"Queen Ysera agreed to meet with you, but not now, but after the crisis is over."

"Is this an empty glove white wolf?"

"The crisis I'm talking about does not simply refer to the well of soul."

"what is that."

"The black dragon is about to move, and His Majesty Ysera has already left the Emerald Dream at this time."

Lesson’s explanation was not very sincere, but Carlos had no better way other than accepting it.

Because to handle this kind of thing is to grasp the measure and pay attention to the degree.

No matter which world, the most stupid thing will always include helping others and pulling hatred.

The gate of the Emerald Dream opened again to Carlos, and the forces of Alterac Kingdom in the Hinterlands were constantly gathering in the direction of the portal.

Humans, dwarves, trolls, and orcs, four races that originally hated and hated each other, stood side by side under Carlos's power. They were preparing to fight for hope on an unfamiliar land tens of thousands of miles away from the illusion. This picture is so beautiful and imaginative. .

Coupled with tauren and night elves, ha, Carlos found that he was about to gather the main races of World of Warcraft by accident.

When the first batch of reinforcements had arrived in Ere'Thalas, and half of the troops were still stranded in the Hinterlands, Carlos left the territory of the Green Dragon Legion and went south to explore an anomalous area.

After receiving the troops into a line, after dealing with the initial chaos, everything has a rule to follow, and there can be no major chaos. According to the situation report of Isoregus, the preparation work will take about three days, and the time is not particularly urgent.

Although Erethalas can provide food for Carlos' army, the armament of the high-level elves is really difficult to comment. Carlos needs more time to make adequate preparations.

So he is not very urgent to deal with the problem of the well of soul.

The Well of Soul is a trouble, but not that kind of big trouble.

The root of everything is still the ancient gods, C'Thun, N'Zoth, and their minions.

The madness of the Naga completely blocked the night elves' maritime transportation, regardless of battle damage, even if the night elves had more warships, they would not be able to break through the blockade of the Naga. This was Silithus's dilemma.

The long-cherished wish of the worms, for thousands of years of continuous underground excavation, the entire Silithus underground has formed a network of passages extending in all directions, and even these passages continue to extend north, and large worms have appeared in the southern part of Un'Goro Crater. nest.

Now the night elves’ material supplies are on the one hand, eating inventory, and on the other hand, they all rely on sending exploration teams to collect them from the Un'Goro area.

Even though Cenarius and the druids of the Cenarion Circle can grow rice in the desert of Silithus, the war is not a treat for dinner, but the most basic level is the consumption of various materials.

Silithus was puzzled by the crisis, and Carlos was also in vain when he won.

But conversely, if the Well of Souls exploded, Silithus would be a big firework.

The situation that Carlos is facing, the battle to be fought, is the necessary and insufficient part of the whole battle.

You can only win but not lose.

"The night elves have a population of tens of millions. If you lose 200,000 troops, you will be subjugated and extinct. Your Majesty, do you look down on them too much?"

The human officer who came from the Hinterlands followed Carlos curiously while observing the topography of Feralas, and asked inexplicably.

"Then tell me, let me give an order, how many troops can Alterac have to wipe out the entire army without asking the reason?"

Carlos asked calmly.

"As long as you..."

At the beginning of the compliment, Carlos's sharp eyes forced him back.

"Ten thousand people always have it."

Carlos' eyes calmed down.

"The Barov family has a hundred years of prestige. I have cultivated and promoted for more than ten years. There are more than 10,000 troops willing to serve me. Do you still think Silithus's problem is small?"

"Well, your Majesty, what do you mean, the two hundred thousand night elves are..."



"It's not such a superficial ruling foundation. The night elves are immortal. From the time when we humans were still herding sheep in the Arathi Highlands, their night elves have been fighting little monsters for the world and peace. Those night elves in Silithus, Everyone is a living hero, and life experience written into a novel is a legend on the same level as people. If all these veterans of war are gone, even if the night elves have a population of tens of millions, it is impossible to build such a fighting force in a short time. Army. You think that the two hundred thousand people are half of the night elves, it’s not unreasonable."

It is expected that it is a commentary, it is better to say that Carlos himself is sorting his thoughts.

Why must we go to Silithus's muddy water? This is the reason behind it.

Humans did not face the strength of the Qiraji, and for some time to come, the night elves would be an indispensable absolute power for Azeroth.

If the situation is allowed to deteriorate, and the Burning Legion does not even have to hit the door, Azeroth will explode.

Therefore, facing the counterattack of the ancient gods, Carlos must force himself to temporarily abandon his profit calculation, and the overall situation is the most important.

The anomaly in the southern part of Feralas was a clue provided by Isoregus. Carlos led the team to arrive nearby in a day and a half.

In a crypt with an extremely hidden entrance, the ominous breath slowly and continuously overflowed.

Carlos ordered the soldiers to check whether there were ambushes around, arrange temporary camps and outposts, and enter them first.

It didn't go too far, and the magical power that was visible to the naked eye had been condensed into a cyclone, and it was looming.

"You return the same way. If I don't return within an hour, I will immediately contact the blue dragon in Erezalas."


After the soldiers left, Carlos moved on.

Fear of getting stronger and stronger magical power to hurt his subordinates is one aspect, but not the main reason.

The real reason was that Carlos felt a familiar breath deep in the cave.

The more he stepped on the line of the demigod, the more Carlos understood the horror of these extraordinary existences.

Combat power is the most straightforward and superficial performance, and all kinds of strange abilities are the real personal differences.

Just like now, Carlos clearly felt that there was something in the depths of the cave that was beckoning to himself, sending out invitations, without malicious intent.

It gradually deepens, the temperature rises quickly, and the cave passage gradually opens up.

When bypassing the last turning, the flared road ahead becomes wider and wider, and the rich magic power weakens the plane barrier, creating a lava lake at the bottom of the cave at most three hundred meters from the surface.

A tall and stalwart figure with his back facing Carlos, looking at the orange-red lava, I don’t know what he’s thinking, beside him, more than a dozen scorched and black demonic remains are distorted to show the greatness of his life. pain.


There was a chill in Carlos' back, and he recognized who had invited him.

If in the encounter in Alterac City, Neltharion's aura was simply powerful, then the aura of the Black Dragon King has reached the pinnacle of horror.

In Alterac, Carlos also considered the issue of whether to preempt the dragon. But now, looking directly at Nesario has almost taken all of Carlos' courage.

What happened during this time?

Carlos quickly used the power of the Holy Light to smooth the inner agitation.

No, Nesario is indeed strong, but it is not enough to penetrate his barrier of will.

Carlos found something strange in this cave.

"Very well, I didn't see the wrong person as expected."

Nesario turned his head, a pair of crimson dragon pupils in a human form carried madness and joy.

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