Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 616 Who Killed Me, And Whom I Killed

Loremaster Kildas.

Loremaster Deleros.

Loremaster McCus.

Polymath Yawo.

The most glorious moment of Erre'Thalas once belonged to Syndra's Royal Library, and there were nineteen polymaths.

Today, however, there are only four of them left.

With the addition of Prince Tosidlin, there are only five high-level elves who have witnessed the glory of the Kaldorei Empire and continued the orthodoxy.

Now one of them is still begging Carlos to kill his prince.

This kind of desolation and sadness of the Empire's twilight building is embarrassing.

Kildas told Carlos the truth about being hidden.

After Ten Thousand Years came, Tosidlin was not unscrupulous about the magic power of sucking demons, he had always maintained a high level of vigilance.

But with the spread of magic famine, the addiction of the upper elves became more and more difficult to contain, and Prince Tosidlin began to change from passive hunting of demons to active summoning of demons.

Also known as phishing law enforcement.

But where is the sweetness in this world that can be tasted without paying a price.

With the continuous escalation of the scale of the summoning ritual, El'Thalas has attracted the attention of the Void Demon.

The dreadlords, their dreadlords have quietly penetrated into the social structure of Erethalas.

They lured Prince Torsedrin into the abyss of power, and chose to use magic to numb themselves in the face of desperate reality.

This is a road of no return, and the prince is no longer saved.

"Prince Tosidlin himself did not even realize that he had split his personality, and often chanted the language of the devil in a low voice."

When Carlos heard this, he instantly thought of a person - Medivh.

"If you can help the prince get liberated, those I can persuade other polymaths to support my decision, you can choose everything in Ere'Thalas, as long as you and your army take it away."

Kildas opened his arms and made a promise that was almost generous.

But Carlos can hear it. He is not joking. The Kaldorei Empire’s background is too strong. Even if it is Elesharas, who has been declining for Ten Thousand Years and has been declining, it is not Carlos and his hands. The next thousand people can be emptied.

Kildas has the strength to fulfill its promises.

The only problem is that Carlos does not believe in the benefits of falling from the sky.

"Tell me, what makes you ask for help from outsiders."

"His Royal Highness Prince Torsedrin is very strong..."


"The demons have not completely eroded the mind of the prince, so they provide a lot of chaos magic power for the prince to suck. At this time, the prince is gradually recovering his strength, and we have nothing to do."

Kildas' expression revealed deep exhaustion.

Then Carlos wanted to scold his mother.

That's the night elf prince! ! !

Why did Carlos dare to squeeze the soft persimmon of Doom Gavel with just a thousand people?

Because Carlos's job is hard enough.

For the long years of Ten Thousand Years, many of the Great Arcanists of El'Thousand fell into an eternal slumber, still awake because they lost contact with the Well of Eternity and their strength was greatly reduced, even if they relied on the devil's magic power to relieve them. The onset of addiction can't conceal the nature of weakness.

How weak is it?

At that time, Prince Tosidlin was a big figure at the same level as Prince Farodis, and was a peerless power second only to Queen Azshara. Although Xavius ​​was the number one minister of Queen Azshara, the Kaldorei Empire was one of the best. The real power figure still has to bow to the elf prince. As for the powerful night elves that exist in the world, whether it is Malfurion, Tyrande, Maiev, or even expand the scope of the sun king Anastrian of Silvermoon City, and the chief arcanist tower of Suramar Lisa and the Great Magister Elisande were all included, and they could only use the attitude of looking up to fear the elf prince.

We must know that Prince Farodis was cursed to become an immortal ghost because he disobeyed Azshara, and he still possessed the ability to kill the giants of the deep sea in seconds with a Great Fireball.

We must know that the Na'Thalas Academy in Azsuna is only an arcanist organization open to all upper elves, but Syndra is an arcanist organization that can only be joined by elites approved by the queen.

