Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 637 Debut is the pinnacle

The role of idols is huge, and the power of role models is endless.

But the price?

When he was a child, Carlos used his mind full of fantasy to guess the demigod of Azeroth, dreaming that he would one day set foot on the altar to light a sacred fire, punch Cenarius and kick Malorne, and finally marry Alu. En embarked on the pinnacle of life.


Don't worry about marrying someone else after beating someone else's husband or son.

The point is that the demigod is not an inferior product that cannot become a god at all, it is a half-god!

The gods are far away from the world, they cannot touch the incomprehensible.

Using the words and language of mortal races to conclude, the gods are not omnipresent, but have everything they deserve.

The demigods are gods who walk in the world.

Although they can be touched and understandable, for mortals, there is no essential difference between demigods and gods.

But the price?

Walking in the world as a god, how can you not pay the corresponding price?

The mother and son of Medivh and Aegwynn clearly possess the power to kill gods, and can even look down on more than half of Azeroth's demigods in terms of combat effectiveness, but they are still only mortals in personality.


Carlos once asked Medivh, the astral mage, this question.

"At that point in Azeroth, I can't get out; I have reached this point in the astral world, so I can't go back."

The Astral Mage did not answer Carlos's question directly, but combined with his own speculation, Carlos had a general guess.

The immortality of the demigod is the immortality of the soul and the destruction of the body. Just read the resurrection in the Emerald Dream.

But think about this phenomenon more deeply. Who is resurrecting those demigods who have died physically?

Or to put it another way, who gave the demigods immortality?

It is the Emerald Dream, the gods of the Titans.

Before finding out what happened, Carlos was not happy to step into the realm of demigods.

Because the promotion of rank does not mean the promotion of combat effectiveness.

Stepping into the realm of demigods, you will have many weird and useful abilities, but everything has a familiar process.

At this critical moment, if you change your life form and become a demigod, you will sleep inexplicably for ten or twenty years...

The day lilies are cold.

According to Carlos's plan, he should at least go to the Broken Isles and talk to the Guardian Odin after dealing with the cursed cult.

But a plan is always a plan, and it cannot keep up with the speed of change.

The ancient god's sudden attack, a huge unknown conspiracy shrouded Azeroth, Carlos urgently needs a brand new power to deal with these crises.

"How to become a demigod?"

Carlos asked the Astral Master like this.

"Just don't refuse."

The Astral Master answered like this.

When your power reaches that level, the world you are in will naturally invite you.

When Carlos returned to Azeroth, he had vaguely felt the kind of invitation described by Medivh, an invitation from the world.

But this soul's call is not clear enough, it seems to be separated by a layer of mist.

In this crisis of the Soul Well, Carlos felt this way more than once - as long as he compromised, he would immediately be sublimated.

Don't understand why, Carlos naturally thought of the word compromise.

But he resisted.

And now, being stimulated by Nesario, Carlos couldn't help it.

Mortals can play a human Guy song in the war against the Burning Legion, praising the greatness of the golden spirit.

But mortals cannot fight against gods.

In the face of the indescribable existence of the ancient gods, the demigod level is the lowest level admission ticket.

With such awareness, Carlos no longer resisted the call from the depths of his soul.

"The high-level elves are resisting us from continuing to increase troops. They say that the food stock is not enough."


"Do the orcs really don't need to be taken care of? This is not a country, and our number is not enough to give the orcs a repressive advantage. Your Majesty, you must guard against it."


"Ordnance distribution, coordinated arrangement of troops, battlefield selection, Your Majesty Carlos, it's time to study these."


"Carlos, are you okay, I don't think you look very good, do you need me to prepare some herbs for you?"

"Wait... No need, thank you."

"His Excellency Carlos, the arrangement of the magic ritual is complete."


After returning to Ere'Thalas, various real-life problems arose, but Carlos was able to procrastinate, and in the eyes of others, he did not perform the duties of a commander at all.

In this way, even though the coalition forces still maintain the most basic restraint under the huge crisis, internal conflicts and conflicts are accumulating and intensifying.

"still how long to wait?"

Blue Dragon Isoregus finally couldn't help but raised questions in public.

"Our time is running out. The stability of the Well of Soul is getting worse, and it is about to happen."


Finally, Carlos gave an affirmative answer. Isoregus stared at Carlos' eyes for a long time, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just turned and left, doing his own thing.

Soon after Isoregus left, Carlos gave the order. At dawn the next day, all the bosses, big and small, gathered in Crescent Square for a meeting.

That night, Dandema, who had disappeared for ten days, returned to Ere'Thalas in the dust.

"How is it going?"

"You guessed it. The people above concealed the news. Silithus has already fought, with the help of Your Excellency Cenarius. The worms have not broken through the defensive line of the Cenarion Circle. I heard that the seal set at the time was still In effect, the regular army of the Qiraji people is still sealed under the rubble, but the alien worms alone are driving the frontline commanders crazy. It is not a question of enough food, but insufficient weapons, especially It's arrows and throwing blades."

"What about the north?"

"I can’t find out about Malfurion Stormrage, but I heard that Fandral Staghelm is very difficult to go south. Sartre and other demons are constantly obstructing his advancement. At present, he and his Drew Yi has never been in a bleak place."

"Really, what's the situation at sea."

"Teldrassil's fleet record is very good. After this battle, at least ten meritorious captains can be produced, but no substantial close combat can be achieved. The naga's blockade cannot be broken with the materials. The battleship's pure combat configuration voyage is also Not enough, the materials could not be transported from the sea at all. Naga’s casualties were very high. Even I could judge that such a blockade would not last long, but it might be enough to bring down the situation in Silithus."

"Is there any information worth noting?"

"No, Shandris has left Feathermoon Fortress and rushed to Silithus. I can't find out more."

"You have worked hard, go and rest quickly."

Carlos patted Dandema on the shoulder and said no more.

The corruption of Fandral Staghelm did not happen overnight. Before Xavius ​​was in contact, Fandral Staghelm was a respectable and trusted elder among the night elves, and an indispensable leader of the night elves.

But in the current situation, Carlos simply does not have enough intelligence to judge whether Fandral Staghelm has been completely dominated by his emotions and has taken refuge in the King of Nightmare.

That simply didn't wait.

Carlos is ready to sublimate his personality at the rally tomorrow, suppress all noisy voices with absolute strength, unite the will of the coalition forces with his personal prestige and charm, and let all the creatures of Ere'Thalas listen. Own voice.

This is the power of a demigod.

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