Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 649: The Man of the Shanghai Thief King

Time is a wonderful catalyst, black fungus, green banana...

During the Second Orc War that year, the friendly relationship between the Proudmoore family and the Barov family was built on the basis of digging the corner of Menethil's house, so Daelin treated Carlos very well.

What's the meaning?

The Kingdom of Lordaeron has its own ocean-going fleet. For commercial competition, the port tax imposed on the fleet in Kul Tiras is 20%, which is a one-half of five, while the port tax in South Blue Town is only one percent. five.

Although the town of South Blue is not a good deep-water port, the ocean-going ship needs a small boat transfer to ship the goods ashore, but the 15% tax rate difference is enough to promote the friendship between the two families.

So why is Brier so important? My Barov family transports things to their territory. Do you need your Menethil family to point their fingers?

Everyone is a descendant of the Arathor Empire, don't talk about feelings or hurt money.

Therefore, even though Carlos won more and lost less, he was still pointed out that he was an official Second Generation, an aristocratic general.

The situation took a turn for the worse when things changed in Alterant.

Carlos and his father paid a huge price to exchange interests, and made the old father-in-law Terenas Menethil II endorse his throne, which naturally alienated Kul Tiras.

Everyone is the hero of the alliance, don't talk about money or hurt feelings.

This is the true situation of the alliance, Stromgarde, Alterac, Gilneas, and Kul Tiras, the overall strength is still not as good as Lordaeron.

Carlos fell to his old father-in-law, and naturally alienated Kul Tiras in terms of interests.

Even though Daelin Proudmoore is a sensible person and does not remember Carlos, but his ass decides his mind. He can only maintain a personal friendship with Carlos, and he must make a statement to the Kul Tiran people on the face of it———— The Barovs are not kind.

Time is a wonderful catalyst blindly, uncle bald, fat sister-in-law.

Gilneas closed the country and Stromgarde continued to weaken. In the days when Carlos disappeared, Jaina Proudmoore seemed to become the prince of Lordaeron, and Alterac would eventually be peacefully evolved by the Menethil family. Under the circumstances, the relationship between Kul Tiras and the Kingdom of Lordaeron quickly recovered, and everything was different again.

Thoras Trollbane is dead. Although there is a doubt about his death, Thoras is already that age, and there seems to be nothing wrong with him.

The coastline of Gilneas is a sinkhole with dense reefs. Although the trade with Kul Tiras has not been cut off, look at the gang of gangsters of Gilneas nobles, Daelin Proudmoore could not help but treat Gene Gray. Maien gave a compassionate and gloating look.

In the Battle of the Dark Portal, the number of comrades who had fought side by side was lost by more than half. In ten years of peace, the old brothers were either dead or dying.

In middle age, Admiral Marine was really happy when he heard that Carlos came back alive.

Those prosperous years seem to be back again.

The young sailors didn't understand what Dai Lin was enjoying drinking and singing on the upper deck in the middle of the night, just as they didn't understand that Carlos, who was once regarded as the leader by nepotism, has now become a totem.

The alliance soldiers who had spoken badly about Carlos back then were not a hundred thousand and not much difference. They were envious and jealous, ignoring Carlos's efforts. His success was only because of having a good father.

However, it is the same people who used to be, and now they are absolutely not allowed to slander Carlos. That is my sir. How awesome he is, do you guys know? Laozi is one of his soldiers, would someone so awesome choose waste? Treat me with respect!

It's really the second and fifth boy, it's probably like this.

So when Carlos made a request to Dalin, Admiral Marine agreed in one fell swoop, and did not explain to an old friend how tedious and exaggerated it is to mobilize a fleet of this size.

Kul Tiras Marine is established as a nation. As long as Carlos gives money, Dalin can pull up two hundred warships for his brothers at any time.

But what Carlos wanted was not a warship, but an ocean-going merchant ship... an ocean-going merchant ship capable of transporting 10,000 people.

People are not goods, they need to eat and drink, and the need for fresh water from these materials is consumed, as well as escort warships. The size of this fleet is beyond imagination.

Eight hundred ships, large and small, assembled in Boralus, the capital of Kul Tiras, and marched along the ocean line to the Feathermoon Fortress.

This is a gamble. If there is a storm on the ocean, Kul Tiras will not be able to recover for two whole generations. Because of the formation of this fleet, Daelin took away 70% of the adult men in Kul Tiras.

Changing to Lordaeron, Gilneas, or even Alterac, domestic forces will inevitably oppose the king's decision.

Because stability overrides everything.

But who is Daelin Proudmoore?

The old father-in-law of the sea, the general Marine of the alliance.

Who wants Daelin Proudmoore to make the request?

Carlos Barov, the living legend of the league!

Therefore, when the ocean fleet of Kul Tiras arrived on the West Blue shore of Kalimdor and encountered the offshore fleet of night elves, even the veterans of the night elves who had experienced the Battle of the Well of Eternity were shocked.

What a shocking scene, after a three-month long voyage, through the barriers of storms and huge waves, broken sails will not dampen the spirit of the fleet, this is the tenacious vitality of a new race.

The little human brother, for the first time showed two pieces of flesh in his chest in front of the big night elf brother.

Strong or not!

Daelin Proudmoore's fleet even alarmed Cenarius, and Fandral Staghelm personally boarded Admiral Marine's flagship to inquire about his arrival.

After learning that it was Carlos's arrangement, he decisively drew a batch of condolences from Silithus's insufficient inventory and sent them.

In fact, the two hundred thousand night elves also scared Admiral Marine.

Even at the beginning, with the prestige of Sir Anduin Lothar, and the Seven Nations Alliance was alive and dead, everyone actually gathered more than 200,000 troops.

This is the union of all humans in the Eastern Kingdom.

You must know that the Alliance of Lordaeron is a local battle, and the night elves have garrisoned in the desolate Silithus desert across most of the Kalimdor continent.

Are you right?



What a coincidence?

I am also nice.

Kul Tiras Marine and the night elves garrison in Silithus have a heart-to-heart situation, which has greatly helped Carlos mediate the bilateral relationship between the high elves and the night elves.

After the envoy Carlos sent to Silithus boarded the ship, Dalin's confidants expressed strong indignation at the request made by the envoy.

Isn't this taking Kul Tiras' bean bags as the dry food of Alterac Kingdom?

Because the envoy asked Daelin Proudmoore to conduct an artillery drill against the night elves.

Show off your strength nakedly.

But Daelin Proudmoore relied on personal prestige to suppress the voices of all opponents.

Not because of Carlos, or not just because of Carlos.

General Marine of the Alliance, the powerful ruler of Kul Tiras, and the head of the Proudmoore family, Daelin Proudmoore, is a human supremacist.

"Does Carlos know your proposal?"

"Your Majesty said, the night elves must be made aware that he is very dissatisfied."

"Then ruling the long ears, I want to show them the big baby of our alliance."

Admiral Marine smiled happily.

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