Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 643 Seven Wills

Suspended high in the sky, watching the battle of Ere'Thalas from sunrise to sunset to sunrise, Carlos gradually felt an absurd feeling in his heart.

How is this like a tower defense game.

The number of Qiraji and Faceless is bound to be limited, but for allied soldiers, the difference between one million and one hundred million can be regarded as endless.

The victory or defeat of this war lies in whether the power of the well of soul can be dispersed on the earth, rather than how many enemies have been killed.

This is uncomfortable.

In unit time, the fighting intensity is too high.

At least seven times, Carlos couldn't help but want to end himself.

But the huge throbbing in his heart warned him that doing so would change something forever.

So Carlos held back.

Stepping into the semi-god state, the biggest difference from a mortal is probably the solidification of the sixth sense.

As long as you concentrate on anything, Carlos can get relevant information. He is no longer a “three-dimensional creature” living in the moment, just like a giraffe in a studio, prying beyond the “ceiling of destiny” and possessing Some characteristics of the "four-dimensional life form".

This strong sense of foresight warned Carlos, beware.

But what should I be careful about?

Is it the enemy or the well of soul, or...

An accident will happen but you don't know what will happen, this feeling is very bad.

When the fighting was intense, Carlos had put all the reserves on the front line. The rest of the troops in the first round were simply reorganized and waited to return to the front line. More warriors who fought hard throughout the night were falling to the ground to make up for their sleep.

Isoregus' tired posture flew to Carlos's side and transformed into a human form again.

"The situation is not so good. We underestimated the number of enemies."

"How long will it take to close the Well of Soul?"

"At least two days left."


"There are external forces that are interfering with the earth to absorb those spilled magical powers, but we don't have the time and energy to troubleshoot the problem."

"Then wait."

It is strange that there is no external force to interfere with Carlos.

Landing from the sky and summoning the commanders, Carlos omitted redundant remarks and directly explained his ideas.

"I want to enter the well of soul."

"It's really not a good idea."

Isoregus frowned and said.

"Your Excellency Fandral Staghelm will arrive in Ere'Thalas by tomorrow at the latest. Time is on our side."

"The situation in Silithus is improving. Reinforcements will arrive soon, and we can hold on."

"Our enemies are powerful and terrifying, but they are not invincible, Carlos, you do not need to take risks."

Voices of various exhortations came.


Carlos interrupted everyone's exhortation with a calm tone.

"I saw an unknown threat, and I can't delay it anymore. This war must be ended before sunset today."

Xia Chong couldn't talk about it, and everyone present would not argue with a demigod about the unknown.

Carlos, who was huge, stood up from a cross-legged posture and gave the final order.

"Concentrate on the counterattack, cut off the offensive of the worms and the faceless, and wait for my good news."

After delegating command to the blue dragon Isoregus and Hamuul Runetotem, Carlos began to summon the paladins to prepare for entering the well of soul.

An hour later, the roar of battle resounded through the Doom Maul.

Carlos's height at this time is similar to that of the wormman pancake, but his stronger body shape makes him not afraid of the wormman's thick arthropod, and he has no weapon to take advantage of.

If a lone army rushes forward, Carlos can completely use the advantage of flying to reach the bargaining library directly.

But becoming a demigod is not the arrogant capital of Carlos. Azeroth's demigod has been overturned by the number of bones still there, and he needs a force to assist him.

So if you want to go to the Well of Souls, you will conflict with the Faceless and Worm-Man on the route.

But the problem is not big.

In terms of individual combat effectiveness, Carlos is still relatively strong.

Walking along the enemy's body, Carlos arrived at the destination.

", look closer, you are so tall."

Dan Dema made a voice of envy.

Nodding to the old friend, Carlos said to the polymath.

"Kildas, open the passage, I want to go in."

As Syndra's lair, the Royal Library is undoubtedly strong. After stacking half of the coalition's siege weapons, it is competent as the last line of defense to guard the Well of Souls.

The few Qirajis and faceless people who broke through layers of blockade and arrived at the periphery of the Royal Library were all taught to reduce their dimensions by throwing blades, artillery, and burning stones.

The guards moved the barricades, lifted the blockade, and put Carlos and his party into the Royal Library.

"Your Majesty Carlos, you still decide..."

As a wise man, the polymath Kildas guessed what Carlos wanted to do.

"Can I trust you?"

Carlos asked rhetorically.

"I think so. After all, our interests are one at this time. But I really don't recommend you to do this. Take a look for yourself."

Kildas and Carlos arrived at the ceremonial hall. The projection of the well of soul that had existed in violation of the laws of physics at this time had turned into a pool of about five meters in diameter, glowing in darkness.

At this time, the well of soul is closer to a well in terms of visual effects.

"The shape of the soul well has collapsed, and as the energy is diluted, the inside of the soul well has become more chaotic and violent. It is really not a good time to enter it at this time."

Kildas looked at the soul well as deep as the starry sky, and sighed helplessly.

If there is a slight possibility, the polymath would not want to keep this source of power.

But Torsedrin went the wrong way from the beginning. The well of soul sacrificed by blood under deceit and calculation is a more cursed power than demon magic.

At this time, the upper elf could not control the well of soul at all. Addicted to it can only kill yourself.

Carlos stood by the collapsed soul well, his eyes radiating dazzling light, watching the roaring "well water". Until the soldiers beside the guard felt that their legs were a little sore, Carlos remained motionless like a steel sculpture.

When the sun was in the middle of the sky, Carlos finally took action. He raised his hands slightly, the diffused light turned into clusters of light, and everyone present appeared in the ears of wind chime-like clear and sweet chants, and the holy light followed Carlos' command lined up an array of spiral staircases in the air.

As Carlos waved his palm heavily, the spiral of holy light smashed accurately on the edge of the spread of the soul well, restraining the gradually collapsing tide of soul like a dam.

"Okay, guard here."

Carlos finished his words and stepped into the well of soul first.

Difficult to break through the barriers set by the unknown enemy, the Archdruid led the Druid of the Raptor and finally entered the mountains northwest of Feralas.

Soaring in the sky, the influence of sunlight on the line of sight is weakened, and the surrounding light is even a little dim.

Because of the influence of water vapor, Fandral Staghelm's field of vision is only about a hundred kilometers away.

Because of the terrain, the wetland where the Green Dragon Legion inhabits is faintly visible at the end of the field of vision, and Fandral Deer Helmet breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, I will arrive tomorrow at the latest.

Cenarius eagerly called out the seriousness of the situation. Although Fandral Staghelm did not want to see the Highborne, he could not turn a blind eye to the 200,000 elite of the night elves.

However, at this moment, a dazzling starlight pierced the eyes, disturbing the strict flight formation of the Druids of Raptor.

Damn it, where is the starlight at noon! ?

Fandral Staghelm stared at the direction of the stars with a stinging pain...

That is Ere'Thalas.

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