Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 66 Warning: High-energy response detected ahead

(The legendary addition 33, the promise of the author -kun has been fulfilled. Yesterday, this piece was not sent out, telling me that there are sensitive words, and after checking it for a long time, it turned out to be...I was drunk.)

The preparations for the alliance proceeded in an orderly and stable manner under the full impetus of Anduin Lothar and Terenas Menethil II. But with the sighting report of a huge monster (ogre) appearing in the orc tribe and the intelligence that the Ironforge dwarf kingdom and the tribe are fighting in the Burning Plains, Anduin Lothar has a strong sense of urgency.

This day is the first day of October.

On this day, the messenger of Ironforge, Muradin Bronzebeard, the younger brother of the dwarven king Magni Bronzebeard, formally handed in the official document for the Ironforge Bronzebeard dwarves to join the Alliance.

On this day, the bishop of Stratholme Cathedral Alonthos Fao came to Lordaeron and met Anduin Lothar.

On this day, Carlos Barov received a monthly mission that he had been looking forward to for sixteen years.

Special tasks of the month: adults.

Task requirements: Become a real adult.

Task reward: Unlock combat occupations.

When Carlos received this task, the whole person was excited. Previously completed the Bar Mitzvah and took up the position of Grand Knight. There was still no information on the combat class on the attribute panel, which made Carlos confused. Now that he received this task, Carlos finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he was one step closer to the powerful party.

Finally no longer need to be a senior infantryman.

But the task is simple and not simple, so Carlos is completely confused.

So at the dinner welcoming Muradin. Bronzebeard and Archbishop Alonthos Faw, Carlos stayed aside and wandered.

There are so many celebrities, and there is no freshness anymore. What can we talk about in this kind of public occasion. With the name of the Barov family, he can make a private appointment at another time, so why bother to squeeze with other people.

What is a real adult? This question bothered Carlos, so much so that when Muradin walked up to him, he didn't realize it.

"Hey, are you Carlos Barov?" Muradin called Carlos's attention back with his dwarf-like thick voice.

"Yes, Lord Muradin. Bronzebeard." Carlos found that sitting and talking with people was very impolite, so he stood up, and found that he could not talk even more when he stood up, and both of them were embarrassed for a while.

"It doesn't matter, you just sit down. I heard that you beat up the troll in the Hinterlands so badly. I want to hear your story." Muradin's sincerity and boldness aroused Carlos's favor. So the two people exchanged happily.

In the end, after more than a dozen glasses of wine, the two have become good friends.

"Muradin, let me ask you a question, what do you think is a real adult?" Carlos couldn't help asking this question to the older dwarf.

"I think it's responsibility and family. Doing your due responsibilities and loving your family, this is what a real man should do." Muradin thought for a while and gave his own answer.

"It makes sense. Thank you for answering my questions, but there are still many human friends who want to get to know you. Don't leave others in the cold because of me." Carlos euphemistically said that the conversation was exhausted.

"Ahahaha, it doesn't matter, drinking with a good friend is the most enjoyable thing." Muradin did not hear the hidden meaning of the words at all.

"Uh, but you are the envoy of His Majesty Magni, this..." Carlos had to change his statement.

"Uh, I forgot, thank you for your reminder, Carlos, you are such a friend, I will go around again." Muradin nodded to Carlos and reintegrated into the crowd.

Responsibility and family?


Men and women.


Real adults.

No, Carlos found that he might be thinking about it, and the truth of the matter might be that simple.

I always thought that a real adult is a difficult spiritual trial, but it is also very likely to be simply literal.

"Fuck, this is a broken system, even if you want to pass through, you still care about my private life." Using the mother tongue of the previous life, he cursed in a low voice, and Carlos decided to implement his conjecture.

Anyway, it doesn't hurt to make a mistake. The more Carlos thinks about it, the more he feels that it is a miraculous thing that he hasn't considered this issue in the past few months.

Young and gold, strong and strong, with a great future, he may still be a king in the future. Such a good man is actually a virgin, Carlos himself feels embarrassed.

The tall and handsome Carlos just walked into the dining table where he fetched the wine, and countless hints of teasing glances on him. Looking back with a smile, Carlos suddenly lost his interest.

What kind of stuff are they! Auntie, round face, ghostly pretense, body that can't even stand up to dresses, who said there are many beautiful women in Azeroth, I want to single out with him.

This is Carlos's true thoughts.

"Hello, hero, can I have a drink with you?"

Suddenly, someone behind him asked quietly. Carlos's attention was caught by the crisp sound of an oriole.

Looking back, Carlos's eyes lit up.

Pure white dress, pure appearance, bright eyes and white teeth, long neck, big chest, round hips and thin waist, remove the high bun, at least 1.8 meters. The most important thing is that this woman does not have the strong body odor of ordinary ladies that can not be suppressed when mixed with various fragrance powders, only a faint rose scent.

