After all, it was a big matter where tens of thousands of trolls fought each other, and Terenas couldn't really let it go.

When you go out, you have to guard against a husky with dog stealers, let alone a troll.

Because Carlos intervened, the "former" Grand Marshal, who was skilled in the format of all the alliance documents of the Master, used his own power to turn around the quartermaster of Lordaeron, who was remotely monitoring the troll.

This year's league is really bad.

The spy chief did not dare to go deep into the grassroots level, spending time in the city of Erice at the foot of the Eagle's Nest, enjoying the special food of the Wildhammer dwarves.

Really think that the Master can kill a large army with logistics supplies?

Carlos compiles stories and writes battle reports every day, and constantly conveys to his old father-in-law that the battle situation is fierce, our army is very brave, the enemy is very powerful, and the supply is very lacking.

From time to time, send hundreds or thousands of troll heads back, in exchange for a dozen carts, food, and armaments.

To put it simply, Sinsaro has a pretty good life.

Unfortunately, it can't last long.

Don't let the Moss Troll stop, you must find something to do for them, otherwise Carlos will have a headache when the idiot thinks about it.

Renovating the city is a good choice, because it costs too much food, even more expensive than marching operations. If there is a long-term lack of food, the foundation of Carlos's town clothing should be shaken.

Although the preparations are not enough, Carlos must act.

It's time to go back to Oakland.

After more than a month of preparatory work, Carlos initially screened and discerned how many people who could be trusted back then should be trusted now, and he re-entered a small vote of die-hard loyalty under his hand.

With people, you can consider the issue of material movement.

The operation of secret associations is not about money, things, and things.

In a sense, what Carlos is currently doing is no different from the cursed sect.

They all continued their strength in secret to complete the layout, and then burst out.

The only difference is that the Cult of Curses has a complete program of action. Everything at the moment is aimed at subverting the Alliance of Lordaeron. The only difference is that the Twilight Cultists are vigorously advocating the doomsday, while Ner'zhul is pushing forward cautiously. Plague research and development.

Coupled with the private charm of the demons who infiltrated Azeroth.

Carlos really didn't know what his next step should be.

Because the enemy can't make moves, he has no way of targeted restraint, and when the overall strength is not as good as humans, rash moves will only cause the enemy to counterattack frantically or hide deeper.

After thinking about it, Carlos felt that he had to go to Stratholme.

If there are still bright incarnations in this world, there is no doubt that Alonthos Fau will be one of them.

This old man was worthy of admiration all his life, even after his death, he insisted on fighting for the welfare of mankind, and he was indeed a good man.

The most important thing is that if you don't go, you may not see it.

At the time of the formation of the Silver Hand, Alonthos Faor was fifty and seven. In the Second Orc War and ten years since Carlos disappeared, the archbishop was nearly seventy years old. According to Sola, the body It's bad, it's natural aging, and it's dying.

The meeting before Alonthos Faor's death will be of great help to Carlos's next actions. At least it will be much easier to win the support of the Silver Hand.

At the same time, go to Stratholme, but still have a wish to save a tragedy about love and family.

Saidan Dathrohan.

My former martial arts teacher, is currently the chief Instructor of the Knights of the Silver Hand in Stratholme.

After the incident of Tirion Fording and Eitrigg, it was Saidan Dathrohan who "covered" Tirion Fording. Through Saidan Dathrohan, Carlos could find Tirion. Fording, with the help of Tirion Fording, it will be a great help for the next career.

And for the story of Tirion Fording and Eitrigg, Carlos did feel a little bit emotional.

After the second war, Tirion Fording returned to his hometown and lived a happy and peaceful life until he received a report from his subordinates that Fording discovered a reclusive orc during the investigation. . Where there is a need to reason with the orcs, Tirion opened the film directly, never thinking that the ruins of the nearby tower collapsed, and the sad Fording was hit and lost consciousness.

When Fording woke up, he found that he was lying on the bed in his home, and his guard Alton told him that the search team had found him unconscious on the back of his horse. Fording tried to sort out his thoughts, and was surprised to find that it was the orc who rescued him from the ruins.

After healed, Fording went back the same way again, and he found the orc named Eitrigg.

I have wine, do you have a story?

Fording asked.


Eitrigg answered.

That night, the two had a long conversation, and Eitrigg told Fording about the noble past of the orcs. It was the erosion of the Burning Legion that forced him to leave his clan. Eitrigg's bold words and deeds defeated hatred and prejudice, and also won the resonance of the Paladin who has the same honor above all else. Fording vowed never to disclose Eitrigg's whereabouts to the outside world.

However, Fording's young deputy Barthilas did not think so.

Barthilas, whose parents died in the first war, did not give up. Fording's cry when he was in a coma made him sure that there must be a damn orc nearby.

Although Fording terminated the search, the young Barthilas still pursued it persistently.

Finally, when Fording saw that Eitrigg, who had been escorted back to the city, was inhumanely beaten, he broke out in anger.

Unlike the development of other worlds, it is not Thrall that saves Eitrigg's fate, but Fording.

Because of the existence of Carlos, the overall strength of the Paladin was greatly elevated, and Fording, who spread the wings of the light, sent Eitrigg out of the heavily guarded city with one person.

But when Fording returned alone, what awaited him was shackles and prison.

Even though his story is touching, the crime of attacking his colleagues is irrefutable.

Although Uther tried his best to defend Fording, in the end he could only execute the order of the court and presided over the ceremony to obliterate the power of Tirion Fording's light.

Saidan Dathrohan was even more radical, stealing a new post and concealing Fording, who was supposed to be exiled from South Blue.

So if Carlos wants to find Fording, don't expect to go north along the river, but go to his teacher Saidan.

Now that the armed forces of the entire alliance are gradually slackening, the Knights of the Silver Hand are an extremely important bargaining chip, and Carlos must fight for it.

But in ten years, the new generation of teenagers have grown up, Carlos wants to rely on his own name, it is a bit out of date, and they will naturally be much safer if they are attracted to Fording.

Similarly, when the external forces are assembled, Carlos will return to Alterac more securely.

Only by sweeping away the shadow of corruption from Alterac with the might of thunder can a stable base camp be established.

Carlos didn't have the mind to play a game of chasing after me in Alterac with the sect of the curse.

Not to mention that it may threaten his family.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Oakland, which should be the backing of Carlos, became the final goal.

Arranged for Gotakin to organize troops to sweep Shadralo and continue to urge his old father-in-law for food and payment. Carlos secretly planned a trip to Stratholme after handling the accumulated official duties.

"What are you looking at? Haven't seen my old lady's concubine?"

Sora held Carlos's hand and screamed at the strange mage, with a coquettish expression on her face.

No matter how good-tempered Carlos was, he couldn't resist this kind of excursion, so he could only pinch her waist in a low voice.

"Seriously, my identity must be kept secret."

"Don't worry, I arranged these two boys on duty today. I have the final say on Stratholme's magic system."

Sora Haki waved his hand and led Carlos out of the teleportation room.

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