The stars are listed, in awe of the power of the stars.

This sentence also applies to Elune.

Under the moonlight, the stars are equal, and under the moon god, all beings are nuclear.

Those stories about Elune's kindness only exist in the allusions of the night elves, and the horror of the night priestess that makes many races remember the name of the moon god.

Luna Cannon!

Whether it is the fall of the stars covering the attack or the white moonlight focused on destroying the individual, Elune's anger bears a distinctive imprint, which is difficult to imitate.

"The Moon God is here, what happened!"

When Carlos entered the Well of Soul, the devastating bright moonlight fell from the sky, piercing through the solid siding of the Royal Library, covering the entrance of the Well of Soul, and isolating everyone present from the Well of Soul.

Dan Dema exclaimed, trying to touch the moonlight, but it burned his palm.

"Damn it!"

He gave up touching the well of soul, turned and ran out. Dandema slowed down as he approached the entrance.

As far as I can see, there are endless falling stars.

Looking around, it was Elune's indiscriminate attack.

"Bunker! Find a cover!"

The soldiers of the coalition army quickly discovered a way to survive, but under the first round of indiscriminate attacks, the casualties were already shocking.

The Qiraji also seemed to be dissatisfied with the slow progress. In addition to the powerful worm soldiers, all kinds of alien worms also began to appear outside the portal. However, when the worms with flying ability left the portal, they were not greeted. The crossbows and bullets of the coalition forces, but the fallen stars.

The Faceless One is even more miserable, except for the powerful Krasis holding on to the wrath of the Moon God to maintain the continuation of the summoning ceremony, and the endless army seems to be talking about his insignificance in front of the vast starlight.

In the end what happened? !

Even the night elves couldn't tell where Elune's anger came from.

There are many who bow down, and there are many who curse. This war against the Qiraji and the Faceless has deteriorated after Elune's exit.

"How many will follow Carlos?"

"Ten, or twelve, or fourteen, not more."

After Dan Dema asked the Paladins, he felt cold, the taste of conspiracy was too strong.

Until the end of the falling of the stars, the bright white moonlight still enveloped the well of soul.

"what happened?"

As soon as the starfall spell ended, Isoregus rushed to the Well of Souls.

"Elune is here!"

Facing the miracle, even the guardian of the mystery still made a surprised voice.

"Where is Carlos?"

"Carlos has entered the Well of Soul."

"Damn! Where is the priestess? We must know what happened!"

"Don't worry about what happened, first deal with the bugs and the faceless."

As a veteran of war, Dan Dema said in pain.

The situation in front of him is clearly beyond the scope of his abilities, and doing what he can do is what a fighter should do.

"You are right, close the portal and defeat that Krasis, so that we can free our hands."

Isoregus made the same judgment after the initial astonishment, and immediately turned and left.

The indiscriminate attack of the Moon God not only severely damaged the Qiraji and the Faceless, but also brought huge casualties and chaos to the coalition forces, especially when Carlos entered the Well of Soul.

The orcs angrily questioned the night elves and the high elves, what your god wants to do, the tauren and the humans reconciled their conflicts with grievances, because Carlos’s power forcibly twisted the coalition forces with Elune’s anger. There are signs of falling apart.

At the same time, Isoregus could only give an order to destroy the enemy under the guise of Carlos.

Thus, the counterattack began.

Anger and hatred can be passed on, and the battle is leaning towards the coalition forces.

The Qiraji’s portal was already crumbling after being hit by the Luna Cannon, and Krasis, although he survived the Luna Cannon, appeared to be scarred.

But then?

Isoregus looked up and saw that the nebula hadn't dissipated. At the time when the sun was supposed to be, the sky of Elsalas was full of stars...

The conspiracy of N'Zoth and C'Thun appeared so weak and feeble in front of Elune's might.

But what exactly does Elune want to do?

No one knows.

"What is this place?"

Carlos perceives the surroundings in confusion, and the semi-god's sixth sense does not return any information to him, which makes him very uncomfortable.

There is no one around him, and the fragmented spatial mirroring can't put together any meaningful patterns, can perceive the existence of the body, but can't interact with the world, Carlos is puzzled.

"Enough, let's end it all."

"No, everything has just begun."

Inside the well of soul, two identical figures were facing Carlos.

An insignificant film covered Carlos, cutting off his connection with the world. By his side, there are two of Azeroth's most mysterious beings.

It's a pity that Carlos knows nothing.

"You still need a long period of growth. Now is not the time."

"Grow up? I won't have a future without fighting."

"Your thinking is infected by those scum, this is not what you should do."

"Then you can do something to show me."


"You don't understand my pain at all!"

"I did."

"Far from enough!"


"not enough!"

"I said you are enough."


The Moon God slapped Azeroth's Star Soul.

"Aman Sur wants me to take care of you. This is not your reckless capital."

"The Titans abandoned me, so are you. The Great Enchantment of Azeroth will not last long. How much power can you use on this planet? My mother."


"I just want to live."

"Even if you become an enemy?"

"Alive, there is a future, and alive, there is everything."

"I said, enough."

The moon god Elune was moved by the mind, and the bright moonlight enveloped the physical projection of the star soul, expelling her from the well of soul.

Then Elune dispelled the force that isolated Carlos.

"You are……"

Carlos regained contact with the world, and naturally noticed what looked like a night elf in front of him.



Carlos tried to stare at Elune's face, but under the misty veil, the shape that resembled the night elves was just a microcosm of the moon god.

Watching Elune, Carlos seemed to see the vast starry sky.

Elune stretched out her finger to point to Carlos's eyebrows, and the power of the Soul Well began to surge with the will of the Moon God.

At this time, the gap between the demigod and the true god was revealed, like a cloud of mud.

A half of the power of the soul well returned to the ground with the blue dragon Isoregus's circle, and the remaining part was crazily collapsed under Elune's control.

Even if the soul residue of the angry upper elf is in front of the brilliance of the Moon God, he must suppress his anger and restore calm.

As a container, a large amount of Soul Well energy poured into Carlos's body, but the majestic power not only did not promote his sublimation, but tore his body, his strength was increasing, and his life rank was declining.

Soon, Carlos fell into a demigod state.

With the lack of many magical abilities brought by advanced demigods, Carlos's perception range gradually collapsed.

Therefore, he did not see that a tentacled in Elune's conniving void swept away the well of soul and gradually collapsed into a substantial core.

When the white moonlight receded, the Well of Soul disappeared. At the entrance, Carlos was in a coma, his body was scarred, and his armor was dilapidated.


Dandema strode forward and found Carlos still alive, relieved.

Soon, Fandral Staghelm led the Druids from the sky and killed Krasis.

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