Puff, puff, Carlos felt his heart beating faster.

"Of course." Carlos made a polite invitation.

After going back and forth, the lady Audlin and Carlos fought fiercely, and during the conversation it was learned that this lady Audlin was actually a widow.

Women are pretty and filial piety. Although the humans of Azeroth did not have such a saying, but with all the miraculous high sensitivity bonuses stacked on Carlos, the two people who had only met for less than an hour left the banquet venue and asked the court guard for a temporary rest. The key to the room got in.

Carlos used 5 consecutive sunders on Mrs. Audrin, and Mrs. Audrin is now in an unarmored state.

Carlos suppressed Mrs. Audlin, and Mrs. Audlin collapsed on the bed.

Mrs. Audlin used a weak bite on Carlos, and Carlos fell into a state of congestion.

Carlos kissed Mrs. Audlin, there was no bad breath, and the favorability was full!

Huh, huh, ha, hey.

"Quickly." Mrs. Audlin smiled happily.

Carlos fell into a state of distress.

Mrs. Audlin used suppression to Carlos, and Carlos was unable to resist.

Mrs. Audlin lowered her head and applied circular massage to Carlos II, and Carlos was resurrected in full condition.




"One library!"

Mrs. Audlin was killed seventeen minutes after the second battle began.

Carlos triggers the Dark Moon deck: the effect of the void.

Carlos caused the third shock, and Mrs. Audlin begged for mercy.

Mrs. Audlin was killed again.

"I haven't asked what your name is." After successfully completing the monthly mission, Carlos was mentally and physically satisfied. He couldn't help breaking the unspoken rules among the nobles and asked the lady's real name.

"Falina, it's called Falina."

"Oh, huh? Ah! A good name, as the name suggests." Carlos felt that he had better leave quickly.

"It's getting late, let's sort it out," Carlos suggested.

After repairing the durability of the equipment, Carlos took off his purse and handed it to Farina.

"Are you insulting me? Think of me as a fuck?" Falena suddenly became angry

"No, I'm a crude person. I don't know how to express my feelings, so I can only express it in the simplest and rude way. A newly bereaved woman always needs money. This is because of the friendship between friends. Please don't refuse. My help." Carlos secretly scolded himself shamelessly. With this eloquence in his previous life, how could he be single for 30 years? Azeroth is really a good place to exercise.

"Sorry, I'm too sensitive, please don't blame a helpless woman." Farina sobbed quietly.

"You adjust your mood first, I'll go back to the meeting place first." Carlos calmed Farina for a while and left first.

Watching Carlos walk away, Farina weighed the weight of Carlos's wallet and smiled satisfied.

"The Duchess, there may be a crown, and so strong, really a good man." Farina didn't know who was talking to.

PS1: Falina's information.

The Black Witch Farina, the chief botanist in Naxxramas, is responsible for raising and guarding the deadly spiders in the entire spider area, providing the Lich King with the most potent poison for development. Farina leads the cursed cult fanatics who sincerely admire him. These fanatics patrol in and out of her hall day and night, willing to die for Farina. In the battle with Farina, you will have to face the terrifying spells of this witch and the attacks of fanatical followers.

Don't just because Falena is a female stream, you can underestimate her, all those who despise her will go to hell! "Don't think that this is alarmist talk, the fact is exactly the case. This former female nobleman of Lordanren relied on her allure beauty and ingenious disguise. He married six young noblemen one after another, and ran like a black widow mother spider. They got rid of everything without leaving a trace. By inheriting the family property of the deceased husband, this vicious woman became one of the wealthiest women in Lordaeron at that time.

The greedy Ms. Farina will not be satisfied. The real natural enemy of a woman is the passage of time, and having eternal beauty is the ultimate goal of Ms. Farina. So Kel'Thuzad found her. Under the action of dark magic, the bloated body and rough skin disappeared, and a Falena who always remained 20 years old appeared. Of course, she also became a member of the cursed cultists and became the Lich King Ner'zhul. Servant. "To confuse Summoning Kanorth! I need his power! Let him be part of the natural disaster!" Kel'Thuzad issued a new order the night before being killed by Prince Arthas. As a master of love, Ms. Farina successfully completed the mission. She captured the heart of Noth and asked him to become an undead voluntarily, loyal to the Lich King Ner'zhul. Today, as one of the grassroots administrators of the Cursed Church, Farina is responsible for brainwashing new humans and transforming them into undead.

PS2: Just ask those viewers who say that the author -kun writes monks' texts are dissatisfied.

PS3: Farina just helped the protagonist to open the door to New World, not the heroine, don't say anything that is tired and unloving.

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