Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 672 Justice has nothing to do with good and evil

Carlos's journey to Feralas, the core connotation is the world adventure Taobao, the essence is not to waste time.


Because the child is cheating.

Alphonse stabbed his grandfather, no matter what the reason was, whether it was worthy of forgiveness or not, Carlos didn't know how painful Sao Nian's heart was.

The only conclusion is that within the sphere of influence of the Alliance of Lordaeron, Carlos can't make mistakes again, and can't give anyone a bit of tongue.

So how can we not make mistakes?

Of course it does nothing.

At least on the surface.

Therefore, in the talk of the people of Lordaeron after a meal, Alterac’s knight king is now in his own Guy Erdalon Lake Heart Castle every day, his wife and children warm the kang, with a sugar bowl at the head of the bed, and a sugar bowl at the end of the bed. , Want to eat fish, eat fish, want to eat meat, eat meat.

Well, maybe use the Silver Axe head when cutting trees, and the gold hoe when hoeing the ground.

Ignorance is really a disease, and it is not curable.

Tirion Fording was deeply heartbroken by the ignorant people in the dark battle with the cursed sect.

The reason they believe in the power of shadow can even be just because the lord’s horse farts in front of him, or because they don’t see others living better than themselves.

As the backbone of the people who fight against the cursed sect, most of them are veterans who have experienced orc wars. Many people have already married and have children, but returned to the secret battlefield because of Carlos's call.

These people, as the property owners, as the savers, as the wealthy people hated by the people they save, can't help but start to doubt.

Are those who fell into the shadows really worth saving?

Is the power of shadow corrupting the human heart, or the corruption of the human heart attracting the power of shadow.

If it weren't for Kel'Thuzad's plague plan, which actually threatened the safety of all mankind, even their "Silver Dawn" would collapse due to internal chaos.

Yes, the new organization was still named the Silver Dawn, and Carlos himself rejected the Scarlet Cross military post that he casually said.


Being born in sorrow and dying in happiness is indeed an eternal truth.

The simple and unsophisticated folk customs during the orc wars have only been comfortable for a few years, and they have begun to degenerate. After losing the pressure of survival brought about by race wars, class contradictions have gradually sharpened.

But something has to be done by someone, and the final end of the cold watch is the crab in the basket, and no one can escape.

So Tirion Fording shouldered the burden of saving the world when Carlos was traveling quietly.

He is not a saint, just for love and family.

His son Tyran Fording was heartened by Carlos's invitation, and serving as an attendant to the Knight King was something he was excited about.

Although Taelan's mother still had doubts about this matter, Tirion secretly wrote a letter to the old mantel servant, asking him to persuade the mistress from his side.

At this time, the undead natural disasters were still too early to erupt. Although he had lost his position as the lord of Hearthglen, the people who had accumulated over so many years hoped that Tirion Fording still had the means to influence his family.

He believed that in a while, his son would be able to get rid of that tragic fate.

As long as he thought of this, Tirion Fording was full of energy.

The affairs are complicated, and while the internal opinions of the unity are divided, while dealing with the increasing power of action after the confluence of the Twilight Cult and the Cursed Cult, Tirion Fording's itinerary is very tight.

Especially because his identity was sensitive and he was carrying punishments on his back, which caused a lot of interference in his actions.

So when it comes time to make a decision, Tirion Fording's leeway is actually very small.

For example, this is the case now.

Terenas Menethil II had a physical problem, and the whole Lordaeron knew about it.

It stands to reason that Prince Arthas should guard his father in Lordaeron.

Whether it is from the perspective of filial piety or succession in case of any accident, it should be the case.

But His Royal Highness is not.

Carlos gave the Silver Dawn to Tirion Fording, but the intelligence network related to Lordaeron was still in the hands of his father Alex Barov.

So Tirion Fording didn't know what the purpose of Alsace's eastward journey was.

The orc turmoil in the south has not subsided, Uther has not returned to Lordaeron, and Tirion Fording's own network is not useful.

In this eventful season, Alsace's every move is a big event that draws everyone's attention.

In the planting area south of Hearthglen, Silver Dawn received reliable information, and the backbone of the curse sect hatched the plague vaccine bed there.

There is no way, manpower and material resources are limited, and Silver Dawn cannot and does not have the ability to worry about both at the same time.

Squatting, or walking behind Alsace, will definitely catch the tail of the cursed sect, even the "big man".

But if the plague is allowed to breed, there will definitely be big problems.

The two evils are the lesser one. After weighing the pros and cons, Tirion Fording chose to deal with plague-related issues first.

"Arthas is a qualified paladin. He has a part of the protection of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Lordaeron Guard. We don't have to worry too much about his comfort, and we should give priority to those disgusting cursed cultists."

Once a decision was made, Terry Overding moved quickly.

Secretly mobilizing manpower, avoiding the hidden lines of the cursed sect, and making full use of the attention caused by the eastward journey of Alsace, Lafayette is ready to annihilate the cursed cultists who hatched and spread the plague in one fell swoop.

Tirion Fording's decisive action can't be said to be wrong in any case, and it can even be called courageous.

But if he chooses to meet Arthas, Tirion Fording, who has regained the power of the Holy Light, will definitely find the anomaly in Arthas - Kel'Thuzad can't bear to be lonely anymore.

Relying on betraying his phylogenetic, Kel'Thuzad successfully convinced the young Arthas that he had grasped the life gate of the Lich.

As Dalaran and even one of the best mages in the human world for hundreds of years, Kel'Thuzad is really easy to use.

Whether acting as a magic consultant or providing life experience, the Lich wholeheartedly served Alsace in thinking and deceiving the young prince.

Arthas didn't know the existence of the Lich King Ner'zhul. This crucial lack of intelligence gave His Royal Highness the illusion that he could subdue Kel'Thuzad into his own use.

Fatal illusion.

The terrible thing about the Lich King Ner'zhul lies in his spiritual power that is huge enough to cover the entire Azeroth.

Tireless, never let up.

The ancient gods were nothing but ooze monsters in front of the Burning Legion. Ner'zhul was unable to resist Kil'jaeden, so he could only honestly be a dog of the Legion and contribute to the plan of the Burning Legion.

Therefore, Ner'zhul did not treat the ancient gods as equals at all. Their whispers have no effect on Ner'zhul, and even in the underground of Northrend, the newly-established Scourge had no effect on the Ajroni Ruby. The war of the worms is like a broken bamboo.

The worm soldiers who rely on the Summoning spell to pull them up are even immune to the corruption of the ancient gods.

Ner'zhul was learning the methods of the ancient gods while suppressing the recovery of the ancient gods, and there was even Yu Yu caring about Alsace's psychological problems.

The casting of Frostmourne is still in progress.

But because of Carlos's intervention, Ner'zhul made a judgment that there was a serious obstacle to confuse Alsace to go north to Northrend.

Must have a spare tire plan.

So Ner'zhul thought of Saratas.

Even Yog-Saron and N'Zoth could not be the god of war Ner'zhul on the spiritual level. How could a loser's dagger that lost his body in the internal battle be the opponent of the Lich King.

If Frostmourne brought to Arthas the power of hatred.

So Saratas was a deep and dark fantasy of justice for Arthas.

Kel'Thuzad heard the master's voice and used all the power of the cursed sect to create a situation that would not harm Arthas.

The lich bewitched Arthas to go to Alterac to visit his sister and nephew.

There are as many reasons as there are, and even Terenas has no reason to stop it.

At this point in time when Carlos was far from the other side of the sea, Arthas embarked on a conspiracy path full of light with curiosity about the sword of Stomka.

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