Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 60 Rotating, Jumping, I Shameless

All people are created equal, and Azeroth also has similar words handed down to the world. Unfortunately, farmers don't believe it, wealthy businessmen don't believe it, and noble kings don't believe it.

Carlos remembers the world he lived in in his previous life. The "Declaration of Independence" of the Hope Nation mentioned the phrase that all people are created equal, which is widely known to the world, but he does not know that it was originally written by Rousseau's "The Theory of Social Contract."

"People are born free, but they are everywhere in chains. People who think they are the masters of everything else are more slaves than everything else."

When the original sentence is taken out of context and distorted understanding for vested interest groups, it is a kind of irony and pain for the clearer.

I cannot guarantee that we are born equal, but I ensure equal opportunities.

What a beautiful word, it is a pity that births are not equal, and how can opportunities be equal.

False proposition.

"I voluntarily joined the Knights of Alterac, fighting for the life and property rights of all the legitimate people of the Alterac Kingdom, and risking their lives for the equality and freedom of all mankind. I promise not to be greedy or looting. , Do not bully the weak, do not rape women and children, and be an upright, honest, selfless, and courageous person. I swear in the name of the holy light to be loyal to the kingdom and to the king."

Kneeling down on one knee in front of Grand Commander Aiden, repeating the knight precepts of the Alterac Knights, the battle for the status of the Grand Knight will officially begin.

Irony, it turns out that as long as there is class rule, all the scenes will be the same. It's really ironic.

Carlos himself didn't understand what was going on. Today's mood was particularly impetuous, and he held a critical attitude towards everything.

Because it was a three-person melee, the three competitors skipped the riding battle and went straight to the foot battle.

Obviously it was a hindrance to one's own ascending channels, and it was clearly a thorny thorn in his life. They had already jumped out to compete. The two competitors were looking forward and backward, and they fought first, forgiving themselves aside.

Carlos suddenly felt that having a good father is the greatest wealth in life.

Cedan Dathrohan is indeed a good fighter, a good mentor, and after seeing ten moves, Carlos has already judged the approximate strength of the two competitors.

Yes, contenders, Carlos doesn't think those two are qualified to be rivals.

Slowly walked in, cut into the battle group, Carlos separated the two in the fight.

"What are you worrying about? Or are you underestimating me? After fighting like you guys, those who win are exhausted. Come on, let me see what the blue avalanche is like, and how many big team leaders you have in the future? It's a few pounds." Carlos's arrogant words failed to anger the competitors, and the three held each other.

The mountain doesn't move, I move.

Carlos took the lead in attacking, and Professor Cedan Dathrohan's stunts were extremely useful, and the heavy slashing easily disrupted the two men's posture. After the opponent rolled and avoided embarrassingly, Carlos stood still and waited for the competitors to adjust their stance.

After silent communication with eyes, the competitors reached a consensus.

Although considering that Carlos is likely to become the king, he will have to eat with him in the future. But Carlos's overwhelming advantage in power made the two's superb skills useless.

This is the reason why one force will drop ten guilds.

"Your Excellency, out of goodwill, I want to remind you that this explosive technique will cause a lot of burden and loss to the body, so it is better not to use it frequently." The seniors have rich experience and understand what they have just felt. Juli is absolutely impossible to be the norm, so he gave advice.

"Thank you for your kindness to Barov, but I also want to remind you two, this is a duel of honor, honor is higher than life."

Obviously, I'm so bored with the two of them in my heart, so don't talk nonsense if you feel weak, just get on the ground by me obediently. When it came to his lips, it became aristocratic and smooth.

He is really hypocritical, and Carlos's mood is even more irritable.

For more than ten years, I have not let go of any daily tasks with attribute bonuses, and coupled with year-round hard training, Carlos's upper limit of physical strength is terribly higher than that of ordinary people.

Slashing, boxing, swiping his legs and tripping his crotch, Carlos sweats like a game, but never makes the final blow to his competitors.

The younger one got up from the ground embarrassedly and asked angrily, "Are you humiliating me?"

"No, I'm just showing my strength to everyone."

In the past six months, Carlos's black hair has grown to the position of the shoulder blades.

The elderly sighed, threw the sword to the ground, and said "I abstain."

"Do you have the courage to compete with me in swordsmanship!" the remaining competitors howled angrily.

"Ignorance, are you too hard to understand that power is the basis of swordsmanship? But I meet your requirements."

Carlos walked to the abstainer, nodded to the elder, threw away the arm shield, picked up the long sword on the ground, and assumed the swirling flow of hands holding the sword in both hands.

In the constant block, the shield of the unyielding was shattered, the fighting sword was separated, Carlos put the Phantom Dancer on his neck.

"I lost." Unwilling tears slid down his face.

"Knightsports doesn't believe in tears, come to me after training, and we will fight again." Victory made Carlos feel a little relieved, and he couldn't help but pretend to be forced.

The loser threw away the weapon, removed the sword on his neck, and kissed the blade.

"Your Excellency, Aslan Qi'an is willing to serve you."

In the cheers, Carlos slowly left.

Carlos is changing his sweaty clothes in the tent outside the competition venue.

"I'm sorry, Carlos." Ilucia walked in.

"Huh? Ah! What?" Carlos was shirtless, at a loss.

"It was obviously Wilton's prank in the morning, but I gave you a slap, I'm sorry." Elucia apologized to her brother in embarrassment.

"Ahaha, girl, understand, normal reaction, now you see me shirtless, don't be angry, sister." Carlos slapped haha.

"Well, let's not be angry anymore, we are even." After speaking, Ilucia blushed and ran away.

Suddenly I felt relieved. Everything was pleasing to my eyes. Carlos, who had changed his clothes, returned to the competition venue to participate in the rest of the ceremony.

The breeze was blowing on his face, and Carlos couldn't help sighing, "Today's wind is a bit noisy."

In the town of South Blue, the promoted Heni Mareb has become the clerk of the town. When the old mayor retires, with Carlos' appreciation, it is appropriate to take over as mayor. The old mayor is also an eye-catching figure. After comprehending the intentions of his superiors, he earnestly taught Heni Mareb the key to managing South Blue Town.

On this day, the guards reported to Clerk Heney that a large fleet was approaching South Blue, and the mast could be seen from the pier.

Heni Mareb picked up the binoculars and ran all the way to the dock.

This flag, this flag, Henni Marebu felt that the flag on the mast of the leader ship was familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere when he was studying.

I remembered!

Heni Mareb suddenly felt hot in his eyes. This was the king's flag of the Arathor Empire during the time of Thoradin the Great.

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