Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 673 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 673

When a person is a teenager, there will always be an inexplicable sense of mission. If there are a few more children watching the bustle at this time... Then congratulations, the sense of mission is super-evolved — the super mission with a sense of ritual must Up.

Well, speaking human words is commonly known as self-satisfaction.

Carlos has also gone through such a journey as a sophomore, he succeeded, and the Barov family stood on the ground for his perseverance.

So in the full sense of accomplishment, his sense of mission evolved extremely, and became a ambition to defend Azeroth.

So in the end, the second-year teenager never graduates, and there are sophomores after the second year of high school. Men are still teenagers until they die.

Apart from the difference in youth, the difference between Alsace and Carlos is probably only the character.

Ner'zhul sighed helplessly after careful calculations, how good the damn human would be if it weren't a Paladin, the Holy Light shielded the spiritual influence exerted by the Lich King on Carlos, otherwise, there would be no way to win Alsace. Carlos really did.

Regardless of power status or body performance, what Ner'zhul wanted most was Carlos.

This also contains deep obsession.

If it weren't for Carlos' expedition to Draenor, how could Ner'zhul be eaten and wiped out by Kil'jaeden and made into an ice base station, and how would the Shadowmoon clan be crushed by the Burning Legion into a lich?

In a sense, in the days of Turalyon's disappearance, Ner'zhul was Azeroth's number one card.

You know how powerful Carlos is, that's the man who killed me, the strong enemy I must kill!

Of course, a combination is also possible, with brackets like the Lich King blushing brackets.

But still the same sentence, Xiangche beauty women want, there is really no donkey cart hell has not been alive.

After Ner'zhul tried countless times, he found that it was too difficult to penetrate one of Carlos's barriers with mental power. At least Carlos needed to stand in front of the Ice Throne to be possible.

But you can't corrupt Carlos mentally and let him stand in front of you...

Isn't this just death?

Ner'zhul still has Kil'jaeden too-kun, the work still has to be done, and there is no way to plan Carlos Barov, so Alsace Menethil is also possible.

Therefore, Kel'Thuzad's spiritual influence on Alsace has never stopped.

Alsace has never been a strong man.

Carlos knew this, Varian knew it, and Jia Liya and Jaina knew it too.

The only person who didn't believe was his father Terenas.

Be the child your father likes, be your favorite prince, and be your ideal king.

Alsace cared too much about the opinions of others.

In the process of growing up, Terenas discovered his son's weakness and corrected his son's "mistakes" step by step.

At present, it seems that the effect is quite good. Everyone thinks that Prince Arthas is a qualified heir to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

But who cared about Alsace's mental health?

Varian Wrynn returned to Stormwind and restored it.

Arthas regretted and breathed a sigh of relief. The cousin who was more like Terenas's son than he was gone.

Although there is a missing friend and playmate, it is really easy to compare with Varian.

However, when Carlos returned from the astral world, heavier pressure came again.

It was a living legend, a living saint who offered to the shrine by everyone, including Arthas himself.

Compared with his other distant cousin Carlos, Alsace could not find any confidence.

The paladin's code of conduct that he carried with him was compiled by him.

Originally, Arthas thought he had accepted the fact that it was an idol of light, a moral model praised by his mentor, Uther. The Messenger of Light.

Just admire it.

But the birth of Stomka made Alsace's mentality unbalanced again.

The power symbol of Emperor Thoradin, the testimony of the king...

Although Emperor Thoradin refused to ask for Stomuka's remarks by his heir to remain in writing, the emperor made it clear that Stomuka was not a symbol of the king of humans.



But that was Stomka.

Which human will truly forget the glory of the Arathor Empire, and who has never imagined the glory of the empire in the past.

As an adult, Alsace had gradually understood how Sir Lothar had exchanged his verbal promise for the military power of the Seven Kingdoms.

It also gradually understood that the citizens of Stromgarde who split the empire back then had an empire heart deep in their hearts.

So Carlos communicated with his old father-in-law as soon as he got Stomka, and solemnly promised that he would never get involved in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and even left a written text.

Even with such a sincere attitude, Terenas weighed it for a long time before choosing to believe it.

Alsace was understandable intellectually, but still entangled emotionally.

This gave Kel'Thuzad a chance to provoke.

It's also interesting.

Anastrian was clearing the obstacles for his son Guy Er'thas ascending the throne, so the Sun King drove his son out of Silvermoon City.

Terenas' body could not last long. In order for Arthas to take over smoothly, he made the same decision as Anastrian.

So Arthas chose the latter between going to Dalaran and meeting his sister in Alterac.

On the one hand, because Dalaran had that person, Arthas couldn't face it for the time being, on the other hand, it was the hint planted by Kel'Thuzad in Alsace's mind.

Arthas wanted to watch Stomka. The Destroyer.

After many years of paladin training, the prince's mind has already matured. If it were not for Kel'Thuzad's bewitching, or the spirit of the Lich King, Arthas would not be so obsessed with a weapon.

But Ner'zhul couldn't wait any longer.

Kil'jaeden's orders are absolute.

The fraudster was very dissatisfied with the progress of Ner'zhul's work. The Argent Dawn formed by Carlos and Tirion Fording greatly hindered the plan of the Scourge.

After responding to Carlos's call, the genius Pharmacist Snow fought evenly against the same genius Plague Master Silga.

Kel'Thuzad's progress in advancing the Plague of the Undead was much slower than expected.

The Twilight Sect and the Cursed Sect are also two cult organizations that have a tacit understanding of doing things because of the same goal. They infiltrate each other and have their own goals.

So Ner'zhul desperately needed a body, a substitute for his own will.

Frostmourne was still slowly forging under the watch of the Lich King.

This artifact is forged with Ner'zhul's soul fragments and Saronite as the base material using Legion technology. It is worthy of its orange quality.

But the plan to entice the prince to go north seemed to be unable to keep up with the changes.

Therefore, the Lich King urgently needs to advance PLANB.

In the intrigue with Kil'jaeden and the spiritual confrontation between the ancient gods, Ner'zhul understood a truth with the eternal suffering of his soul.

A lie made up of truth is the most effective fraud.

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