefield, the firmer Luther King's ideas become.

"Damn it? Where is the gunfire suppression? Is it hard for Dejin to expect us to climb the city wall?"

Tustin Gou, who had completed the removal of obstacles in front of the city gate, waited and waited, but couldn't wait for the follow-up artillery troops. Doubts and dissatisfaction spread in Gotajin's heart.

"Send someone to ask about the situation."

After arranging for his subordinates to leave, Gottajin looked up at the tall city wall of Sinsaro.

"Then what shall we do next?"

When other subordinates asked about it, Gottajin was silent.

Because he didn't know what to do.

The battle is not fought like this.

But he could not show his confusion.

Because he is the leader, the leader can cry and be weak behind his back, but as long as he stands in the foreground, he must shine brightly.

"Wait another quarter of an hour, the artillery will not come up, we will directly attack. Let Luther King see how powerful Tustingo is."

Gottajin's decision was not a perfect judgement in the military, but it saved his life.

The deputy who had betrayed him silently put away the poisonous blade.

Because Luther King gave him the order that Gotta King would kill him as long as he retreated.

Head, don't be surprised, everything is for the glory of the ancestors.

If you find a suitable excuse for your betrayal, you will feel less shaken in your heart.

The glory of the troll, the glory of the ancestors, the glory of the past, these things are too easy to confuse people.

The entire Tastin Gou did not know how many people were bought by Luther King, and Go Takin seemed to be kept in the dark.

The storm comes at a price.

Sinsaro's defenders didn't have the guts to fight close to Tastingo's tin cans, and they still dared to push the ladder on the city wall.

A quarter of an hour later, Gou Tajin ordered a siege.

After trying to blow up the city gate with a small number of explosive kits to no avail, Gou Tajin gave up that trace of delusion.

Let's be honest.

The difference in combat effectiveness was too great. After paying hundreds of people's damage, Tustin Gou's first warrior stepped on the first-tier city wall of Sinsaro.

Sinsaro is a city built on a mountain. It is a bit like a mountain castle during the Sengoku period in Japan. A full five-story city wall divides the city into five rings.

As more and more Tustingo rushed up the city wall, the number of Sinshalo defenders on the first layer of the city wall became less and less, but the Tustingos slowly lowered their arms and looked at Sinsaro in confusion.

what is this?

Standing outside the city, the line of sight was blocked by the first layer of the city wall, unable to see. Just assaulted the city wall, based on the battle, the attention was not here, and there was no discovery.

When I noticed, my heart was already cold.

Seeing that the city wall had been captured, Gou Tajin stepped onto the city wall on a ladder, then...

"Betrayer! Traitor!"

On the cloud platform of the second city wall, Luther King was talking with the patriarch of the Evilzhi clan. The banner of the Evilmoss clan and the banner of the Evilzhi clan complemented each other, and there was also a flag that seemed to be familiar, which Gou Tajin couldn't remember for a while.

Seeing Gou Tajin also on the wall from a distance, the condescending Luther King waved his hand. The moss trolls who had secretly entered Sinsalor swarmed out, and came out of Sinsalor’s residence to reverse the impact. City gate.


Gou Tajin turned his head and found that the artillery he could not wait for had also been set up outside the city, and the target was the city wall where he was.

Tastingou, who had not yet been on the wall, was surrounded by layers of troops and trapped in the open space outside the city gate.

"Premeditated, Luther King had premeditated!"

Outside the city gate, Gou Tajin's deputy commander was doing his best to appease the restless Tastin Goo. On the wall, more than 300 members of the stormtroopers looked at their leader in confusion.

"Gou Tajin, recognize the reality. Humans are not friends of trolls, but high elves, they are running dogs of Silvermoon City. Trolls can only rely on themselves and the Zandalar compatriots to restore their former glory. Bow down to your king, and I will forgive you for your faults."

With the help of the Zandalar priest, Luther King shouted clearly to Gotajin at a distance of hundreds of meters.

However, Gottakin was not touched by Luther King's words, but tears were irritated by his actions.

"What have you done? It took us more than ten years and paid so much to get the pass to peace. You are going to ruin everything? Do you know the cost of doing this? There will never be a second person. Believe in the trolls, you have nailed us all to the stigma of perfidy, and you have made the trolls a shameless person who speaks no words! You toothless bitch!!!"

Suddenly, a spear pierced Gotajin's back heart, but Gotajin held it sideways, broke the shaft, and threw the broken spear to the ground with his backhand. Gotajin looked back at the warrior behind him in despair.

The assassin had been wiped his neck by the warrior who was still Gottajin, but in the Jedi, there were fanatics who were bewitched by Luther King's set of troll glory.

What can he, Gotajin, do?

"Head, break through! Join the brothers below, these wastes can't stop us!"

Someone suggested that.

But Luther King turned against the flag, and there is no place for Tustin Gou in this world.

Gou Tajin was lost.

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