No matter what you are blowing, I only believe in what I have seen with my own eyes.

This is the psychological trust criterion of most people.

Although Carlos has a high reputation within the alliance, everyone is willing to believe his rhetoric about the curse sect hidden in the shadows.


Is it really that serious?

The orcs have been defeated by us. How many cultists will destroy this flourishing age of flowers?

Even if Carlos's followers didn't say anything, they would still murmur in their hearts.

Unaligned hearts are a taboo for workers on the secret front.

So it is necessary to kill a chicken to show everyone.

The kid Pallasza caught earlier is a good bait.

This peculiar imp is obviously stronger than the wild mentally retarded imp, also very cunning, and greedy for life and fear of death.

The perfect two or five boys.

With the assistance of Alonthos Faor, Carlos has been able to pass through Stratholme unimpeded. The transfer of a prisoner from the Silver Hand headquarters is a trivial matter within the scope of his ability.

In this way, it is still Saidan Dathrohan’s small farm, the crops are not yet mature, and in the empty barn, more than twenty muscle men are meticulously checking whether the preset traps are complete, and in the middle of the magic circle, Pala Sza's eyes wandered, constantly looking at Carlos, Tirion, Saidan, and Sora.

This is one that can't be beaten!

Is it only possible to bow to the extremely evil power of the Holy Light?

The evil energy is on, I was forced.

Killing a little ghost sacrifice flag or something is too low, Carlos has not yet LOW to such a degree.

So getting a big guy to come and kill it can effectively stabilize the military's morale and unite people's support.

This requires Pallasza's help.

After all, it is the fine tradition of the Burning Legion that the little ghost sells the owner.

I was too lazy to bargain with the little ghost. I used the holy light flashlight for half an hour before discussing things. Pallasza had forgotten what it meant to shake his head.

The veterans of the Alliance checked their armor and weapons for the last time, holding the exactly one-liter holy water bottle in their hands, and waiting for the completion of the summoning ceremony.

But Parasza lived up to expectations and easily stepped into the trap by spending money to deceive his superiors.


What did we find?

A wild Erida.

His nutrition is six times that of the ordinary fear guard, remove his head... you can eat even the head!

"Pallasza, you deceived me!"

Ereda wailed desperately, before she could even cast a spell, she was hit by the overwhelming holy water in her face. Arms, thighs, neck, and every active joint were bound by chains mixed with light cast iron.

The stubborn Eredar wanted to say something harsh, and Carlos directly removed his chin.

"First torture, then interrogation, it doesn't matter if you die, we will catch another one."

The wicked Carlos told Sora in Salas.

He knew these Eredar could understand.

Then, he grabbed a piece of jerky from the side and threw it to Pallasza, encouraging him as if he was rewarding a dog.

"Is there really no problem?"

Tirion Fording looked at him and raised his doubts.

Although this is very morale boosting, it has no effect on the overall situation. Instead, it may expose his own intentions. He can't understand what Carlos is thinking.

"Of course there is no problem, Tirion. Hmm... I fought the Dreadlord ten years ago."


"No, he ran away."

"So that's it, I understand."

Tirion didn't deliberately disobeyed Carlos's pretense, it was just that wise people talked like this, he did understand.

At this moment, Carlos already has an overwhelming advantage in terms of force value. It is a good thing that there are really big demons who come to the door along the way.

But Carlos was a little embarrassed, and the others were still stunned. You can explain it somehow, I said it myself.

But the reality is the silence of the scene.

Carlos glanced at the lively Sola from the corner of the eye, thinking that you deserved to find your boyfriend.

Forget it, that's it.

This is true in reality. Logic is not absolutely universal.

There is no causal connection between the high-level demon caught by the fishing law enforcement and the cursed sect itself, but after such a discovery, everyone is convinced of Carlos.

There is an evil organization plotting to overthrow the rule of mankind. If you don’t believe me, we caught a big demon.

What logic.

Good logic!

Let's talk about leader worship first.

Using secret associations against secret associations has always been the only way to save the world unofficially.

Because of Alterac's unique geographical location, he used his ass to know how deeply it was corroded.

If Carlos goes back hastily, I don't know how it was overthrown.

If you want to get back your own kingdom and eradicate internal corruption, it is inevitable to form a force from the outside.

At least, Carlos needs a loyal force that can suppress Alterac.

Without this troop, Carlos would not dare to use the trolls of the Hinterlands.

It's a bit like I'm a descendant of XX Jueluo, and now I lack 648 to buy a ticket to go back to Changbai Mountain to dig the ancestor's heritage and restore the country. You pay B to call me, and I will block you as the Admiral army.

All the good cards in Carlos' hand went into the honor room. He now needs thirty blue sky and white clouds to renew the deck first.

Constantly receiving interviews and constantly arranging actions, Carlos checked their loyalty while recruiting the old ministry in the next few days.

Holy light spells can only tell whether they have been exposed to shadow power, but people are unsure, who knows whether the curse sect has offered a price that they cannot refuse.

The use of magic to monitor is very disgusting, but Carlos has no choice.

The first step is also the most critical step. Once you're done, the whole game will be alive.

The human alliance is over if it goes badly.

Never pinned his hopes entirely on his old subordinates, and Modra's support came much faster than Carlos imagined.

This archmage, who is currently floating outside of Dalaran's daily management organization, has relatively free activities and is much more convenient to do things.

After checking the information that Carlos told her, Modra had to accept this reality - when humans were complacent over defeating the orcs, the Burning Legion had come back.

Each archmage itself represents a faction of wizards. As one of the six giants of the Kirin Tor, there are many disciples and grandchildren of Modera, not to mention that she is also the former guardian Iger who has dominated Azeroth for eight hundred years. The hidden heir of Wen. Magna.

When Modra assigned personnel to Stratholme to help Carlos form a secret society, the pressure on Carlos was instantly reduced.

The organizational power of the Violet Eye Tomb Robber Tian Group is really not to blow, it is invincible.

Relying on Stratholme, the league's second largest city, it is easy for Carlos to form an army, but it is very difficult to secretly form an army.

Any large-scale material transfer can't be concealed from the interested people, and Terenas' spies are spread across the entire kingdom.

There are things Terenas knows, so the sect of the curse must also know.

So Carlos's steps are very small.

The main work is still on the convening of personnel.

It was not until the general framework of this secret association was formed that Carlos met someone.

"Brother Bald, can I still trust you?"

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