Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 592-France Lost Blue and Red

Not every drop of milk is called Tenensu, but every dwarf is a born blaster, this is a racial talent written in his genes.

Dwarf, engineering +15.

From the latter part of the Second Orc War, Carlos has consciously introduced high-end engineering talents. After more than ten years, Alterac has always been the largest dwarf immigration place outside of Ironforge.

Especially in the latter part of World War II, before the restoration of agricultural production in Ironforge, Carlos used the position of the Grand Marshal of the Union to discuss the diversion of the population with Mekkatork. He has been praised by the master craftsman and Magni. He thinks Carlos Righteousness.

Although many gnomes returned to Ironforge and the people after the war, many gnomes remained in Alterac to serve the Barov family.

The reason is that Carlos did not expect it-the steel tank plan is too in line with the appetite of the dwarf.

Carlos's romantic romance and the deadly nature of the dwarf go hand in hand.

Although due to the disappearance of Carlos, Cardee has stopped many plans in the past ten years, but there are still more than four-figure dwarfs staying in Alterac.

So when Carlos started playing the idea of ​​Tyr's Tomb, the first thing he thought of was not the mage, but the engineer.

Correction, it is the dwarf engineering mage.

Unlike the game map, the Whispering Forest has always been a blind spot in the development of Lordaeron because of its high mountain and hilly environment. It is not easy to find the tomb of Tyr, the guardian of the Titans, in the vast black forest.

But it was beyond Carlos’s expectation, because at this time neither N’Zoth nor Yog-Saron had completed the erosion of the seal of the cage, and Tirion Fording, who was responsible for this, prayed to the Holy Light devoutly. Attracted, actually got a response.

So Carlos came with his son.

Sure enough, every Paladin has a heart of punishment.

The game is harmful...

Carlos realized that he had selectively forgotten the Hand of Tyre...Perhaps such a sacred object that should be called the Hand of Silver was actually in the Tomb of Tyre.

No, in fact, the Silver Hand is the sealing weapon of Tyr's Tomb. It has been many years since Thoradin brought his beloved sword Stomka to kill Zakazi the Corruptor.

Since you want to dig Tyre's grave, you have to talk about the owner of the tomb and his enemies.

This is a story of Lang Lang A Gou.

The knowledge gained from Medivh corrected some of Carlos's false perceptions derived from game experience.

Tyr did not protect the weakened Vykul from going south because of his love for humans.

The Guardian of the Titans may be fair, but not merciful.

Tyr was pitted by Loken.

Humans are one of the most important races in Azeroth, but they are not the native race of Azeroth. Races such as humans, dwarves, gnomes, and mogu are actually called [Descendants of Titan Creation].

After the second Titans descended, the dark empire of the ancient gods fell, because the ancient gods tentacles rooted in Azeroth could not be eradicated under the condition of safety, the Titans sealed the ancient gods and left Azeroth. Planet. Correspondingly, the guardian of the Titans headed by Odin was left behind.

The guardians built a fortress named "Ulduar" in the area of ​​"Storm Cliffs" in Northrend, and placed a machine called "The Furnace of Will" in it.

The "Melting Furnace" is a machine corresponding to the "Melting Furnace" in the southern fortress "Uldum" in the ancient Kalimdor continent. Both were born in the hands of the guardians Azadas and Mimiron. It is to deliver energy to the sleeping soul of the world, and at the same time, the "melting furnace of will" also has the function of giving life. By absorbing the vitality broadcast by the soul of the world, it gives life to inorganic matter.

The Guardians used the power of the "Forge of Will" to create a new species called the "Second Generation Titan Creation", including the Vrykul.

The Vrykul were born in steel, so they can be regarded as real "iron men"-Titan's technology has given them a strong body and a tough body. The unparalleled courage and perseverance to fight make the Vrykul invincible. The prolonged battle with the minions of the ancient gods exercised their superb fighting skills, which enabled the Vrykul to grow into a Titan creation with strong combat and spiritual power, a true fighting race.

Because of this, Vrykul talents are favored by the guardians-Odin chose to select warriors from the Vrykul to join his "Varajal" army; similarly, Loken and his corrupted men also chose The Vrykul became their annoying weapon.

Under the bewitching of Yog-Saron, Loken abused the Forge of Origin to secretly forge an army to serve him. However, because the Forge of Origin has been contaminated by Yog-Saron, a "curse of flesh" has been spread to the Titan creation through the furnace, and the Titan creation infected with this curse will gradually become "flesh." The war between Loken and the other Guardians expanded the spread of the Curse of Flesh, and even the Titan creations that followed the Guardians away from Uldir were inevitably infected.

In particular, Lyden was the one who was pitted by Loken except Tyre.

Titan creations infected with the curse of flesh and blood will be greatly weakened, and this can be said to be fatal in the chaos of the time.

Although the ancient gods were sealed by the Titans, the ancient gods' minions still ravaged the mainland.

Tyr and Azadas took Norgannon's disc and the Vrykul army to go to Uldaman to solve the caveman's problem, and Raiden took the mogu to calm the chaos caused by the mantid and the breath of Y'Shaarj.

