Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 566 Praise the Sun

Being protected by a rune enchantment, Quel'Thalas was the least corroded by the cursed sect in the Eastern Kingdom.

Hmm...the lightest in Azeroth.

Even the loyal and unparalleled Darkan, before completely despairing of the high elves, is truly loyal and unparalleled.

So at this moment, Quel'Thalas is Taoyuan Township, and Silvermoon City is still the beacon of the civilized world.

If he can meet the Sun King Anastrian secretly, Carlos is sure to persuade him to help himself.

Because Carlos's psychological expectations are actually very low.

He didn't expect the high elves to send troops to pull up a large army to help him, and even if such an outcome really happened, Carlos would find a way to stop it.

What Carlos hopes is pure material support and Quel'Thalas' fleet.

Looking at the map, how can the scattered troops in Carlos's hands be assembled in three months to coerce Alterac?

The best way is to break it up into parts and infiltrate it.

Use the fleet of high elves to transport supplies directly outside Alterac, and reintegrate the scattered army.

High speed, swift, unexpected, fatal in one blow.

A certain army used this method to win the Battle of Liaoshen, and Carlos thought he could too.

So the problem with everything is that I need a chance to talk to Anastarian alone.

The political arena in Silvermoon City is more turbulent than the human world. Opposing for the sake of opposition is about to become politically correct, and the power struggle between the royal power and the aristocratic parliament is becoming increasingly fierce. If you go through the normal diplomatic channels, let alone when you can see the Sun King, confidentiality is a shit.

Therefore, Carlos needs a high elf with enough power to build a bridge for him.

Modra's suggestion was Sylvanas.

The current ranger general of Silvermoon City is responsible for the city's defense and the security of Quel'Thalas.

It was indeed possible to quietly bring Carlos into Silvermoon City and arrange for him to meet with the Sun King.

The issue is……

Carlos doesn't know Sylvanas, how can I convince her?

The living ranger general Sylvanas and the dead Banshee King are two species at all, and they have no reference value at all.

Sylvanas, whom many Preyers know well, is a strategist with a tragic past, the queen of the forgotten, and a charming character full of contradictions and controversies.

But in Alleria's mouth, the Sylvanas that Carlos had heard was an awkward dead Tsundere in her sister's eyes, a salary thief in Silvermoon City, a lazy "nobleman", and a little bit more. Virgin Mary watch.

By the way, Vereesa is the perfect Yaomeier image in Alleria's mouth.

So Carlos couldn't completely believe Alleria's evaluation of his second sister, which led him to actually know nothing about how to deal with the living Sylvanas.

As a result, a strange loop was created.

In order to meet Anastrian, Carlos needs to walk through Sylvanas first.

In order to meet Sylvanas, Carlos needs to meet Nathanos first.

Although Sora had been clamoring that she had Bi Luohua's contact information, Carlos habitually ignored her remarks on all matters related to Silvermoon City.

Nathanos, the first and last human ranger.

His experience is not fortunate. In Stratholme, it is easy to hear the story of "Lucky Guy" Nathanos.

There are 10,000 versions of his encounter with Sylvanas, but the rest of the content is much the same.

The young Nathanos was being caught by a beast? demon? robber? In short, being chased by something and accidentally stepped into the territory of the high elves, it happened to attract the attention of Sylvanas who happened to be patrolling the border. Under Sylvanas' secret observation, Nathanos showed almost everything Of virtue, so Sylvanas rescued him.

Thus, a human poor boy suddenly had a registered residence in Yinyue City and lived a relatively round moon.

Carlos is not interested in composing Nathanos and Sylvanas. The only thing worth noting is that Guy Elsas had a fight with Sylvanas because of whether he was officially granted the status of Ranger of Nathanos. It was very stiff, although in the end Sylvanas won Anastrian's personal award ceremony for her lover, in fact, in terms of political faction, she was split with Guy Elsas.

This is also one of the reasons why Carlos hesitated whether to follow Guy's route.

The water in Silvermoon City was too deep, and as an outsider, Carlos couldn't cover everything. Although it may seem simple to ask Guy Elsas for help, in fact there are too many people behind it. Maybe just because it is Guy Elsas's introduction, Carlos's request will be rejected by the members of the noble council.

But conversely, following Sylvanas' path, Guy Elsas can help Carlos stabilize the royal power and not oppose it because of opposition.

Suddenly, Carlos understood Sola's rebellion a little bit. How far is this Silvermoon City from self-defeating? Dalkhan, who is loyal and unparalleled, can turn back. What about our country?

It is not difficult to make an appointment to see Nathanos.

Even Nathanos, who is in the circle of high elves, has a few human friends.

Entrusted Nathanos’s trainee paladin friend, Lylein, to write a letter, Carlos easily met the young Nathanos.

"Who are you? What did you do to Lay Lane?"

To Nathanos, who was glaringly questioning with a bow and arrow, Carlos showed a look of appreciation, and he was really sentimental and righteous.

Waving his hand to signal that the fellows do not draw their knives, Carlos explained the misunderstanding in one sentence.

"My name is Carlos Barov."

"Ka... Carlos? You are the... that Carlos?!"

Nathanos showed an unbelievable look, but the strength in his hand did not relax.

"Your friend is fine. I entrusted him to write this letter. I'm sorry for deceiving you, but I need to meet your teacher. Please understand. I need to meet your teacher secretly."

Carlos said seriously, but Nathanos's expression was not so serious.

"It is said that the sister-in-law is half of the brother-in-law's ass, so it turns out..."

Nathanos whispered and put down the bow and arrow in his hand.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, Your Majesty, I would like to believe you, but, as you know, my teacher is in an important position, and there is nothing to say about it..."

Alleria sent many small things to Carlos. It was not difficult to find a token. Carlos handed a token with the seal of the Windrunner family to Nathanos and brought it to his ears. He said, "Say hello to the salary thief for me."


Nathanos looked dazed.

"When you see Sylvanas, just convey the original words."

"Ah! Oh."

Nathanos decided not to go deep into the grievances of the previous generation.

What a clever ghost.

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