Kildas is qualified to look down on Carlos.

Because Erethalas has 20,000 defenders and 3,000 wizards, this force cannot be ignored wherever it is placed.

Only relying on Carlos and his 1,000 people, even if three thousand tauren are added, as long as Erre'Thalas turns his face, they will all be planted here.

But where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes.

Ere'Thalas is not a monolithic one.

Kildas' biggest mistake is that he shouldn't let the morning light stay by Carlos's side.

Because through Chenguang's report, Carlos keenly discovered a problem.

In fact, the upper elf society of Ere'Thalas is severely divided, and social conflicts are extremely sharp.

The simple truth is that the decline of Elthalas is the decline of the magical civilization, but Elthalas is not only a wizard.

A city with a population of hundreds of thousands cannot have only a ruling class. It also requires a large number of people as labor.

The populace among these elves were not actually so attached to magic, but Syndra ignored their voices.

Although these civilian elves are not worth mentioning in front of the arcanist's magic, the garrison of Erethalas is also selected from these civilians.

The panic caused by Prince Tosidlin's sacrifice to his people was far more serious than the rulers thought.

Silence ah silence, if you don't resist in silence, you will die in silence.

Without the intervention of Carlos, Elthalas will gradually become a ghost town in the next twenty years, because the ordinary elves of Elthalas have no power to resist.

They are represented by the arcanist class.

If Carlos completed the assassination of Tosedrin according to Kildas's plan, the polymaths would also give Carlos what he wanted as agreed.

Because in Syndra's view, Carlos didn't want too much, the "proud" high-level elves didn't mind giving the helpers their due rewards.

But Carlos also has his own pride and prejudice against these people.

So Carlos chose a different approach.

Four polymaths helped Prince Tosedrin with the daily management of Ere'Thalas.

But there are also subtle differences in their positions.

Why didn't the other three polymaths, including Kildas mention their fourth colleague to Carlos?

Because McCus is the most staunch supporter of Torsedlin.

To put it plainly, it is diehard.

The biggest lie and malice in the world is to make you believe that you will reap the rewards for your hard work, and that your hard work will eventually pay off.

Carlos has seen too many things where the process is wrong but the result is correct.

Kildas and the others thought that Carlos knew nothing about Ere'Thalas, and that the greedy human "explorers" would fear the strength of the ancient city and choose to compromise and cooperate.

In all fairness, Carlos felt that Kildas's behavior and words were in line with his identity knowledge after empathizing. But the biggest cognition difference between the two sides is that Carlos has broken through the inner weakness of Ere'Thalas.

As long as the Elf Guards in Erethalas are under control, the "terrible" three thousand mages will do nothing.

Syndra mistakenly thought that his powerful mage power could deter outsiders, but they did not expect that it was the 20,000 garrison troops that really made Carlos taboo.

Carlos was working hard at the computer in the "Compendium of Slaying the Dragon", and he could barely grasp the magic system of the Doom Maul with his eyes closed. As long as the Arcane Tower is destroyed and Imottal is beheaded, the entire spell system based on the demon's magic power in Erre'Thalas will go down.

So through the morning light, Carlos contacted McCus without hesitation.

The result of the disagreement between the supreme leader and the four polymaths was to directly paralyze the ruling organization ability of Ere'Thalas.

Coupled with the morning light inciting the priesthood to advocate neutrality, the city garrison of Elre'Thalas is actually in a state of chaos and division.

The morale damage caused by the blood sacrifice of their own people to the upper elf civilians is devastating.

The garrison of more than 20,000 troops was divided into 22 thousand regiments, stationed everywhere in Ere'Thalas, the two regiments guarding the city gate were directly suppressed, and their weapons and equipment were disarmed. In the morning light and her support Instigated by the attackers, the four regiments turned, and eleven regiments maintained a strange neutrality, leaving the last 5,000 people, and Carlos was ready to fight a tough battle.

"Traitor, do you know what you did?"

Kildas didn't expect Chenguang to sell Ere'Thalas for Carlos, and questioned angrily.

"I am saving my compatriots, my people."

Chenguang met Kildas's eyes without fear.

Carlos seems to have a great advantage, and even has the potential to swept Ere'Thalas, but he did not swell.

Carlos clearly understands that the so-called "advantage" in front of him is just an outbreak of dissatisfaction among the low-level people.

However, the desperate counterattack of the middle and lower leaders of the party class represented by Chenguang was an outbreak of resistance under the reign of Tosidlin's white terror.

Once he makes a mistake, he loses his "image of justice" and instantly falls into the quagmire called the "Maul of Doom".

So he carefully restrained his troops and the ogres, and took the trouble to explain the articulation to Hamuul.

The upper elves restrict the upper elves. It seems that this battlefield is three times the city of Lordaeron and a huge city that is 15 times the city of Alterac is already readily available, but Carlos's goal has not actually been achieved.

McCus released Carlos pigeons.

Although he fulfilled his promise with practical actions and suppressed the guards of Erezalas, he did not meet with Carlos as promised.

McCus's rejoice in Carlos' occupation action added a bit of weirdness, and the disappearance of the other two polymaths also aroused Kildas's vigilance.

"Your Majesty Carlos, things are wrong."

Because Carlos has not officially turned over with Kildas, and the coalition forces have maintained restraint during the occupation, this provides the possibility for the two sides to continue to cooperate.

"Master Kildas, you say."

Carlos asked politely.

"If McCus intervenes, I can understand that the city garrison will not move. But the city was invaded and Syndra did nothing. This is abnormal."

Didn't care about Kildas's "invasion" statement, but this is also where Carlos is puzzled.

It went so well.

Although it was the result of multi-party efforts, it was still too smooth, and it was not normal.

Carlos is not a trembling player, he has to be able to enjoy the joy of victory after a bloody battle, but this kind of "victory" that seems to be a trap is really frightening.

"Your Majesty, the roads leading to the underground still room and the Royal Library are closed."

"Your Majesty, a large number of demons have been found in the North District."

"Your Majesty, those big trees, big trees are coming to life!"

"His Majesty……"

"His Majesty!"

It seemed that last night's victory was a vain illusion. Suddenly, the situation of Ere'Thalas changed color suddenly.

"Could it be that the sacrificial ceremony of His Royal Highness Prince Tosedrin succeeded?"

Kildas' worried self-talk was heard by Carlos.

"Brother Hamuul, I will trouble you to deal with the turmoil in the city."

"no problem."

"Knights, mobilize three hundred-man teams, and then bring an ogre formation to clean up the demons."


Carlos unlocked the holy light on Kildas.

"Dear Loremaster, please take me to the prison where Imottal is held."

Feeling the flow of magic power flowing smoothly again, Kildas had the idea of ​​running away for a moment, but quickly suppressed his cowardice.

"Don't go to the Royal Library first?"

Carlos shook his head and was silent.

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