Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 648 I beg you to be a man

Carlos felt that he did not have the potential to become an ADC because he retained the B number.

The option of evacuating Ere'Thalas looks beautiful. The upper elf, the Ten Thousand Years accumulation of the Kaldorei Empire, if it can be digested, what alliances and bicycles are needed, it is not impossible for Emperor Barov to spread the world.

However, the general development of this kind of war game GALGAME is enough to make up the brain before going to bed, and it is okay for others to know that your own personal design is also collapsed.

So Carlos chose friendship.

He gave the upper elf the power to choose.

Blowing up, this is the charisma of Carlos Barov, and to be honest, it is not powerless.

The turmoil in the Well of Souls has destroyed the superstructure of Ere'Thalas and shaken Syndra's dominance over the city, but the root cause of the upper elf's cringe and flattery towards Carlos is actually Fan. Dahl Staghelm is the night elf behind Fandral Staghelm.

The high-level elves of Erethalas were not afraid of Carlos, but their own compatriots.

The right and wrong of the year have become a legend in the old paper. Whether Malfurion and his wife betrayed Queen Azshara or the high-level elves betrayed their own people, this is a foolish account. But as soon as the wheel of hatred turned around, it had to run over the sea of ​​corpse mountain and blood if it wanted to stop.

The night elves didn't wait to see their fellow distant compatriots, but the price of conquest was too great. If there is a chance, what if they are destroyed.

Prince Tosidlin is dead. In this war, the defensive facilities of Ere'Thalas were severely damaged, and Silithus in the south, the army of two hundred thousand night elves is ready to go. May I ask how the upper elves are not afraid.

Therefore, the polymaths who used to guard against Carlos are now extremely flattering, and even loomingly hinting that Carlos will become their king.

"This is absolutely impossible. I bring peace and hope, and bring a new choice to the people of Ere'Thalas, instead of conquering and enslaving. Don't insult my personality."

After clarifying the gains and losses, Carlos has an innate advantage in pretending to be a sage. Whoever makes the Paladin look like a righteous face.

This trip to Feralas, the biggest goal is the gate, this goal has been achieved, and the benefits of coming to Erre'Thalas is only the incidental of the thieves not going empty, Carlos participates in the Well of Souls in order to save the world In battle, the investment of capital is too great, and the expedition of one thousand people is not comparable to the current army of tens of thousands.

After forcibly diverting the power of the Hinterlands, Sinsaro will inevitably have a problem. The thing to do now is to quickly reap the benefits and return to his hometown, instead of continuing to spend money to be the elf king.

The casualties of the Tastingo troll troops are still within the acceptable range. Perhaps it is the glory engraved in their genes. The trolls have a natural morale of +2 when facing the Qiraji, and their strong recovery ability also makes them not. Fear the sharp blades of the worms.

But the loss of the Glory Orcs made Carlos feel distressed.

These orcs who had been reflecting for a long time were extremely determined fighters, and even more than half of them had the mentality of atonement, fighting fiercely without fear of death... and then they really died.

Death is a relief from the sins of the past for them, but it is a great loss for Carlos.

So he gave greater comfort to the remaining glorious orcs.

"You have fought for this world, and I recognize your right to live in this world."

If someone else hears Carlos’s bullshit, I’m afraid it’s not going to turn their faces on the spot, but these glorious orcs who are willing to fight for Carlos will reflect on the alliance and tribal wars in their hearts and have the intention of atonement, and get this promise from Carlos. , Some orcs even cried with joy.

To give material rewards to the trolls, to give spiritual encouragement to the orcs, and to increase the ranks of mankind.

After stabilizing his basic set, Carlos began to ask for the benefits he deserved.

Kalimdor’s unique specialties, rare magical materials and ores, high-yield crops, and a large number of magic books, Ere'Thalas is actually very confident. Erethalas rose because of magic and declined because of magic, but the savings of Ten Thousand Years gave Kildas the confidence to dare to hire Carlos, even if the original 1,000 people became more than 20,000 now. As for the army, Ere'Thalas still has enough stock to support, and enough assets to pay for the war.

Syndra's concerns have changed.

Under the great pressure of the night elves, what they were afraid of was not the trivial matter of Carlos changing from a mercenary to a robber, but the night elves of Silithus passing by the Feathermoon Fortress "by the way" to Errethalas "Go to relatives."

So why didn't Syndra let Carlos go, and Errethalas would take whatever you wanted. How about staying tonight?

But Carlos felt like an arrow. The calm situation in Lordaeron was the brewing storm. He didn't have more time to continue playing adventure games in Kalimdor, thousands of miles away.

Until the green dragon swayed him.

"Sorry, Carlos, what we said before was all serious, not an excuse. In order to deal with the crisis of the well of soul, we were forced to let a large number of mortals pass through the Emerald Dream again. This has already caused great pressure on the Emerald Dream. . Of course, it’s okay for you to return, but it’s impossible for tens of thousands of people."

The green dragon refused Carlos's request to return to the Hinterland from Feralas through the Dreamland Gate.

Hahahaha, what does that sentence say.

In the past, Hua Qian Yue Xia was called Xiao Tian Tian, ​​but now the newcomer is replaced by the old, called Mrs. Niu?

If it weren't for defeat, Carlos would want to be a dragon slayer now.

It is understandable rationally, and totally unacceptable emotionally. What is the difference between the current behavior of the Green Dragon Legion and the demolition of the bridge by crossing the river.

No, it's not about crossing the river to demolish the bridge, it's just going to the house and pulling the ladder.

Carlos was framed in Feralas immobile.

If it weren't for a good relationship with General Marine, you might have to bow your head and let the green dragon open the conditions.

Pooh! do you feel that you can't scold the green dragon and the druid by these words.

In fact, planning ahead is a quality that every superior person should have. Carlos had already considered the question of his way home before he came to Feralas.

So he hired a fleet of ships from Dalin Proudmoore at a high price.

Calculating the distance, it should have bypassed the sea off Silithus, and is heading towards Feathermoon Fortress.

Syndra's worries are really not mediocre, Carlos does have plans to rob Ere'Thalas - if the upper elf refuses the olive branch he handed out.

But now...

"Don't worry, my friends, I will negotiate with the night elves, and peace will come."

Carlos felt that he was simply the embodiment of peace.

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