This is magic.

This is a sonar detector.


This is a magic sonar detector.

Carlos really didn't want to complain about the shocking brain circuit of his men. At this time, he only needs to shout "Dwarf Engineering is awesome (broken sound)".

Just as this very unscientific magic sonar detector actually locates the entrance to the tomb of Natyre hidden deep in the lake, Carlos can't understand how the dwarves use rivets and iron sheets to solve the leak tightness of the submersible. problem.

Forget it, I read a lot, you just lie to me.

It is a huge lake, and the naked eye estimates that it is 20 hectares less. Even if the location of the entrance is located, how to transport people is still a big problem.

For the sake of secrecy, the number of wizards used is very small. Although loyalty has been appraised, things like ability... cannot be demanded.

As for the submersible thing, the dwarf gets in and squeezes it in, as a vehicle...

When Carlos began to worry, he finally realized that he was not enough for Paladin.

Tirion Fording made a huge log raft with his men on the spot, and ordered a bubble generating device attached to the dwarf submersible to "fart" at the entrance. Then led the twenty-odd macho in full gear with an anchor rope and rowed a raft to the bubble zone.

One, two, three, anchor.

All of them have, drink water breathing potions.

Three, two, one, jump.

Eighty for sledgehammer and forty for small hammer.

Eighty, eighty, forty, eighty, eighty, eighty...

The breathless paladin climbed up the raft along the anchor rope to rest, and the substitutions continued.

Relying on manpower, Tirion spent an afternoon breaking the ban (physical) of the entrance to Tyr's Tomb.

Carlos fell into deep contemplation, whether this is a blind spot of thinking or a misunderstanding of cognition.

The foot man in the Yamaguchi Mountain game walked through the back door similar to a vent, and Carlos and his team directly smashed the front door.

This resulted in Carlos actually not knowing the access conditions in the first half of Tyre's Tomb.

But the problem is not big.

After all, it is Tyr’s tomb. At this point in time, Kel’Thuzad’s cursed cult is still acting as a demon, and Chu'gall’s Twilight sect is dormant underneath, without Sarasta. The blade of the dark empire is haunting it, mentioning The safety of Erzhi's tomb is still guaranteed.

So after waiting for another day to raise supplies and equipment, and prepare for the entrance reinforcement and emergency evacuation plan, Carlos took his son and his followers into the tomb of Tyre.

Alphons was very excited about the magical thing of underwater breathing medicine, always wanting to be with the fish, his father caught the top of fate, and dragged it all the way to the fading bottom of the lake.

After passing through the hastily reinforced gap, there is a passage that gradually narrows and is flooded with water.

How can the Paladin add points, wait online, urgent?

Answer: The holy light spots are full. Just watch the remaining cleave, whirlwind, slash, jump cleave, broken tendons, and charge.

So darkness has never restricted Carlos and his party.

In the soft light, the descendants of Vikku walked in front of them and watched the mural reliefs on the walls and ceilings stained with moss and plants.

Going forward about 500 meters, through a deep U-shaped up-and-down channel, the water is gone.

This is a relatively dry front hall. Although there is no obvious sign of air circulation, the smell is not unpleasant, and there is no corrupt smell of ordinary tombs.

A huge stone stele stands in the middle of the hall, and the surrounding frescoes are no longer the type of storytelling, but busts of Vrykul warriors with different shapes.

Vyku is the predecessor of the lingua franca of mankind. As a cognate language, even if Carlos has not systematically studied this kind of ancient prose, he can understand it even if he hasn't learned it systematically.

After all, if you grasp the words, whether they can be contextualized or guess the order, it does not affect reading.

This is a tribute to Tyr's feats and achievements, and a monument to the oath made by his followers.

At the same time, it is also a handed down word to warn future generations.

The enemy of darkness has not died, don't forget the fall of Tyr.

"Those statues weren't chiseled out."

Carlos said to Tirion.

"Have you finished reading? I only saw half of it."

Tirion asked quizzically.

"Well, every bust is the remains of our ancestors."

Carlos said solemnly.

"Are people martyred? Seal the remains in stone bricks."

Tirion looked around thoughtfully.

"Do not……"

Carlos thought for a while, let's take the time to give Tirion Cope.

Ignoring the curious baby Alphons who was eager to try everything on the side, Carlos and the others proceeded after a preliminary inspection of the front hall.

This is a tomb expedition and also a pilgrimage. After destroying the entrance, the bachelor's muscle sticks did not choose a destructive way forward, but went all the way to decrypt and sightseeing, so the exploration progress slowed down.

When the time was almost the same, four shrewd and prudent people were left to guard the front hall, and the others returned to the camp by the lake.

After a good night’s sleep, the Carlos expedition set off again after sunrise the next day.

But although the underwater breathing medicine can solve the problem of underwater breathing, it does not have the function of preventing cold and warmth. The tired Alphons was wrapped in a blanket and fell asleep. Carlos didn't bother to wake up his son, so he and his good friend Fording The exploration of the Tomb of Tyre began again.

This time, a major discovery was made.

When approaching the passage of Tyr’s resting place, weathered human bones and rotten armor were found.

It is the guard of Emperor Thoradin.

Moving on, there are more and more bones. In Tyre's resting place, in the wide and towering space, there are traces of battles everywhere, and these scars have not been polished for nearly a thousand years.

The fellow knights checked the weathered ancestors and tried to restore the truth of the battle, but Carlos sighed.

There is no corpse of Tyre in the huge coffin.

It is reasonable to think about it. Even if Tyr is killed in battle, he is still the guardian of the Titans. His body will not be placed casually. It should be transported back to Uldir or Uldum.

"They died fighting hard."

Tirion had already completed the replay of the battle that year when Carlos looked at Tyre's cloak.

"Or they stayed voluntarily to seal the door."

"What's the meaning?"

Carlos did not investigate, and he had no right to speak, so he asked sincerely.

"There are no fatal injuries, but all of them are scarred, and look at their posture, wait for death."


Carlos heard this and looked sideways.

Sure enough.

"After they closed the door, most of them leaned against the wall or lay down. What does this mean?"

"Voluntary or injured number left behind."

"That's right. Follow the trace, it should be over there."

Tirion stretched out his hand, and the Holy Light Dog's eyes flashed to dispel the disguise of the Phantom Wall, and a metal gate shining with silvery white light appeared in front of everyone.

"I come."

Carlos stopped the others from approaching the gate, walked forward, and pushed open the heavy gate.

Finally, the wind started.

The air poured into the unknown passage from the hall where Carlos and the others were located, but the breath of shadow came from the unknown depths.

"Go, go and see."

Along the way, full of the corpses of warriors exhausted in battle, all of Thoradin's guards were killed in this battle.

"This is……"

After walking for a long time, the long and narrow passage came to an abrupt end, an empty cave, with gusts of demon wind, and a huge mountain-like shadow hung on the other side of the cliff.

"This is Zakaz the Corruptor."

Carlos walked to the end of the road and stopped to take a long view. While shocked by the huge size of Krasis, he also noticed the Stomka on Zakaz's forehead.

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