Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 636 Wings of Love Shaking Dew

"Have you considered joining the Dragonflight? Become a Jackie Chan."

"Jackie Chan?!"

Why not Jet Li...

Carlos fluctuated slightly in his heart and immediately understood the problem.

Azeroth’s language system is diverse, but there is absolutely no confusion about the meaning of the word "Jackie Chan".

Nesario was not talking with himself in words at all, or even a simple exchange of thoughts and ideas.

Because the communication at the level of thinking and idea can be disturbed without any ambiguity.


"I have a way to transform races, and you are qualified."

Carlos just stared at Nesario's face, and suddenly there was a hint of understanding.

This is the resonance of blood.

I’amYourFather! ! !


Carlos dispelled these inexplicable cluttered thoughts from his mind, and carefully analyzed and speculated.

Excluding the silly lack of possibility that oneself has the blood of the dragon family, considering the identity of the guardian of the land of Neltharion, the most daring guess - we are all children of Azeroth.

"Can you answer my question?"

"You ask."

"Is Elune the Moon God alone?"

"The Moon God... Elune... is not a human being."

Carlos finally realized that he was speaking in lingua franca, while Nesario was communicating with him in a more bizarre way.

Oops, the difference in the way of expression, I missed the opportunity to ask the finale!

Nesario's mental state is obviously not very good, and he is very likely to turn his face on the spot when he talks about jokes and scorns the other party.

Carlos sighed softly, forcibly suppressed his "spoiler" part of his thoughts, and began to communicate as a "party".

"It's the origin engine."

"There is an easier way."

No denying...

"No interest for the time being."

"That's a pity."

Did not turn your face...

It should be possible to try more pointed topics.

"You tempted me to come here?"

"It is the guide of fate."

That's it, Isoregus, I didn't expect that your big eyebrows and big eyes are also the shame of the blue dragon, and you were actually manipulated by your big cousin by magic.

Why are you distracted again, I just think about some things...

"Are you going to persuade me to give up the well of soul?"

"Of course not, even if you don't do it, I will intervene. The earth can no longer withstand such trauma."

The intriguing answer, I didn't think about it in a short time, and I don't want the meaning of this sentence for the time being.


"You think too much, we just met by chance."

Although Nesario said sincerely and felt true, Carlos instinctively did not believe it.

"The green dragon told me that you were preventing the red dragon from interfering with them in Feralas. I can only come to this conclusion."

"Hahahaha, my former brothers and sisters don't know when they become unreasonable and unable to communicate. Stop? I'm stopping them from making mistakes!"

Carlos felt heavy sadness and grievance, but also mixed with unwillingness and anger, very complicated emotions.

Strongly cheering up, he risked asking.

"Will you tell me what happened?"

"Nothing, just perform my duties."

Suddenly, Nesario seemed to lose interest in communication, turned around again, and made a sound like "drink~~~ah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This huge burden maintains a delicate balance.

Then, the hot magma lake cooled.

Incidentally, the magic of the disorder has been calmed down.

Nesario turned half of his body to look at Carlos from the side of his body, and disappeared into Carlos's sight.


Carlos shouted suddenly, and he felt as if he had forgotten something again.

"There is no Nesario, there is no Nesario in this world anymore."

This was not the answer from the Black Dragon King, but a voice backed out from the depths of Carlos's heart.

Although there is no evidence, Carlos' intuition tells him that Neltharion, the black dragon king, seems to have little "sense" left.

Sudden encounters, weird conversations, everywhere reveal fascination and violations.

After Nesario left, Carlos re-observed the scene with the magic of the Holy Light system, and could confirm that the Elemental Plane was stripped.

So, with full of incomprehension, Carlos left the thing and commanded the subordinates who were still building the temporary camp to dismantle things and flash people.

People have limits.

As a human being at the top, Carlos began to deeply understand the weight of this sentence.

When you don't work hard, talent is a good excuse for you to shirk.

After you work hard, you can understand how cruel it is to have talents not as good as humans.

Carlos really couldn't compete with the ancient gods, who could spend twenty-eight hours thinking about conspiracies and tricks every day.

Originally, the Soul Well incident in Erethalas was handled by Carlos as a small trouble.

But this accidental meeting with Nesario made Carlos intuitively understand one thing-he is not a true prophet.

Or to put it bluntly, compared with the ancient gods, his IQ is flawed.

To eat and drink, to sleep, to entertain, to need friendship, to thirst for love and understanding.

Carlos couldn't help but recall how he felt when he met Nesario last time.

Returning from the alien planet, he has not yet fully adapted to the changes in his body, and feels that he is "I am strong." Even the king of the black dragon dares to make a few moves.

I met again, but I didn't even have the courage to do it.

Was I blindly confident before?

Probably not, it was what happened to Nesario.

It is the "power" of the Black Dragon King that has grown stronger.

The ancient god's process of corrupting Neltharion accelerated?

He was just blocking the development of the cursed cult in the human domain, and the ancient gods immediately made a "big news" on the other side of the world corresponding to Lordaeron.

This kind of intellectual difference really cannot be compensated with hard work.

Carlos couldn't help but began to consider whether the time to take that step was ripe.

With deep worries, before dark, I finally set foot on a smooth road, holding a torch and rushing to the starry night. It took 36 hours to go and only 21 hours to come back.

In a little more than two days, another group of troops came to Feralas from the Hinterlands, and a large amount of war equipment was also transported.

But preparation is still far from enough.

Not only the preparation of war materials, but also the unity of thinking and tactical arrangements.

A large number of troops are stationed in Ere'Thalas, and the upper elves are not naturally peaceful.

Only the collective shutdown of Torsedrin and Syndra, the core of the ruling, created the illusion of resignation in the early stage.

The orcs need to be comforted and encouraged, the trolls need material rewards, the upper elves need intimidation and temptation, and their own troops need to be arranged in suitable positions. Cooperation with the tauren needs to be negotiated, and the night elves squeeze out the meaning of the army. Most of the troops need reinforcements. coordination.

All aspects of things are pressed on Carlos.

In order to save the world, Carlos decided to make his debut as an idol.

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