Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 63 Twelve-level nuclear energy reaction, the iron curtain device is charging

(The legendary add 23. The book is currently free. You don’t have much benefit for the author-kun if you vote for the update. If you really like it, you can vote after it is on the shelves. Of course, the author-kun is not shameless enough to help. The audience lords have been delayed for saving money. Seeing the author-kun’s honesty, the audience lords shouldn’t worry about being too late for a few hours. To blame Huang Xudong and Sun Yifeng, this time of Kung Fu The cup is too humorous. It turns out that the sound of the background music can really bring the mysterious power from the east. I almost took the chapter name and walked in the cold wind.)

Alex was fettered by King Aiden in Alterac in the name of the Grand Duke of Regent, but Janis came to Lordaeron with the children.

Although the non-confidential ministers have been self-reliant, the name of Thoradin’s last blood has an HLY-kun-like attraction to the noble lords, as if to say a word with Anduin Lothar, the whole People are noble.

About four thousand years ago, the ancient Arathi people were invited by the high elves to participate in the war of destruction against the Amani trolls, and later developed into the only and final empire in human history: the Arathor Empire.

It was during the Arathor Empire that human footprints gradually moved out of the Arathi Highlands, from a weak prey to a powerful predator. When the status changed, human beings who had made great progress in science, technology and magic knowledge began to dissatisfy with the small fief. The desire for wealth turned into a driving force for expansion, and a large number of people moved to the north to be more prosperous. It was Thoradin the Great who withstood the internal pressure and persisted in completing the thick wall that his ancestors had never stopped building for thousands of years, and named it Thoradin's Wall.

The humans going north soon cultivated large amounts of farmland in the hilly area named Hillblad and the richer Lordaeron Plains. Suddenly, the high-ranking citizens of the capital, Stromgarde, were moved. A large number of young and strong laborers were unwilling to perform the military service of each household. The people fell into the agitation of the tide of reclamation. It was the iron and blood of Thoradin who suppressed the people's internal affairs. riot.

When the people were dissatisfied with Thoradin’s labor and money to build Thoradin’s Wall and preventing the northward reclaiming wasteland, the real slap in the face severely slapped those who opposed Thoradin’s policy.

That year was a year of famine. The continuous drought caused a large number of deaths of forest animals. The trolls who were torn apart in the battle of the ancient trolls united under the fear of hunger, and an army of 100,000 trolls went south. Just eat. The human gathering place north of Thoradin's Wall was almost wiped out, and the output of the farmland became the food of the trolls along with the farmer.

When the bad news came, the nobles who had been accustomed to living a life of fine clothes and jade food realized that their hands could no longer be able to wave and forbear freely.

At the moment of distress, the superior Thoradin the great Dili resisted all opinions, rejected the nobles' request for rescue from the north, and returned all the manpower to the south of Thoradin's Wall.

People and land are saved, people and land are saved, people and land are saved, people and land are lost. Although Emperor Thoradin did not express this truth in words, he implemented it to the end in his actions.

The hungry trolls were powerless to break the magical defenses of the Quel'Thalas elves, and had nothing to do to attack Thoradin's Wall south.

During the three months of hard and fierce battle, Thoradin the Great has always stood on the wall, bringing unlimited courage to the soldiers.

In the end, hunger destroyed the fighting spirit of the troll, and after a suicidal long live charge, the exhausted troll retreated. Just as the nobles and high-ranking citizens were preparing for the celebration banquet with joy, it was Thoradin the Great, and he led the last force to break out of Thoradin’s defenses and chase the trolls all the way. Ten days later, the emperor returned from exhaustion, and the flesh and blood of the troll filled the gaps in his lock armor.

The emperor, full of horrible corpses, once again destroyed the hope of the troll's revival, and none of the 100,000 trolls escaped back to the forest. This great emperor completed a great cause no less than that of his ancestors at the emptiest moment of the empire's arms, and the road of mankind's northward expansion was no longer barrier-free.

Shortly after the emperor closed his eyes forever, the nobles left the slightly barren homeland in large numbers to develop the rich New World. The descendants of the royal family who were forced to have no choice but to choose to go south, after a long and arduous trek, finally arrived in a fertile land called Irwin and established the Kingdom of Stormwind. At this time, a century has passed like a white horse.

No one can claim to be great in front of Emperor Thoradin, and no one can forget the triumphs of mankind during the Arathor Empire, so when Thoras Bertone met Anduin Lothar, the white-haired uncrowned king He drew out his sword that symbolized power, and held it in front of Thoradin's blood with both hands on one knee.

"The master's son, Bertone will always be loyal to Arathor." The tearful old man looked up at Anduin Lothar like a pilgrimage.

It's just that the faces of other noble kings are not so natural.

"The descendants of Ignaius, please don't be like this. I am now the regent of the Kingdom of Stormwind, not your emperor. The Arathor Empire has become history. Don't let the glory of our ancestors hinder us on our way forward." In Lothar raised Thoras Bertone and placed the sword symbolizing power into the scabbard around the old man's waist.

For a while, Anduin Lothar really wanted to wield the sword to command the heroes in the name of Thoradin, but reason prevented him from doing so. However, at the moment of the great enemy, if mankind falls into internal friction again, then he can only become a subjugated-kun, and there will be no hope for the revival of Stormwind.

With a squeak, the sword is in its sheath, and the Arathor Empire has completely become history.

With a sigh, all the nobles breathed a sigh of relief, and the complex mood filled people's hearts, and the unexpressible emotions turned into deafening applause.

"Everyone, history is always strikingly similar, and mankind is once again facing great dangers and challenges. The kingdoms of Lordaeron are now at the pinnacle of power in the human world. For all intelligent creatures, this is a solemn moment. To have the greatest. The power of is also an awesome responsibility for the future. Looking around, you not only feel that you have fulfilled your due responsibilities, but you are also worried. I am afraid that your future achievements may not reach such a high level. For everyone, Now there is an opportunity here, a clear, glorious opportunity. If we reject, ignore, or waste this opportunity, we will be blamed by future generations for a long time.

In order to keep these countless families safe, they must be protected from the terrible predators-war.

For the main purpose of preventing war, a human organization belonging to the whole world should be established. ... We must affirm all of this: its work is fruitful, it is a reality rather than an illusion, it is a force of action and not just mere talk of words, it is a true peace. The palace is not just a place to disturb and quarrel

"From the lakeside town of the Redridge Mountains to the Saldor Strait between Elwynn and Arathi, an iron curtain across the entire Eastern Kingdom has fallen. Behind this line lies the Kingdom of Stormwind and the Kingdom of Dwarves. The capital city. Stormwind City, Lakeside Town, Nightlight Town, Flash Gold Town, Ironforge, Gnomereen, Grim Batol, and Menethil Port in the Kingdom of Lordaeron-all these vicissitudes of towns and Its residents are all within the sphere of influence of the orc tribe, not only influenced by the tribe's influence in one form or another, but also threatened by the increasing pressure of the tribe.

To this end, we must establish a unified and unanimous union.

The fraternal union not only requires the growth of friendship and mutual understanding among all of us here, but also requires the two sides to maintain close military ties in order to jointly study potential dangers. Similarities and differences in weapons, training materials, and uniform deployment of officers and soldiers. It should also include the joint use of all the military facilities of the masters of various countries in Lordaeron, so that the existing facilities can continue to be used for common security purposes.

I suggest that this union should be called an alliance. "

Anduin Lothar completed an impassioned impromptu speech in a hurry.

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