Imottal is not an obscure little character.

Before Sargeras embraced the void, the Twisted Void was a chaotic and disorderly dark forest, a demon realm where the strong recklessly became the weak.

As the powerful dreadlords of the Twisting Nether, or professionally call them the favorite pets and accomplices of the Nathrezim clan, they are the Disaster Chaos Demon Dogs.

Unlike the "Mage Slayer" Dread Hound, the Disaster Chaos Demon Hound is a more advanced race of void demons.

I don't know how many Nathrezim became their food when hunting the Disaster Chaos Demon Dog. Through this comparison, people can quickly understand the strength of this monster.

Imottal is the outstanding one among the Void Calamity Dogs, powerful and cunning.

But it is such a strong Menos Grande empty demon that the Burning Legion has not surrendered, but overturned the car in Azeroth. It is really a "sad" story.

"I was imprisoned for Ten Thousand Years, and I was arrested again. Now you dare to step into my territory. This is a dead end!"

When Carlos stepped into the still prison, he inexplicably made up this line automatically.

The magical defense system of Elthalas is based on the static position emanating from the magic crystal tower.

A single adventurous team wants to break into a static prison. It is idiotic. Even if there is a wizard in the team, relying on personal magic, I am afraid that it will not even be able to open the door.

But Carlos was not alone. Under his order, all nearby crystal towers were shut down, all the refusing crystal tower guards were disarmed and taken into custody, and all the rebels ordered the surrendered elven guards to exclude them.

It is also an excellent way to break through with force.

After cutting off the magic network of the static prison, Carlos led the ogre to launch a desperate raid.

Why is an ogre?

Because I don't feel distressed when I die.

Most of the guards of the static prison are so-called "researchers". Apart from summoning some arcane servant elemental creatures to support the field, they only cast a few arcane missiles BIU.

In the face of the three big and five thick ogres, without the confidence of the people of Silvermoon City in the flame storm, magic is really not a very good way to deal with it.

Especially under the supervision of the "Monster King", the morale of the ogre is mandatory not to be negative.

Therefore, when the prison guards who refused to surrender were eliminated, Carlos ordered the human army to come down to the end, and by the way also called Hamuul and his druid disciples down.

After all, it is the Disaster Chaos Demon Dog. You can't be too careful. If you look down on Imottar with the idea of ​​grading for the balance of versions in the game, you will suffer a lot.

This is a terrible monster that has not yet been sucked up by the magic power that provided Errethalas, Ten Thousand Years.

Carlos tried to use the holy light to probe Imottal's reality, but was blocked by a static position.

But judging from the surrounding soldiers' fear of Imottal's huge size and terrifying appearance, the crowded tactics are useless.

If Imottal got out of trouble, his fear aura erupted, Carlos would stop fighting, for fear that he would not be killed by his own hands.

As a result, Carlos adopted the most secure way to deal with it.

Pump, give me a hard pump!

The surplus manpower was transferred to other places, and there were only less than a hundred manpower left in the static prison. The high-level elves arcanists who surrendered and turned down reluctantly collected twenty or so people. Of the five ways to start, you can't go straight to death if you draw blue.

Kildas also rushed to the static prison after handling his own affairs.

Carlos didn't mind his help (taking the opportunity to make up for the evil), but he also saw some problems in it.

The difference in strength is too great.

The spells used by the upper elves to extract the magic power of Imottal are visually reflected as the absorption of magic power flow.

Kildas alone draws more mana flow than the other twenty arcanists, and the flow of mana flow is faster.

Carlos really wanted to pretend to shout that the power of the polymath was terrifying.

About ten minutes later, Kildas signaled the other arcanists to stop.

"His Majesty Carlos, it's almost done, and then absorb the magic power, Imottal will return to the void."

"Very well, open the static barrier, let it out."

"His Majesty Carlos, do you really want to make it clear? Even if you are exhausted, it is still a catastrophe and chaos dog. In the long history, Imottal has been out of trouble four times, and each time we paid a huge price to rebuild Confine it."

"If you can't beat you, you can run, I won't hold you."

Looking at Kildas, who was a little swollen because of his full magic power, Carlos was not prepared to talk nonsense.

Come and fight.

Carlos did not rudely destroy the crystal tower in the static prison, but simply modified it.

After all, it is an enemy with unknown abilities and should not be taken lightly.

Both Sdomka and Saratas remained in Alterac, and the sword of Ashkandi Brotherhood was lost in the astral travel. Although as a collection of weapons and armor, Carlos possessed many Collection, but I have to say that the above three weapons are still the most valuable of his collection.

But as a king, how could he lack the weapons to take advantage of.

In the ten years since he left Azeroth, the forging process has also been continuously improved, so after his return, Carlos recast his first weapon of commemorative value-the Arcanite Axe.

With the interruption of the supply of magic power, the static enchantment that shackled Imottal gradually became ineffective.