The end result was that they were all pitted by Loken.

Leiden’s story will be blown again when he has time, and he will return to Tyre.

Because of Loken's betrayal, Azadas and Tyr were intercepted by an army of ancient gods.

Tyre covered Azadas with Norgannon's disc to break through, while he stayed behind.

However, the combat effectiveness of the Vrykul army, corrupted by the curse of flesh and blood, was severely weakened. In the carefully designed killing game, Tyr finally died in the battle with Krasis who was pursuing them.

In particular, the followers of the ancient gods call themselves the faceless, while Krasis is the most powerful individual among the faceless, the true "minions" of the ancient gods.

The huge size ensures great power, coupled with superb intelligence, Krasis' dark magic can even shatter the mind of Titan's creation.

Krasis usually serves as the guard of the core area of ​​the ancient gods and the warlord of the ancient gods on the battlefield.

Krasis's master of dark magic gives them a strong regeneration ability, and even after being killed, they can slowly accumulate energy and come back to life.

Remember the huge wreck on the Black Sea shore?

This is Krasis.

Tyre faced not one Krasis, but two

Zakaz and Kisix.

It's a pity that the ancient gods miscalculated, and Loken also miscalculated.

The ancient god's minions are facing the strongest guardian of Azeroth, the super macho who almost tears Galakrond, a strange species that Odin can't even reach, and the god of war who is full of bravery and bravery.

Even if the accompanying Vrykul can no longer stop the offensive of the ancient gods' minions?

Laozi Tyr alone is an army.

In the end, Tyre paid the price of his life to kill Kisix recklessly, piercing Zakaz, and completing a theoretically impossible double kill.

The reinforcements sent by Odin came too late

The place where Tyre died in battle was named "Death of Tyre" by his admirers. And Tyre’s only relic left-his "Silver Hand", which was bitten off and forged by the melee Galakrond, was placed in front of his cemetery to suppress being snatched by the Faceless before it was too late. The corpse of Zakaz.

The Vrykul were full of respect, gratitude and guilt for this guardian. They asked the Titan Guardian to protect Tyr's tomb forever, and Tyr's old friend Azadas agreed.

From then on, these Vrykul people settled down in the "Death of Tyre"—the place where Vrykul pronounced "Tirisfa".

But these Vrykuls are only a small part of their many compatriots, and most of the Vrykuls still stay in the north.

Loken’s conspiracy and Odin’s mysterious silence caused great loss and chaos to the guardians, but the rise of the five-color legion that guarded the dragon and the kaldorei empire of the night elves accelerated the evolution of Azeroth from chaos to smoothness. the process of.

Peace seems to have arrived.

The Vrykul people who lost their steel body began to think of ways to make up for the lack of power. They took a fancy to the ancestor dragon soaring in the sky. Domesticating ancestor dragons is something that almost every Vrykul clan has to do, but the best thing to do is the dragon-grabber clan led by King Ymiron. Their ability to train dragons is the highest among the Vrykul, so They have also become the most powerful Vyku clan.

The curse of flesh and blood has gradually deepened its influence on the Vrykul, and the curse that originally only affected the strength of the skin has now reached the level that even the next generation of cultivation is completely flesh and blood. When the Vrykul women gave birth to bloody babies, the Vrykul people fell into panic, and some even believed that King Ymiron was the root cause of all these disasters-although they did not know why the curse of flesh and blood was counted on them, But King Ymiron didn't panic, he calmly issued a treatment method: kill all the flesh and blood babies.

Most of the Vrykul resolutely implemented the king's order, but there are still Vykul who can't bear it. They choose to send these babies to their compatriots in the legendary southern land-that is, the ones stationed in Tirisfal. Go to the Vrykul and give it to them to raise.

It was these Flesh-cursed followers of Tyr and the babies of the Dragon-grabber clan that reproduced the first humans of Azeroth in the future.

So this headless case of human origin finally surfaced under Medivh’s mother’s 800-year study (digging) the ancient (tomb).

Time passed, because of the corruption of the curse of flesh and blood, the followers of Tyre had long since passed away. The new human beings have changed from long-lived species to short-lived species. The truth of Tyre's legend has gradually been buried with the passing of ancestors, until the eternal emperor. Thoradin turned out.

This tycoon’s life is a life of battle, uniting humanity, forming alliances with high precision, hammering trolls, and singing how lonely it is to be invincible. Thoradin looked for clues to find the tomb of Tyre buried under time. Okay. Undeadly found the body of Zakaz the Corruptor, and undeadly touched the seal set by Tyre.

The seal that had long been in disrepair expired, and Zakaz was about to resurrect.

Thoradin inherited Tyr's recklessness and bravery, and changed one wave after another, using his saber Sdomka to seal Zachaz again, and then set the scene at Tyr's Tomb.

It was this wave of Sao operations in Thoradin's later years that planted the seeds of the collapse of the Arathor Empire.

Carlos was waiting patiently for the dwarf to complete the commissioning of the submersible. He accompanied Alphons to fish on the lake, by the way, remembering the past history of the ancients.

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