Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 62 Prince Varian Can't Lift Up

In the garden, Arthas was fighting with the guards with a fine wooden dagger.

Said it was a fight, it was more like a guard playing a game with the little prince.

"Varian, come and play with me." Under the guard's release, the little prince picked up the opponent's weapon.

"No, you're too young, it would be a bully to beat you." Varian resolutely refused the kid's invitation.

"Don't underestimate me, I am tall and strong among my peers!" Arthas walked to Varian, who was sitting reading a book, and looked down at Varian from above and below.

Then Varian stood up.

"Small, I'm six years older than you. Understand. It is hard to challenge an enemy far stronger than yourself." Varian knocked on Arthas's head, and the blond little lion exploded. Gross.

"The king is never afraid of challenges, let us divide the victory and defeat!" Arthas hugged Varian's waist, trying to throw his opponent to the ground.

Although the queen treats herself very well, the feeling of strangeness under the fence and the sadness of the country's ruined family make Varian have a slight sense of inferiority when facing Arthas.

Varian, who had undergone great changes, appeared to be a lot more mature. He hugged Arthas around his waist for about ten times, and then placed the dizzy little prince gently on the ground.

"Well, we made a tie."

After speaking, Varian picked up the book and continued to study.

"Sister, mother, Varian bullied me!" Arthas ran away and complained.

The queen just smiled gently, watching the children playing and playing, without interrupting.

"Alsace, if you mess with me, you'll be suing my father!" Galiya Menethil relentlessly slapped her brother's hand that she tried to wipe off her skirt.

"Jaliyah, you won't be able to marry you so rude" Arthas looked at his sister unhappy.

"Alsace, the afternoon class is about to begin. Are you really not going to play again?" The queen knew her son very well. As soon as this word came out, Alsace Sayazi ran away.

"Varian, come to me." The queen called softly.

"His Royal Highness, what do you want to call me?" Varian was well-mannered.

"Don't be like this, my child, Lordaeron is your new home, don't look like a guest. You are safe here, no one can hurt you." The queen put Varian in her arms and patted gently On his back, he wanted to brush away this poor sadness.

I am a guest. My country has forgotten. My home is gone. My parents are dead. Except for Uncle Lothar, there is no my family in this world.

"His Royal Highness, you have been worrying too much, I have had a very good time here." When it came to his lips, it was indeed an indescribable polite.

"Hey, Sir Anduin Lothar and your Uncle Terenas are busy preparing for this meeting of kings. They can't spare time to see you. The day after tomorrow will open, and you will be able to see your Uncle Lothar. The queen's smile was very cordial and sincere. Varian couldn't bear to speculate on such a lady with dark thoughts. He gave a soft "um" and stopped answering.

It has been two months since King Terenas Menethil II of the Kingdom of Lordaeron sent letters to the kings and high lords, and the last batch of Stormwind refugees also moved to Hillblad Hills. Terenas took over all the immigrants from the Stormwind Kingdom and placed them in the kingdom of Lordaeron. The closest kings, such as Kings Gene Greymane and Daelin Proudmoore of the Kingdom of Gilneas, have arranged the affairs of the kingdom and arrived in Lordaeron. Several kingdoms far away also dispatched their ministers to manage Xingxuan. A grand gathering of kings and lords is about to begin.

"Oh my God, he's so tall!" Even though the maids were talking quietly, dozens of people chatted together, they still seemed very noisy, disturbing Varian who was immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

"Aunt Lianne, I bring you my sincerest greetings on behalf of my father and mother." Carlos knelt on one knee and kissed the back of the queen's hand.

"Oh my God, Carlos, I remember when I saw you last time I was such a big and small man, and now I am a great man." Her Royal Highness gestured with her hand to the height of Carlos in her memory, looking a little bit Can't believe it.

"You are the Carlos who killed thousands of trolls! God, they lie, you can't be only sixteen years old, you are at least sixty years old!" Arthas didn't believe the person in front of him and the rumors. Carlos is a person, blurting out the words without his brain.

"No, no, no, when the manpower is finally poor, the victory of the war is the result of the bloody fighting of all the soldiers. How can it be the merits of my own person." Carlos smiled and wrinkled Kakuzu's eyes. "Alsace, you just When I was born, I also participated in your baptism ceremony. At that time you were so older, and I am only as tall as you now."

"I can grow up to be like you!" Hearing that Carlos was as tall as himself when he was a child, Alsace suddenly seemed very excited.

"Yes, as long as you eat on time every day, ensure that you have more than six hours of exercise." Carlos bulged his biceps and showed off his muscles, which attracted the amazement of Alsace and a group of maids.

"Baron Carlos, hello, this is Galiya Menethil. Nice to meet you." Her Royal Highness bowed gracefully.

"Don't be so polite, I even hugged you when I was young, and I became a big girl in a blink of an eye, Jia Liya." Carlos put his big hand on Jia Liya's head and rubbed it.

"You messed up my hair!" Jia Liya blushed and ran away looking for an excuse.

"Varian, come and meet Sir Carlos. Speaking of which you are also distant relatives." Her Royal Highness found that she hadn't seen Varian, and she called.

Closing the book, jumping from the tree, and walking to the front, Varian found out how tall Carlos really is, I'm afraid it's about the same as his uncle Anduin Lothar.

"His Majesty, please be sorry. Your Majesty King Ryan died at the same time as Stormwind. You are the last man of the Wrynn family. Please fulfill the duties of a royal family." Carlos's words behind him were somewhat rude, and the Queen was a little sluggish. NS.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean." Varian was also a little angry, and his tone was somewhat rude.

"I am a poor man who throws away that face. You still have people loyal to the kingdom, soldiers loyal to the royal family, and you and your uncle who ran for the revival of Stormwind Kingdom. You are lucky. Get your spirits up, you are Prince, you are the future king, and you are the hope of the people. Hold your chest up, your eyes lighted, and come up with what a prince should do, my dear cousin."

Carlos became more excited as he talked, and Varian's fists were clenched tighter and tighter, but he was overwhelmed by the final turn of the gods, and Carlos held him in his arms and turned in circles.

"Let go of me, I am not a kid!" Varian was unable to break free from Carlos' clutches.

Her Royal Highness also issued a knowing smile.

"Hahaha, Varian, let you bully me, and you have today!" Arthas laughed unscrupulously.

So Carlos put down Varian and grabbed Alss, who wanted to escape, and put him on his shoulders.

"Varian, Arthas just wanted to distract you with pranks. He is just a clumsy and cute little brother, don't be angry." Carlos's hair was pulled by Arthas.

"Who said I'm an idiot!" The little prince Tsundere said.

Varian resisted his tears, his eyes flushed and said, "I understand."

PS: I wish all the colleagues of the author who are still codewords and the viewers who have not dated tonight Valentine, happy, the author -kun is so honest. Let's click on the player together, select "Happy Breaking Up", and the single will loop to twelve o'clock.

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