Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 67-The Gate of New World Leads to the Knights

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The encounter between Anduin Lothar and Alonthos Faoan is like Liu Bei begging for Zhuge village woman, and Cao Cao pleased Mrs. Zou, how can Sun Quan meet Xiao Qiao in the bridal chamber. To describe it accurately, all that is left is to pour soda into concentrated sulfuric acid.

Two men with the same baldness could never forget each other's faces just because they looked at each other in the crowd.

The acquaintance at the banquet, the occasional encounter in the palace, and the acquaintance in the study gave the two a feeling of hatred to meet each other.

That night, Anduin Lothar, Terenas Menethil, Alonthos Fao expressed their opinions in the battle command hall of Lordaeron Palace, and they wished to form brothers of the opposite sex.

"According to reliable information, the orc tribe has increased its troops. Ironforge dwarves and Gnomeregan gnomes have witnessed the intelligence of huge humanoid monsters and trolls appearing in the orc army." Terenas will represent the tribe's wood The orc pieces were placed on the burning plain on the map.

"The dwarves cannot defeat the army of orcs in the Burning Plains. Their goat riders have no advantage in front of the orcs and wolf cavalry. But Magni is an excellent warrior, and the orcs are wishful thinking to capture Ironforge." Anduin Lowe Sa put the dwarven chess piece heavily on the position of Ironforge.

"Yes, Ironforge, Gnomeregan. I have to say that this kind of city built on a mountain and underground is a nightmare for the attacker. As long as Ironforge is not lost, the orcs cannot be comfortable. Through the Khaz Modan area, this has won us precious time.” Terenas came to this conclusion after thinking about it.

"So your Majesty, we should provide supplies, especially food assistance, for the dwarves. It can be foreseen that the determination of the orc tribe to go north is as solid as a rock. Khaz Modan is the first step, then the wetland, and across the strait is the Arathi Highlands. We are not ready yet. Although the kings are aware of the great destructive power of the orc tribe to human civilization, many people recognize the orcs as a kind of human-like brutal beast. I have to say that this is a huge and deadly kind. Wrong. The kings have conscripted and paid, but they are reluctant to hand over the talents in their hands. This is a terrible and stupid act. I have to say that if we don’t give up 12 points of preparation and energy, we might be Lose this war. And the support for the dwarves can not only buy us time, but also let the great figures of Lordaeron see what a terrible monster is in front of the Alliance." Anduin Lothar's The words were quick, urgent and merciless.

"Sir Lothar, although I have learned the general information of the orcs from other sources, I still want to hear you say it again." Alonthos Faor still couldn't draw a clear image of the orcs in his mind through the available information. .

"I'm sorry that this may remind you of sorrowful memories, but if you can, please recount it for everyone, old friend Anduin." Terenas asked for several weeks.

"Strong, savage, bloodthirsty, and smart."

Anduin Lothar sighed, walked from the command desk to the window, turned his back to the crowd and looked at the deep night sky, sinking into memories.

"If you think that the orcs are ignorant and backward, you are very wrong. They have a strict social system and a stable social structure. From everything obvious or not, we can judge whether they belong to a clan. But different The clans united to form a big tribe, and this is our enemy.

We are not facing a group of cannibal beasts, but another civilization whose purpose is to conquer and destroy.

Orcs are much stronger than humans. Generally speaking, only three human soldiers can defeat one orc, but their rough tribal civilization has opened the gap between the tribe and ours in terms of equipment. A hundred Stormwind Royal Guards can easily defeat one. A hundred orc soldiers. Relying on strong fortresses and defense equipment, we successfully suppressed the orcs in the Black Swamp.

After I dealt with the Karazhan crisis, the situation deteriorated seriously. The portal connecting the hometown of the orcs with our world has been stabilized, and a large number of orc reinforcements have secretly come to our world, hiding in the dark swamp. When the generals of Stormwind thought that they could wipe out the green-skinned monsters with their elite soldiers and numbers. "

Having said that, Anduin Lothar couldn't help but laugh.

"It's a cruel reality. Five thousand soldiers armed to the teeth of the Stormwind Kingdom surrounded two thousand orcs. They thought it would be a great victory. As a result, when the soldiers who were fighting with each other recovered, at least 30,000 orcs had completed the battle. Their anti-siege. Yes, at least 30,000, the survivors who escaped by chance cut off their little thumbs without hesitation in order to prove that they did not lie.

In the stormwind city offensive and defensive battle, I came to the conclusion that the orcs were at least 50,000 or more. When the Alliance faces tribes, this number may double. "

Anduin Lothar turned his head, looked at someone he could trust, and continued.

"Before I was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. When describing the orcs, I actually had reservations. One hundred thousand orcs, the number of soldiers alone has almost caught up with the population of Alterac Kingdom. You are now Do you still think that fifty thousand Union soldiers can guarantee our safety?"

"Anduin Lothar, you insulted me and underestimated the determination of the human kingdom." Terenas looked very upset.

"I'm sorry." Anduin Lothar bowed and apologized.

"Don't apologize, don't worry, I will support you, Lordaeron has two million people, can't it still not be able to support an army of 200,000 people? I will negotiate with other kings again, the formation of the alliance It is imperative, unstoppable." Terenas suddenly exposed Haki, frightening the others.

"It's useless to have quantity alone. The huge gap in quality is what worries me the most." Anduin Lothar smiled bitterly.

"I would like to hear more." The image of the orc in Alonthos Faor's mind gradually became fuller.

"The first is the shaman and warlock troops of the orcs. The number of casters of the orcs is far more than we thought, and the reaction of Dalaran and Quel'Thalas to the alliance is chilling. Do they think they can stay out of the matter? madness!

Followed by the wolf cavalry. The orcs ride on a huge wolf with excellent impact and speed. Except for the alpine horse breeds produced by Alterac, other military horses are at an overwhelming disadvantage when facing the wolf.

Finally, and the most terrifying point. The elite warrior among the orcs. There are not too many guys holding huge blades, most of them are easy to recognize, because they are different from other orcs and are red. But please note that it is not that the green orcs do not have these guys, so don't have this kind of misconception.

Those guys with huge blades generally don't like to wear too much armor, but the quick action and super attack power, coupled with the magical mobility. Whenever they appeared on the battlefield, it was like a storm of sword blades, and it was simply a nightmare for ordinary soldiers. If there are no great knights and warriors of the same level to stop them, three or five such elite orc warriors can slaughter an army of five hundred people in one meal. "

Terenas listened and fell into thinking.

"I think I probably know what kind of enemy we are facing, and at the same time, I have an immature idea. If you have time, can you please refer to it for details." Alonthos Fao told Ando In. Lothar salutes.

"It's a great honor." Anduin Lothar replied.

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