If you have to measure Prince Torsedlin, you can roughly predict that the big boss who used to be one hundred and thirty is now kicking back to the forty-fourth level.

So Carlos dared to jump on Torsedlin's head and openly dig the foot of the wall.

But now Kildas tells Carlos that Prince Tosedrin's strength is recovering.

Carlos's denial was almost blurted out for three consecutive times.

"How far has your prince recovered?"

Carlos asked based on the idea of ​​seeking wealth and danger, he was a little unwilling.

"It's about the strength of three thousand years ago."

"What is the approximate strength of three thousand years ago."

"It's almost half of what it was five thousand years ago."

"Compared with the prince back then?"

"Prince Torsedrin was too powerful back then, I dare not try to figure out his depth."

"Can I beat you?"


Carlos hit it directly.

Relying on the old and selling the old, the old immortal is not accustomed to beating.

"You are really a powerful warrior, this speed, this strength, there is something to do!"

Kildas covered his right eye socket and said excitedly.

Not only Carlos was stunned, Dan Dema felt incredible.

Are the upper elves shaking M?

However, during the negotiation process, Carlos suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He motioned to Kildas to wait, then pretended to discuss with Dandema, and scanned the surroundings with the occluded motion.

"I feel like something is peeping. It should be on my left."

Dan Dema is indeed an old habit, suddenly raised his voice.


Carlos's on-the-spot experience is so rich, and he takes the conversation decisively.

"If you don't understand sincerely, go right away!"

Dan Dema left with resentment in the puzzled eyes of Kildas and Chenguang.

"It doesn't matter, let's continue talking, where did we go?"


Kildas may have suffered a slight concussion, and his thinking speed could not keep up. I am totally sorry for his title of polymath.

"Talking about the strength of His Royal Highness Prince Torsedrin."

Chenguang connected the conversation.

"Well, about the prince's strength..."

While Carlos was sincerely pulling the calf, Dandema used the night elves' innate talent to search for the area that Carlos suspected while sneaking.

Then, really let him TAB out the eavesdropper.


For Sartre, Dandema did not have any mercy. Those night elves who followed Xavius ​​to the legion were not worthy of mercy and had nothing to do with their compatriots.

If Dandema still has sympathy for the high-level elves, for these demons transformed from night elves, Dandema can't wait to kill one by one.

"Keep your hands! I want to ask questions."

Carlos called out the preemptive Dan Dema and asked him to save the retarded Satre for his life.

As a result, the Sartre who eavesdropped on Carlos's conversation used Salas to utter the most vicious curse with his voice changed.

Carlos felt that the holy light in his body fluctuated significantly, as if washing and purifying something.

"Say, who sent you here?"

To be honest, Carlos was really afraid that Xavies would come to trouble.

"It's the great Sargeras, let me go if you know..."

Carlos motioned to Dandema, and broke its neck directly.

"There are more and more fallen people in Erethalas, hey!"

Kildas couldn't help sighing.

"Your Majesty, please save your future people, they all fell into the magical way because they couldn't bear the pain."

Chenguang lowered his head and pleaded.

My kingdom will not issue a citizenship certificate to Sartre.

Carlos entered the king mode again, sitting on the floor and starting the price.

"If you want me to save your city, yes, open the door, and I want to lead the soldiers in."

"This is never..."

Kildas did not hesitate to refuse.


A crystal pendant on Kildas suddenly made a sound.

"Dreyros you!!!"

"I also think it can."

"Yavo, even you..."

Carlos looked at Chenguang with a puzzled look, but Chenguang showed a look of horror.

"Kildas, we can't wait. Tonight, Prince Torsedrin will sacrifice 10,000 people."

Deleiros added, who said yes.

"In Xiacheng, a whole block of civilians disappeared, and even the protector of Elon Barker showed signs of disordered thinking. The demons have penetrated us more deeply."

Yawo, who said it's okay, continued to add.

Carlos suddenly felt that Kildas was very unreliable, could this be a pit?

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