"Father! Father! I..."

Alphonse, spoiled and pampered since childhood, is accustomed to a collection of thousands of pets, and he has never seen the horror of the dark prison.

Even if the best room in the palace dungeon was selected, the dark, moldy smell and eerie atmosphere still ruined the little prince's mind like deep sea fear.

When Carlos appeared in front of Alphons, the little prince had lost his ability to organize language except for shouting his father.

What do you mean that is not the real Alphonse?

I am.

The always kind grandfather denied his identity. Alphons, who was only ten years old, couldn't understand the love behind that cruelty. The father in front of him was his last hope, like a light in the dark.

"Where did the dagger come from?"

Carlos asked calmly.

"I, I don't know."

Carlos thought for a while, broke the chain that locked the prison door with his bare hands and threw it aside, walked into the room, and sat cross-legged in front of his son.

"You know, remember it carefully."

Carlos extended his index finger to Alphons' forehead, and the omnipotent holy light acted as a tranquilizer this time.

Alphonse was afraid of his father's gaze, but he was stubborn and didn't bow his head.

So under the guidance of Carlos, Alphons, who passively entered a meditation state, remembered it.

"Brill, a bad guy attacked us. It was a great fight, spoils, beautiful daggers, mine...I'm hiding."

A dagger has absolutely no effect of controlling the mind. Alphons is surrounded by paladins. It is such a powerful curse item. It is impossible to have no clue in three or two days. When you get Sarasta, the dark empire Blade?

There are deeper reasons, Carlos even suspected that there are lurkers of the cursed sect around Jia Liya.

But continuing to guide his son to recall the past, Alphons developed severe headache symptoms, and the meditation was finally broken.

"Do you know what you did?"

"That's not me, father, I don't want to hurt Grandpa, I..."

"That's you, don't make excuses. Whether it's controlled by someone or by evil magic, it's you. It's you who stabbed your grandpa. It's you, Alphonse Barov, and Carlos. Son of Barov."

"Father, what should I do?"

The immense guilt and fear penetrated Alphons' defenses, and he couldn't help it anymore and threw himself into his father's arms and began to cry.

What can you do, your grandfather has already written all the scripts for the exoneration, and the one who stabbed him was the assassin disguised as "Alphons", and the "real" Alphons was missing.

You are very easy to handle. Find a hapless person and save "you".

It's me who is difficult!

Bear child, your father and I are now in a dilemma, and if I make a mistake, I will become an eternal hatred.

Cheating, this is.

There was an urge to slap his son against the wall, but Carlos sighed and resisted.

Who can blame his own seed?

"Carlos, Your Majesty Terenas is awake, he is anxious to see you."

Saidan Dathrohan stopped Jia Liya from outside the dungeon and came down to convey it by himself.

"So fast? There is still a chance for that matter!"

Carlos was overjoyed, Terenas woke up!

"You are waiting for me here, except for me, no one is allowed to let you leave. Do you understand?"

"Well, I don't listen to anyone except my father."

Hearing that grandpa woke up, Alphons was also relieved and nodded hurriedly.

After Carlos hurriedly left the cell where Alphons was held, he suddenly stopped.

"Teacher, can I trust you?"

Saidan Dathrohan understands that Carlos has very important things to entrust to himself.

"This teacher is worth my life."

"I didn't close the door."

"So you can't hold back your face, you want me to go back and close the door?"


You deserve to be worse than Uther, it's an atmosphere destroyer.

"Keep Alphonse for me, don't let those guys use him again. But, if he wants to run away..."

Carlos didn't say what he was going to do, because he didn't know it himself, he just left Saidan Dathrohan with a heavy back, and left.

Saidan Dathrohan is alone in a messy dungeon, what do you mean, such a heavy tone, is it to...

Not so much.

What do you mean?

When Saidan Dathrohan was about to give up the image of Iron Man, licking his face to ask the roots, Carlos was already far away.

The news that the king woke up dispelled the haze that had enveloped Lordaeron.

Although the palace ministers were horrified by the king's weakness, in front of the leader of the alliance, as long as Terenas did not die, no one would dare to confront him head-on.

The more dying the king is, the more terrible it is. This is the consensus of the nobles.

The Alphonse incident was finalized. The cult kidnapped the children of the Knight King and used magic to disguise the assassin as Terenas' grandson in an attempt to provoke a war between the Kingdom of Lordaeron and Alterac.

Although the cursing dagger didn't take Terenas' life, it completely destroyed his health.

The decree to summon Arthas to return to Lordaeron has been sent out three waves in a row. Lordaeron was temporarily suppressed because of the waves caused by the assassination of Terenas, but no one has counted the follow-up development.

After the old father-in-law discussed the matters that needed to be coordinated before the return of his brother-in-law Alsace Lordaeron, Carlos kissed his wife goodbye and went to the palace dungeon alone.

In the end, Alphons did not get out of the virtual cell, and neither Saidan Dathrohan nor Carlos breathed a sigh of relief.

The royal mage, who only served the Menethil family, brought a shackled pig to the prison, kicked the pig into the prison, and then opened a portal to send Carlos and Alphonse away.

Under his son's dumb and cute expression, Carlos couldn't help but kicked Alphonse into the portal.

"Galiya's safety is up to you, teacher."

"I try my best."

Saidan Dathrohan patted his chest and responded.

After speaking, Carlos also walked into the portal.

"Father, where is this?"

"Probably whispering to the forest."

In the dark night and unable to see the road, Alphons felt that he was no different from the blind after the gleam of the portal was dimmed, so he asked with a cry.

"What are we doing here?"

"A parent-child adventure."



"Dad, don't kill me, I am your son!"

"Let go of my thigh, it's kind of manly!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Where should you pinch? Little bastard! I'll kill you."

After a dumbfounding interaction, Alphons finally understood that what his father said was true, and this was part of his grandfather's exoneration.

"Little waste, when your father and I were ten years old, I had been fighting wolves and eating meat with your second and third uncles all over the world. If it weren't for your grandma's powerful whip, we would have liked to live in the forest. How come you are still afraid of the dark. "

Carrying his son on his back, Carlos could hardly feel the extra weight. He opened the eyes of the holy light, even without hitting the torches.

But Alphonse was just a little boy born in the peaceful era. People around him usually spoiled him, where he has really suffered. At this time, apart from holding his father's neck tightly, all he has to do is listen to the wind whistling in his ears.

The strange virgin forest, the birthplace of the original black fairy tales, doesn't seem so terrible because of the father.

Alphons actually fell asleep.

"Wake up, wake up."

Pushed reluctantly, Alphons looked at his father sleepily.


This is a lake, such a big lake. The rising sun dyed the lake surface golden yellow, which was exceptionally magnificent and beautiful.

"Is this your son?"

"Yeah, one little rubbish."

"Hey, Taelan..."

"I will meet."

Alphons, who was obsessed with the beautiful scenery, did not notice that hundreds of fierce men were working nervously and orderly by the lake.

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