Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 61 I don't know Anduin in my life, XXAX is also in vain

Anduin Lothar is not a fool who is immersed in the glory of the past, otherwise he would not help his cousin, Ryan Wrynn, sit on the seat of king. Playing the king flag of the ancestor Thoradin was also a helpless move. After seeing the stupidity and greed of the nobles, Sir Lothar was not confident to predict the reaction of the kingdoms of Lordaeron.

During the short stay in South Blue Town for a few days, the old mayor did his best to flatter him, and he almost didn't ask Anduin Lothar to sign on his belly as a memento. Although Heni Mareb also wanted to get close to the legendary idol, he still remembered his identity. He refused to give up on the issue of food rations for the refugees in Stormwind, and was given every meal.

Sir Lothar did not have the idea of ​​arguing with the host's clerks. In times of crisis, the host's willingness to help is already a great kindness, so why bother.

Using the National Rejuvenation Reserve, Anduin Lothar bought rations for two thousand people for ten days from the vendors, and took the little prince Varian and the noblemen who looked pleasing to the eye to the north, ready to go to Lordaeron.

"Although Varian and I are both blood relatives, Alex and I are blood relatives, but leaving thousands of people in South Blue Town to be taken care of by you, it is really deliberate not to go. Please accept these gold coins. If possible, try to improve the lives of these poor people as much as possible. Anduin is here to thank you all." Sir Lothar, who is both hard and soft, ate the old mayor to death, and the end of the matter is also very beautiful, which makes people unable to choose. Spikes out.

Leaving a box of treasures, Anduin Lothar first sent Varian onto the newly purchased carriage, then bid farewell to the officials of South Blue Town, and finally got on the horse.

Although the survivors of the Brotherhood of Iron Horses and the Royal Guard of Stormwind are dragging their tired bodies, they have high fighting spirit. The whole team is filled with suffocating anger and fighting spirit in sorrow. Although the queue is not tidy, the momentum is amazing. The last glory of the Kingdom of Stormwind is defended by us, and the light in the eyes of Anduin Lothar's followers clearly expresses this meaning.

"It's a terrible army. I saw the old man trembling." The old mayor sighed, his tone was calm, and he couldn't see what Sir Lothar looked like before.

"Such elite tribes have fled, how terrible the orcs in Sir Lothar's mouth are!" Heni Marebu couldn't help sighing.

After the baptism of the troll war, Henni Mareb thought he should be considered a qualified soldier, but in front of Anduin Lothar and his generals, he was still like a child.

An uneasy arose spontaneously.

"Mayor, what should we do?" Heni Mareb asked humbly.

"Everything is as usual, waiting for the adults' orders." The old town mayor was wiping his eyes with a handkerchief, who had a problem with tears in the wind.

Looking back, Anduin Lothar happened to see this scene, and couldn't help but sigh for the ancestor's reputation. A few hundred years later, there are people like the old mayor who are willing to cry for themselves.

"After all, it is a continuous bloodline, maybe the situation is not as bad as I thought."

Anduin Lothar added a bit of confidence in the future.

Arriving in the King City of Lundelun, Terenas Menethil II grandly received the remnants from Stormwind City. The knife marks and Bloodline on the soldier’s armor were not wiped away under Anduin Lothar’s order. A sad and majestic enveloped this mourning soldier. All those who were watching the ceremony in Lordaeron couldn’t help but admire. ------It is worthy of being the last blood of Thoradin, what a "kingdom lion" Anduin Lothar.

Set up shelter for the soldiers of Stormwind, order the nobles to entertain the colleagues of Stormwind at a banquet, and take the little prince Varian to the queen's place to rest. With everything arranged, Terenas was finally able to have a good chat with Anduin Lothar.

"Anduin, tell me what happened?" In the small lounge, two people of the same age were sitting relaxed, Terenas called his name directly to show her closeness.

"A shameful murder and an aristocratic stupidity. Terenas, I must warn you that great darkness is coming, and if the fellow Lordaeron are not united, we will have nowhere to escape. "Anduin Lothar took a drink and filled it up for himself.

"We are not facing a clan, a tribe, a country, but a world. Yes, a world. Those green-skinned guys passed through the huge portal of the Cursed Land and came to ours from another world. Homeland. At the beginning, we attacked them effectively. We thought that they were just like trolls who didn’t know where to pop up. We didn’t give them any attention, thinking that they were just humanoid beasts. But soon, we Just recognize the mistakes. Strong, smart, organized, and disciplined. They are intelligent and civilized creatures just like us, and they are far more numerous than we thought." Anduin Lothar took another sigh of relief. Everything in the glass. Terenas did not speak, but only helped Anduin fill it up again.

"You know Medivh."

"Well, the last guardian of the Tirisfal Council."

"Guardian." Anduin Lothar couldn't help but laughed bitterly, "Is the fallen guardian. My friend was enslaved by the devil and became the puppet of the demon god. He helped the orcs stabilize the teleportation. door."

"Oh, that's terrible."

"That's not the worst. The worst thing happened when I led an elite team to defeat this fallen watchman. The orcs assassinated our king, and poor Lane was dug out of his heart. "Anduin... Lothar said sadly.

"Let's drink to Ryan." Terenas suggested.

"For Ryan."


"What happened later." Terenas wanted to know the follow-up development of the incident.

"The orc changed to a chief, and the chaos and internal friction were contained. A simple strategy, the stormwind city elite legion at the pass led to the offensive of the fortress, fought a field battle with the orcs in the open area, and was then killed by the orcs several times their own. The army killed a lot. When I hurried back from Medivh’s magic tower Karazhan back to Stormwind, everything was too late, the orcs basically completed the encirclement, and the remaining power of the kingdom was divided into seven. It’s so fragmented, it’s impossible to organize an army that can contend with the orcs. After the arduous battle of defending the city, I can only flee with a limited number of people.” Anduin Lothar left a bitter regret. Tears, more people, were left in Stormwind City.

"You have done well enough, Anduin, you are not alone, countless people need you to cheer up and lead them, Varian still needs your care." Terenas understands Anduin is out of control. The reason, but I don’t know how to comfort.

"Thank you, Terenas. I was under too much pressure along the way. Thank you for listening to my confession. I feel better." Anduin Lothar quickly stabilized, "Terenas, Believe me, our current situation is very similar to that of Thoradin in the troll war. The orcs pose a threat to the entire human society. This is a life-and-death war for survival. This is not your or my personal business. , This is the business of all people, all human beings."

"I will write to all the kings and high lords, and I will invite everyone to Lordaeron to discuss all this. Anduin, before that, you need to rest well." Terenas made a promise and promise .

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