The angry catastrophe Chaos Demon Dog uttered a soul-level roar. The eye-stalk-like tentacles on its head drove the magic eyes with different functions to quickly sweep across the fan-shaped area directly in front. The master of power squandered.

This TMD is a 5-person boss?

Carlos snorted coldly, showing a disdainful smile.

In the world of father and birth, he never carried a knife to kill. Today, I will use the blood of your wicked animal to set off the unworldly martial arts of the Sajia family.

As the first real enemy after Carlos returned, Imottal could only fight to the death, unlike Varimathras who was running away.

Is it my fault to be caught by the upper elf?

Was drawn a Ten Thousand Years demon and fell into a weak state. Blame me?

Carlos doesn't talk about fairness, but only divides life and death. He needs the blood of monsters to frighten everyone.

Even before launching the charge, Carlos was distracted and considered organizing all the elves of Errethalas to watch Imottal's corpse for thought revision education.

Although Imottal was scientifically named the Disaster Chaos Demon Dog, if Carlos treated it as a dog, he would suffer a lot.

Disaster Chaos Demon Dog, just by analyzing its name, you can roughly guess its several abilities.

This is also the main reason why Carlos wants to transform the crystal tower in the static prison.

After Imottal was free, the first wave of chaotic rays was transformed into a magical protective device to defend against it. While it was temporarily in a state of malaise, Carlos used a trick that all physics-based melee men would use———— Jumping and smashing, slammed Imottal's head fiercely, cut off a few eyestalks, and took away a large piece of flesh and blood of the monster.

But Imottal didn't show a painful look, his two huge dominant eyes even showed a mocking look.

From Imottal’s torn flesh and blood wound, the ignorant viscous body fluid turned into peristaltic tentacles and gushed out and wrapped Carlos. It seemed that he wanted to use these tentacles to drag him into the mouth and use his sharp teeth to bite into pieces. Chew into a dregs.

Others saw Carlos being restrained by flesh and blood tentacles and eagerly wanted to rush out of the defensive range of the crystal tower to rescue. Kildas showed a mocking look on his face but did not rush to do it, as if thinking about the pros and cons.

"Sure enough, you have no magic power."

Carlos whispered softly, the blazing holy light burned the flesh and blood tentacles that wrapped him, attached to the recast Arcanite axe, Carlos held the axe high behind him with one hand, and freed one hand to tear at Imottal’s At the edge of the wound, drag the magic dog in your direction with brute force, forming the shape of a puppy stretching.

Imottal showed a look of fear, and the remaining magic eyes on his head frantically swayed its little magic power, and various chaotic rays focused on Carlos's body.

Comprehending the feeling that the possessed holy light gradually weakened due to the neutralization of various magic rays with negative effects, Carlos felt at what a terrifying creature Imottar was in his heyday. After all, the "quantity" cannot be compared with these monsters.

But what about it, the one who wins in the end is himself.

The sharp axe drew a beautiful semicircular trajectory in the air, and the huge impact damaged the firm floor of the prison, bringing up the dust mixed with the flesh and blood of the demon dog, and whizzing away.


Kildas reminded suddenly.

"Disaster Chaos Demon Dog will curse his enemies when it dies, causing huge damage, hurry up and purify your majesty!"

It turned out that the polymath had never considered the possibility of Carlos being able to kill Imottal before, so he did not mention this matter.

But when Carlos really accomplished this feat on his own, Kildas found that the problem was big.

The disaster curse when Imottal died was so terrible, if Carlos died from the disaster curse, then those troops that were put into the city...

Kildas at this time cares about Carlos' life and death more than anyone else.

As the dust cleared, Carlos' figure seemed to move.

Still alive, not dead on the spot!

Kildas left the protection area of ​​the crystal tower and ran towards Carlos.

Then, slowly, slowly, the polymath stopped, and stopped at a distance of three to five meters from Carlos.

"Curse of disaster, do you say this?"

In the palm of Carlos's hand that didn't hold an axe, there was a mass of energy that changed colors, shaking like a living life.

"It's impossible! Even Prince Tosidlin has no such ability. Only His Majesty can be possible...Who are you?"

The polymath Kildas asked in a panic.


Carlos sneered disdainfully.

"The times are different, Master. When you are complacent and satisfied with the glory of the past, the world of magic is developing with each passing day. Do you understand why I look down on you? Because you are already behind."

Annihilating the calamity energy in his hand, Carlos took a handful of the magic stick and opened the wings of the holy light to create a dazzling brilliance.

"Believe in the Holy Light!"

When he shouted this sentence out loud, Carlos also used the principle of air resonance to make a clang clang~~ clang clang~~~ clang clang~~~~~ clang clang background sound.

The winner will do whatever he wants.

Carlos put his trembling hand behind him, and stared at all the upper elves present with an arrogant expression.

Damn, if it wasn't for Imottal to be so weak that he had overturned.

Hardly accepting the curse of disaster and evil, and not as easy as Carlos showed.

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