Whether there is a heart to harm or not to defend against others is indispensable.

Carlos came to Feralas in order to gain a profit and increase his deck. He was kindly prepared to fight a fatigued battle with the Legion. There was no reason to sink himself into it.

Don't take risks just because the upper elves look good.

So I can only do some sort of work and say sorry.

"I need time to prepare, and I think you also need it."

Carlos said so.

The polymaths expressed their understanding, but Chenguang couldn't accept it.

"There will be a blood sacrifice tonight, we..."

"Enough, this is our own business in Ere'Thalas, this is the decision of Prince Torsedrin. We can't ask for more."

Kildas interrupted Chenguang's pleading.

For Carlos, or the power of humanity, the ruling class of the upper elves believes that it is a power that can be cooperated, traded and used. Even if the declining Errethalas still has enough background, it can pull out an army that can wipe out Carlos's army of 1,000 people.

This is also the confidence that Kildas is willing to negotiate a deal with Carlos.

There are two reasons why they are helpless to Prince Torsedrin.

First, the prince's personal strength is far above the polymath.

Second, Erre'Thalas' army remains loyal to their prince.

So Carlos, an unexpected army, became the key to Kildas and others breaking the game.

As long as Prince Tosedrin falls, Erre'Thalas' internal social problems will no longer be unsolvable.

But unlike the polymaths, Chenguang was too deep into the drama, and she saw only the suffering of democracy in her eyes.

Ere'Thalas is no longer saved. If the problem of magic addiction is not solved, everything is nothingness.

The aloof arcanists, the Syndras who ruled Ere'Thalas, did not put the people first.

This is the essential contradiction between Chenguang and Kildas.

"Master Loremaster, I want to stay, please help me cover up."

Chenguang stood beside Carlos and made the choice to stand in line.

Kildas's look of contempt flashed past, but he couldn't help sighing because he wanted to understand something.

"It's okay if you don't watch it. Then, Your Majesty Carlos, let Chenguang be your contact person. Let us know when you are ready."

"no problem."

Carlos nodded calmly.

Needless to say, everyone is smart, and Kildas did not continue to point out that Prince Tosedrin's power will be stronger in a day. And Carlos did not sit on the ground and raise the price, after all, within a day, the polymath's hole cards will also be reduced by one point.

"What is your status in Erre'Thalas?"

After seeing Kildas leaving, Carlos asked Chenguang.

"I am a priest of Syndra, a priest who cannot receive the gaze of the goddess, a priest who cannot feel the light, an unqualified arcanist."

The voice of the morning light was full of pain.

You know so much...

Carlos suddenly understood why the Holy Light couldn't satisfy the upper elf.

Because they have long sucked the magic power of the devil, it seems that they have developed resistance to the Holy Light.

The blood elves can absorb the Naaru to relieve their greed, the upper elves are made by this moth.

"Follow me first."

Returning to the camp with morning light, Carlos quietly contacted Modra.

"Is there such a spell that can open a portal between Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdom? It doesn't need to be permanent, it just needs to be able to transmit my army."

Carlos directly explained his intentions.

"Yes, I won't."

Even if Mordella's voice was distorted by the magic communication across the endless sea, the ridicule was still full of scum.

"Who will?"

"Medivine and his mother."

"Do you have the contact information of Your Excellency Aegwynn?"

"I still have a signed photo of Lord Aegwynn, you want to see it?"

"Give some constructive comments."

"Magic is omnipotent, but sorcerers have limits of ability. This is my advice to you."

"Very pertinent."

"In view of your good attitude, I will give you another sincere reminder."


"The materials used in this magic communication are worth about two thousand four hundred gold coins. Please reimburse me half of it later."

Modra strongly disconnected from Carlos.

Carlos really doesn't have many restraints for a "shadow" of the status level of Modra. It's not a good idea to expect her to speak nicely to him.

Since Modra said it couldn't be done, it is estimated that it really can't be done.

In the modern era of rapid development of magic technology, the archmages of Dalaran are willing to spend money to build a permanent portal from Quel'Thalas, which is located in the northernmost part of the Eastern Kingdom, and send it directly to the southernmost Cape of Stranglethorn. owned.

But the great Uzumaki in the center of the endless sea has too much interference with the arcane energy, and it is probably beyond their ability to teleport from the Eastern Kingdom to Kalimdor.

Want to rely on a thousand people to conquer Ere'Thalas, Carlos has not been so arrogant to the point.

The standard of the alliance, a legion is three thousand six hundred people, without three legions and the corresponding logistical supplies, Carlos will never tear his face with the polymaths and intervene forcefully in the affairs of Ere'Thalas.

Because the gain is not worth the loss.

I originally thought that a thousand people would be more than enough to get the benefits, but the wealth was touching. In the last "calm" years of Azeroth, Carlos was really tempted by the "fat" piece of Doom Maul.

So he decisively issued the order.

"Increase the encirclement and suppression of the ogres, suspend the exploration of the gates, concentrate all forces and prepare for war."

"Our hands have been dispersed, Your Majesty, if..."

"Return the weapons to the ogres and let them participate in the encirclement and suppression."


"Tell them that those who ran away were killed, and those who were lazily sliced ​​meat, I said!"


Although his subordinates are a little worried about Carlos's decision, seeing Carlos's determination is firm, they can only drive the king's orders.

That night, Chenguang knelt down and prayed to Elune under the moonlight, but did not receive a response from the Moon God.

Carlos sighed helplessly.

Is this a good thing?

The elves of Erethalas are missing another ten thousand.

This large-scale blood sacrifice did not cause riots, and Prince Tosidlin was indeed a human being.

"Because of an addiction, life is better than death."

Chenguang gave the most true answer to Carlos's doubts.

For the sake of magic, even one's own life can be sold, let alone someone else's.

With full effort, Carlos spent three hours to complete the distance that would have taken two days to complete, and took a short cut and walked straight back to the door of dreamland.

"Dear Lethone, I want to see Cenarius."

Allowing Carlos to take a thousand people through the Emerald Dream is already the limit of the green dragon's patience. This is the favor that Eranikus got when he sold his old face in front of the green dragon queen Ysera, even if Carlos wanted to and Lythone It doesn't make sense to be reasonable.

Therefore, Carlos decided to talk to the big guys outside the specifications.

"Your Excellency Cenarius has been waiting for you for a long time."

Contrary to Carlos's expectation, Lesorn said something amazing.

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