Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 557 My Last Regret Is To Create A Starting Point

A person always has to look back at the path he has traveled to find out if he is crooked.

But you can't look back often, because you will stop after looking forward.

It's like a distorted allusion by Otherworld.

The disciple asked the master, I often worry about my stupidity, so I think about my body three times a day. Is this the right thing to do?

The master nodded and shook his head.

The disciple asked suspiciously, what would you do, Master?

The master replied, that's enough.

Everyone will say that it is really not the case when it is done.

At least Carlos rarely stayed aside and looked back on the past and found that he could actually do better.

So it is unnatural to have other ideas about the road to be taken in the future.

There is still plenty of time, and there is still a short period of time before actual actions, enough for him to think slowly.

The ancient gods were afraid of the power of Sargeras, and the burning expedition would one day burn the entire Azeroth, and naturally they were not immune. So when it comes to fighting the Burning Legion, the ancient gods are actually on the side of the creatures of Azeroth.

However, the ultimate goal of the ancient gods is to corrupt the entire planet and become their own flesh and blood to finally achieve the evolution of life forms, so they are the life and death enemies of all the natives of Azeroth.

The sect of the curse is such a deformed organization created under the principle of fighting but not breaking.

Cho'gall accepted the gift of N'Zoth and became the Archbishop of Twilight. Kil'jaeden looked down on the struggle of mortals and helped the Twilight cultists establish the sect of the curse.

With the ancient gods and the Burning Legion behind, the rise of the cursed sect is obviously unstoppable, especially in the past ten years, Azeroth has no guardians, and there is no Carlos.

With Ner'zhul taking over the overall situation in Northrend, Carlos needs to face such a sinister situation.

A situation in which we are both foe and foe.

Every day, Carlos could feel the obvious increase in power, and within two years, he should be able to break through the shackles that bound mortals.

But the lack of ten years has made his prophetic foresight have lost most of its meaning, and he has lost control of the situation.

It's like an old thief from a production company smiles compassionately at you, but doesn't let you pass the game.

as if……

What is it like?

Forget it, can't remember, don't want to.

Since the rise of the cursed sect is a foregone conclusion, let's think about how to deal with the current situation.

While Carlos was sitting in Cintharo's continuous layout, Chromie broke free from the shackles of the flow of time with an injury and returned to Azeroth.

Not reconciled, is the truest portrayal of Chromie.

I'm used to death or something.

In order to find out the truth, God knows how many Cromi have died.

But this time, it really doesn't want to die, nor can it die.

Because finally, it knows everything.

So the world cannot tolerate it.

"You really are special, Carlos."

Chromie circled around and found that he should be near Guy Erdalon. There was always an inexplicable sense of sight, as if he had died here many times.

Putting aside these unnecessary thoughts, it turned into a dragon and rushed into the sky with a broken body, thinking about the direction of Lordaeron.

Must tell Carlos the truth.

A truth that unlocks endless reincarnation.

However, shortly after Chromie's departure, under the clear moonlight, a dark figure flowed out along the cracks of time that had not yet fully healed, and disappeared invisible.

Carlos didn't know anything that was a thousand kilometers away from him. At present, dealing with the cursed sect was his first goal.

Both the Burning Legion and the Ancient Gods used it as a tool, and mortals could not fight it.

Even Medivh got a hand in it.

Unstoppable undead natural disasters?

The undead is a necessary condition to fight against the ancient gods?

Thrall’s tribe is a key factor in the fight against the Burning Legion?

Just like the brain tells you that the brain is the most important organ of the human body.

The prophecies spread by those big bosses who have the ability to predict are also the same.

Carlos is not entirely convinced of this.

Humans, night elves, dwarves, and trolls do not have the strength to stand alone against the ancient gods and the Burning Legion.

Everything that happened to Sinsaro can explain the problem.

Hatred, the wheel of hatred prevents all races from working together.

If you really want to talk about the role of the tribe, I'm afraid it is the unity of the alliance.

In other words, the perennial high-intensity wars between the Alliance and the Horde have cultivated a large number of fighters who are not afraid of death.

This is exactly what Carlos once mastered and lost.

In ten years, the soldiers who had experienced the war in those days have grown old, and the new generation of the Alliance saw ailing orc captives. Young youths in the rebellious period often boasted that they were just born late, otherwise what happened back then.

They have forgotten the horror of the dark tide, and have no knowledge of the ancient gods and the Burning Legion, which are more terrifying than the orcs.

The alliance at this time was a seemingly huge weak fat man. No matter how much Carlos thought about it, he couldn't think of a way to regroup the alliance.

If there is time to transform the current alliance, it is better to reopen the dark gate to take Turalyon and the others home.

This is Carlos's true thoughts.

Judging from the information collected.

After he fought Archimonde, the Dark Portal was already in danger, Turalyon followed his orders and led the main Alliance to withdraw from Draenor.

Then it didn't take long for the Dark Portal to explode.

Later, with the support of Terenas Menethil, Varian returned to Irvine to rebuild Stormwind City, and the Kingdom of Stormwind was restored.

Then, because of the big explosion of the Dark Portal, the terrain of the Dark Swamp was permanently changed. The Dark Portal, which was unscathed in the explosion, still stood in the Cursed Land. In order to guard against a possible attack, Terenas took the lead in the Watchtower. Build.

Facts have proved that the old father-in-law is truly wise. One year after the construction of the Watch Fort, Ner'zhul accepted Tyrone Gorefiend's suggestion and reopened the door of darkness.

This time it was Gromsh Hellscream and his Warsong clan.

Turalyon, Khadgar, Alleria Windrunner, Danas Trollbane, Kurdran Wildhammer, after losing Carlos, the Alliance sent the five most prestigious people in the previous war The general, led by the alliance army managed by the two marshals of Lothar and Carlos, drove in front of him.

Because of the experience of an attack on Draenor, under Turalyon's command, the Alliance army was like a broken bamboo, and the Warsong clan was unable to resist the Alliance army.

Having snatched the objects he wanted from Stormwind City, Dalaran, and Lordaeron, Ner'zhul betrayed Gromsh and once again detonated the Dark Portal.

At this point, the most elite army of the Alliance was lost in Draenor.

And because of the rebuilding of Stormwind City, the renovation of the Watchman, the guarding of the orc captives, and many other things, Gilneas withdrew from the Alliance because of money issues, and Kul Tiras also maintained an alienated attitude. Alterac fell into forced silence, and Stromgarde After Thoras Trollbane's death, he fell into an infighting.

Terenas sits on the cloud in the image of a savior. In his lifetime, it seems that the glory of the Arathor Empire can be reproduced.

Now, Arthas joined the Hand of Silver and became a paladin who placed himself under the seat of Uther to practice the way of the holy light.

Not long ago, Varian Wrynn’s queen, Stephen Wrynn, died of the rocks of the rioters.

Under Carlos' deliberate questioning, the gladiator star in the underground arena of Dunholk Castle was an orc named Thrall.

It seems that in addition to the preservation of the Barov family, the huge inertia of history erased everything Carlos had done.

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