Some things can only be printed in memory, and some people are destined to be unable to keep them.

Kel'Thuzad is missing.

This is the original words that Modra passed to Carlos.

Well, the great mage, who practiced in retreat for three to five months and a half year, and routine operations, all sat down.

Even if Kel'Thuzad is the permanent vice chairman of the Kirin Tor, who can stop him from studying magic?

Therefore, except for the caring people of Modra, who was in power and position, even Antonidas was not surprised that his lover was not showing his face for half a month.

Only Carlos understood that the gentleman would never come back.

On the path of pursuing the supremacy of magic, Kel'Thuzad came to the opposite of Carlos.

Why not save Kel'Thuzad's fate?

Carlos once thought, after all, Kel'Thuzad is one of the few friends he can talk to on an equal footing, and he is a really good person.

But it can't be done.

Because Kel'Thuzad is also a strong, a real strong.

Why would Kel'Thuzad go to study Summoning and be bewitched by Ner'zhul?

Because his arcane road has come to an end.

Before his disappearance, Kel'Thuzad was no longer under his teacher Antonidas.

In other words, apart from life experience, Antonidas has nothing to teach Kel'Thuzad.

That's why Kel'Thuzad turned to study the Summoning technique brought by the orcs.

What was banned from studying the Summoning technique and was aggrieved, and what was excluded from Dalaran, were just rhetoric taken for granted.

Carlos knew that in order to go further, he would push the Alliance to expedition to Draenor, and Kel'Thuzad would do the same. Even if he knew there was a fraud, he would still follow his own mind and go to Northrend.

Traveling against the current, if you do not advance, you will retreat; the strong road, if you do not advance, you will die.

Without such awareness, one cannot become a strong one.

Even if Carlos told Kel'Thuzad about the cause and effect, he would still move forward generously, or die in battle or surrender, and the outcome would not change.

Although he obtained enough force to fight, he lost ten years and Carlos also lost the qualification to save some people.

Such as Kel'Thuzad.

A few months before Carlos returned to Azeroth, Ner'zhul once issued a soul call, and many powerful beings heard the call of the Lich King.

And Kel'Thuzad was the first to move forward.

He didn't realize that this road was not a pilgrimage road, but a brainwashing road.

On the long journey, the constant whispers of the Lich King and the harsh environment of Northrend consumed a lot of Kel'Thuzad's mental energy.

When he stood in front of Ner'zhul, he had lost his basic judgment. The exhaustion of his body and the shock of his spirit caused him to bow down in front of the Lich King.

In other words, Kel'Thuzad surrendered to the Burning Legion.

Because hidden behind the Lich King Ner'zhul's Big Frozen Tusk is the Dreadlord Tichondrius.

The Lich King, who was originally good at spiritual magic, coupled with the Dreadlord who played with people's hearts, Kel'Thuzad's fall was a matter of course.

After hearing the news from Modera, Carlos just stood in front of the window and filled three glasses of wine.

A cup of respect for Mingyue, a cup of respect for old friends.

After traveling to Hokuriku for thousands of miles, relatives and friends have been rivals ever since.

The Master got the news of Kel'Thuzad's disappearance, and the biggest benefit was that Carlos understood how much time he had left.

Three months.

Talk about the curse sect in detail.

The sect of the curse is what Carlos called them, really subdivided, they should be divided into the sect of the curse and the sect of Twilight.

The Twilight Sect is an organization of ancient god worshipers tinkered by the ancient gods N'Zoth and C'Thun, and the leader is the two-headed ogre Gu'gal. What's interesting is that Gu'gall is a Sargeras admirer.

Both the Burning Legion and the Ancient Gods regard the Twilight Sect as their own pawns, facilitating their spread in the human world.

The curse of the gods, to be precise, has not yet been established at this moment. Because the sect of the curse was planned and established by Ner'zhul ordered Kel'Thuzad, it was an organization formed to destroy mankind to complete the mission imposed on Ner'zhul by the fraudster Kil'jaeden. In fact, it was true that Ner'zhul ordered Kel'Thuzad to create an extreme religion with the Lich King as an idol.

The Sect of the Curse and the Sect of Twilight overlap each other. You are in me and I am in you. The Burning Legion and the ancient gods think that they are the traders, and everyone else is S.B.

Therefore, Carlos's title is not wrong. For Azeroth, it is not wrong to regard the Curse of the Cult of the Twilight Sect as the biggest cancer at present.

The cursed sect must die.

This product of the passive confluence of the ancient gods and the Burning Legion is too threatening to all the creatures of Azeroth.

Whether it is the Ancient God or the Burning Legion, it is necessary to integrate the entire Azeroth to fight against powerful enemies that do not include winning. When the two are tacitly struggling for the same goal, Carlos has no chance of winning at all.

It's not an opponent of magnitude, it can't be won.

However, the appearance of Kel'Thuzad, or the appearance of Lich Lord Kel'Thuzad, is a turning point in this line.

Ner'zhul and Kil'jaeden are separated, the Cult of the Curse is separated from the Twilight Cult, the ancient gods and the Burning Legion calculate each other, the desperate enemy is split internally, the enemy of Azeroth is still those guys, Carlos But there is no need to face this unsolvable situation alone.

This is the opportunity.

When Kel'Thuzad appeared in front of others again, it was the time for Carlos to counterattack Alterac.

Because the believers of the cursed sect who had been lurking before, in order to respond to the call of the Lich King, they must break the silent state and move on.

If you are not afraid of making trouble, you are afraid of being a silent lurker.

As long as the curse sect moves, Carlos can launch a thunderous blow to clean up the corruption in the country.

Then I turned around and chatted slowly with the Burning Legion and the minions of the ancient gods.

This game of chess is alive.

More cruel and straightforward.

Only when disaster strikes, the world will need heroes.

The current alliance has been blinded by the hypocritical prosperity, and there is no hidden crisis in sight.

No matter how much Carlos shouted hoarsely now, begging the people to save himself, he would only be regarded as a lunatic fool.

It's better to let everyone see for themselves and see what the truth is in this beautiful and cruel world.

There are still three months.

Based on the time of Kel'Thuzad's disappearance and the distance from Dalaran to Northrend, it was about three months before the curse of the gods fully took place.

The ability to grasp the key three months of accumulation of strength will be the key to the success or failure of the entire battle.

Carlos is currently hesitating about whether to notify Guy Elsas.

There is no problem with Guy's character, but his status and status will affect his judgment.

When Alleria was trapped in Draenor, she didn't have a suitable middleman to contact her.


Forget it, this political prisoner will do bad things.

"Mordra, who is the real power figure in Quel'Thalas now?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to meet the Sun King in secret."

"Then you can go the way of the general ranger."



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