After purging the upper elf, Carlos began to lay out the line of defense.

With the Royal Library as the main battlefield, Carlos placed his paladins, night elves' sharp soldiers, rune totem tauren, and orcs who had accepted the doctrine of the Holy Light near the Soul Well.

At the same time, because the Royal Library is not suitable for the large corps to expand, so using the original magic node of Elthalas, the compromising polymaths cooperated with the blue dragon Elsorregos to arrange the magic shifter.

Although the developers called this thing a magic shifter, Carlos felt that it was a teleport jammer.

Forget it, respect the results of other people's labor, anyway, the effect will do, the name is arbitrary.

Preparation is never enough, but under the current conditions, Carlos feels that he can no longer desire anything, so...

The war has begun.

Extracting power from the well of soul and dispersing it on the earth, the stability of the well of soul drops sharply, just like a flush toilet flooding.

Soon, the soul fragments of the upper elves entangled into the illusion of the past, carrying infinite anger and hatred, overflowing from the material projection of the soul well.


These soul aggregates are not opponents of the coalition soldiers who are waiting for them.

As time went on, when the soldiers felt that this battle was nothing more than that, C'Thun took action.

In the ambush area predetermined by the magic shifter, tentacles with eyestalks grew out of thin air on the rocky ground. The chaotic rays destroyed the surrounding magical positions and penetrated the stability of the space. The Qiraji was starting with a height of at least five meters. Having crossed the distance limit, descended on Erethalas.

Those huge Qiraji people had sharp, sharp, thick, sharp teeth and thick claws. They were bombarded by the sling and bladed car engineering artillery, and even used the corpses of their clan, and quickly gained a foothold under the ambush of the coalition forces.

When Carlos discovered the problem and began to deploy troops, he was already a step slower.

"Oh my God, they are stronger than they were three thousand years ago."

Dan Dema made a surprised voice.

Unlike the Zergs that consume the night elves of Silithus in quantity, the Zergs that appear in Errethalas are real Qiraji people, and the Zergs that are consumables are just beasts raised by the Qiraji people. , The existence of food and livestock.

Carlos breathed a sigh of relief, and it was a blessing in misfortune that Anubisath and the Obsidian Destroyer did not come out.

But he was puzzled, why is it a Qiraji?

This is unreasonable.

Then, when the Qiraji broke through the western line of defense and began to move in the direction of the Royal Library, it was reasonable.

The Burning Legion deserves to be a professional messenger of Ten Thousand Years, even if Carlos was promoted to a demigod before three rounds of Holy Light Impact did not clean them up.

Destroyed the storage equipment of the static prison, and destroyed the mana crystal tower node in the eastern area of ​​Elthalas.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to go to war, the demon portal opened by the magical power radiating from the well of soul.

It's a pity that the existence of the Great Enchantment of Azeroth, the demons can't play a bigger role in addition to making trouble.

After all, the demon that can really fight cannot pass through the portal.

But disgusting.

This forced Carlos to divide his forces again to eliminate these troublesome demons.

Carlos was fortified layer by layer, even if the Qiraji broke through the blockade of the ambush, the loss would be great in the long road ahead, and there was no major problem for the time being.

Until the appearance of the Faceless.

About six hours after the beginning of the war, the corpses of the Qiraji in the ambush were already piled up like a mountain, but as more and more energy spilled from the Soul Well, the space became more and more unstable, and the Qiraji’s portal was also More and more, their numbers seem to be endless.

The front-line fighting troops have been rotated to the third batch, and stepping on the corpses of the same clan, the Qiraji have advanced two kilometers, less than five kilometers away from the Royal Library.

Then, an army of faceless people marched in from the direction of Crescent Gate.

"How did they come?"

Carlos let out an incredible roar.

The Feathermoon Fortress guarded the coastline. From the green dragon's territory to El Rethalas, Carlos took over and formed a line. Then how did the Faceless enter from the front gate? Allied scouts were corroded by the ancient gods. Has it become a twenty-five boy?

Feralas is a barren mountain and ridge full of lush forests. The overall landscape is an L-shaped valley. It extends to the desolate land in the north, the sea to the west, and the southeast to the periphery of the Thousand Needles Forest in the hinterland of South Kalimdor.

This kind of closed terrain allowed Carlos to make the current arrangement, and he couldn't fault anyone who recognized it.

But in unexpected directions, unexpected ways, the faceless is here.

Although the number of these faceless men could not be compared with the coalition forces at all, they broke through the weak defenses of the secondary direction by relying on unexpected assaults, and gained a firm foothold in the east of Ere'Thalas.

Then, the same set, the portal pulls reinforcements.

"Carlos, you have to calm down, no one can command this coalition except you, please restraint!"

Under Dan Dema's persuasion, Carlos put down the handle of the knife.

The fifty thousand army is awesome to say, but this improvised army has too many defects, and it depends on Carlos's single-person command, which is very difficult.

Carlos wanted to go to the front to vent his anger, but unfortunately, none of the others present had enough prestige and ability to conduct strategic deployment and tactical command.

Apart from the night elves, no other race in Kalimdor has the experience of commanding a battle of this scale.

However, apart from the symbolic dispatch of troops, the generals of the night elves are currently in Silithus.

Carlos can only continue to trust the soldiers under his hands.

His homeland was baptized by the flames of war, terrifying monsters wreaked havoc in Erre'Thalas, and the chaos of the upper elf civilians blocked the dispatch speed of the coalition forces.

When Carlos finally sent his troops to block the Faceless, the Faceless had also teleported a force capable of contending with the coalition through magic.

The only good news is that the size of these faceless people is not as exaggerated as the Qiraji.

Either high-level elves or orcs can fight against it.

One coalition after another was exhausted in the battle, the advance speed of the Faceless was getting faster and faster, and the morale of the coalition was gradually declining.

But just as the Qiraji was about to join forces with the Faceless, an accident happened.

Carlos, who couldn't bear to take the shot, sensed that a big guy appeared.

The Faceless Man sacrificed many "own people" and summoned a Krasis.

But even the "faceless man" showed a look of astonishment.

This is not what they want.

The first goal of the huge Krasis was not the coalition forces, but the faceless ones.

Under Krasis's weird shadow spells, the Faceless ones seemed to lose their minds, and they began to attack the Qiraji.

Carlos suddenly understood.

The faceless people are endless, but in front of the Titans, the number has no practical significance. Those faceless ones from the ancient times are all sealed in the prisons of the Titans.

There may be some faceless people under N'Zoth who are active on the surface, but there is absolutely no such number.

Those faceless are the handwriting of C'Thun!

N'Zoth did only one thing, it used a trick to send Krasis who was loyal to him here.

Now, C'Thun's army of faceless men is owned by N'Zoth.

The two ancient gods had already torn their faces for the soul well.

"The war has just begun, don't worry."

After checking the status of the magic ritual, Isoregus said to Carlos.

"You adjust in the middle here, I'll go over there."

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