Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 65 The Unspeakable Things of Older Little Boys and Overdue Loli

(How dare you say that dwarves don’t have Loli? So dwarves don’t have an aunt, right? You picky eater audience masters.)

In the upper terrace of the Blackrock Pagoda high into the clouds, the black dragon prince Nefarian stands high above the throne.

Without the control of his father, life is really comfortable, but sometimes I think of the loneliness of my sister Onyxia not by her side.

If there were no Ragnaros messing around in the depths of the Blackrock Spire, then the world would be perfect.

Nefarian happily waited while manipulating the peeping magic, watching the actions of his dragon assassinating troops.

You can't kill the Balrog Lord Ragnaros directly, and it's great to kill the leader of the Dark Iron Dwarves. Anyway, those Dark Iron Dwarves are also quite annoying.

In the picture, more than two hundred elite dragon men are ambushing near the ruins of Thaurissan. As long as Dagran Thaurissan steps into the ambush, the black dwarves will become dead dwarves.

"Damn, where did these little yellow hairs come from? Stupid! Black iron dwarves and bronze beard dwarves are not clear!" Nefarian's careful deployment eventually broke into the hands of the intruder.

Hurry up to contact and command the stupid gang of dragon men with the magic of the voice transmission, but it was too late, and Dagran Thaurissan was alerted by the riot.

"Why didn't I discover these copperbeard dwarves approaching? This is abnormal!" Nefarian soon discovered that the problem was not right. Why did his entire monitoring operation fail? What interfered with his detection spell.

The entire Blackrock Tower itself is a huge magic amplification device. Nefarian used the magic circle left by his father to cast more powerful spells.

This powerful magic enveloped the entire burning plain, and Nefarian quickly looked at all the sources of disharmony.

Finally, in a cave near the Searing Gorge, the Black Dragon Prince found a special figure, a dwarf priest who was grilling.

"Kromi! Who do you think I am? How dare to play with me like this, I am Nefarian!!!" The words became louder and louder, and the angry black dragon prince roared at the end of the dragon, transforming into a prototype.

The huge body soared into the sky, and the angry Nefarian wanted to make the guy who fooled him with the spell pay the price.

As for assassinations or something, who cares.

"Brian, how did you get into these troublesome guys." All the way and retreating, Muradin finally protected his own brother and the desperate guys from the Explorers Association successfully escaped from the encirclement of the dragons. Even Muradin, who is as strong as the king of the hills, is as tired as a dead dog.

"Where did I know, I was trying to dig a place that looked like an altar, and saw you coming, and then the dragon man came. This can't be blamed on me, my brother." Brian Bronze felt that this was a wonderful experience. Adventurous, with a bold face.

"Muradin, the equipment of our expedition is left in the ruins of Thaurissan, can you accompany me to retrieve it?" Brian hoped to get help from his brother.

"Oh, let the equipment hell, brother wants me to take you back to Ironforge." Muradin has not had time to explain his intentions until now.

"But my scientific research project..." Bryan had found important clues in the Thaurissan Ruins, and he seemed unwilling.

"This is not only the request of Big Brother Magni, but also the order of King Ironforge." Muradin looked at his younger brother Brian with a beard and staring.

"Okay, okay, I will obey the king's order." Brian compromised.

When the dwarves returned to Morgan Watch, the Bronzebeard brothers heard a desperate news.

"What, Amora followed me out secretly!" Muradin "screamed" all over his face.

"Oh, my cute little niece came to see his uncle!" Brian said happily, and then reacted, "What, Amora secretly followed Muradin to find me! But we didn't see Amora! "

Brian was silly all of a sudden, this time the problem is big.

"Muradin, we must find Amora."

"Boys, don't fill up with food and water, let's get it back the same way."

Regardless of fatigue, the Bronzebeard dwarves began to save the princess.

"Brian, take off your green hat, it's really ugly."

"Muradin, your red helmet is not so good."

Although the two brothers were anxious, they couldn't forget to tease each other.

In front of the hidden and gloomy mountain cave, Nefarian transformed into a human form, holding a corn-like staff to cast a light technique, and walked in fearlessly.

But when he walked to the deepest point, he didn't find the figure of the dwarf priest Chromie, only a strange box on the ground.

Nefarian bent down and picked up the mysterious metal box, and found that it was marked with a sentence in dragon language: press this button.

Even in a human form, Nefarian has the confidence to resist the extremely effective pyrotechnics and the hairstyle is not messy. But the opponent was Chromie, Nefarian carefully used the mana shield and hardened skin, and then pressed the button that Chromie wanted him to press.

"Little Nefah who peeed on the bed, bare ass. Little Nefah who was bare, little JJ. Little Nefah who was dark, crying nose. Little cute Ony, I don’t like you. Little Nefah, tell you something Aunt Romi fights, you're still a little tender."

It turns out that this mysterious metal device is a phonograph.

After playing the loop four times, Nefarian, whose veins were exposed, smashed the phonograph with his bare hands.

"The son of Neltharion, the guardian of the earth, the prince of the black dragon clan, and Nefarian, the ruler of wild magic, can you make fun of it. Dead old lady, don't fall into my hands!!"

The black dragon prince's roar turned into a dragon roar, amplified by the long cave, and resounded throughout the burning plain.

"Muradin, did you hear that, what sound?" Brian asked his brother suspiciously.

"It sounds like a beast was caught by a trap." Muradin was eager to find his niece and gave an answer casually.

At this moment, our Princess Amora is roasting meat in the camp of the Dark Iron dwarves.

"Uncle, you dark iron dwarves don't look as fierce as my father said, thank you for saving me." Amora looked curiously.

"It's not uncommon for the enemy's slander." Dagran Thaurissan didn't understand how he would save the female family of his mortal enemy Bronzebeard dwarf, "After eating, go to sleep, I will send you back at dawn."

After preventing his subordinates from killing Amora, the king of the Dark Iron dwarf feels that his whole body is weird, and can't tell what's wrong.

Behind a small hill not far away, Chromie was facing the sky, humming a little tune that he didn't know his race:

Just because I looked at you more in the crowd,

Never forget your face again,

Dreaming of seeing each other one day by chance,

From then on I started to miss it alone,

You are on the horizon when I miss you,

You are in front of me when I miss you,

You are in your mind when you miss you,

You are in your heart when you miss you,

The love story about this life will never change,

I would rather spend my life waiting for you to discover,

I'm always by your side,

Never go far.

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