The relationship between Alsace and Galiya is very wonderful.

When she was young, Jia Liya loved her brother very much, and the two brothers wanted to be sweet.

However, be careful, be careful, the daughter of the sea...

With the progress of enlightenment education, Jia Liya gradually used her mother as a reference to gradually become a female, but Alsace was still an innocent child.

As a result, after hooking up with Jaina, the intimacy between Arthas and Galiya declined sharply.

You're not my mother, why do you care about me?

I am your sister!

Arthas, let's sneak out and play!

Roar, roar!

Look, there is a difference between closeness and sparseness. This is also a classic case of slinging and hitting the real sister.

Growing up, Galiya was married, Arthas was sensible and hypocritical, and broke up with his girlfriend the day after taking Jaina's blood on the ground that I was not ready.

Alsace, who was depressed in his heart, thought about it, and finally remembered that he still had a sister who could complain about.

As a result, the correspondence between the two siblings heated up again.

It really deserves to be a child born to a parent.

Part of a person's character is born, but it is more influenced by the acquired environment.

After marrying into the Barov family, because Carlos has disappeared for ten years, Galiya's status is actually quite embarrassing.

But Azeroth treats Carlos not badly, because Alphons's birth greatly eased this embarrassment.

So Jia Liya's butt was not unexpectedly biased towards her son's side.

The prince’s education she had received since she was a child was not in vain, and her political correctness should be kept in mind.

Therefore, after Alsace was coming to Guy Erdalon to visit relatives, Galiya decided to do a big deal after asking her father-in-law to report.

After all, this is a great opportunity for the people who eat melons to realize the friendly relationship between Lordaeron and Alterac.

For this reason, the entire Guy Erdalon Lake Heart Castle was vacated for Galiya. Mrs. Janis took her little daughter to Dalaran to play with her eldest daughter. Carlos’s two younger brothers were ordered to Otter by his father. Rank City was scolded.

The development of things is moving towards Ner'zhul's expectations.

At this time, even Carlos hadn't realized the terrifyingness of sleepless people such as the ancient gods and the Lich King.

These existences that have surpassed the limits of mankind are always planning their own interests and conceiving the most vicious and selfish tricks.

The only difference is that the ancient gods have no freedom, and the Lich King has neither freedom nor body.

But Ner'zhul has the Burning Legion's wide-area spiritual radar, and is even immune to the whispers of the ancient gods.

As long as the Lich King concentrates on observation, Azeroth has no secrets about it except for the Titan creation under the protection of the barrier.

With Draenor's failure, Ner'zhul led his people into Kil'jaeden's trap.

The Shadowmoon clan he was proud of was tortured in the fortress of the Burning Legion, his body was devastated, and then transformed into a lich by the shadow magic of the Eredar warlock.

And he, Ner'zhul, the chieftain of the Shadowmoon clan, the last warchief of the tribe, was personally tortured by Kil'jaeden, and his soul was never detached.

The extreme pain has distorted his mind, and the Lich King does not need mercy, kindness, or affection.

It is the heart of natural disasters.

It is the soul of natural disasters.

It is the natural disaster itself.

It is its mission to vent anger and pain to Azeroth, and it is Kil'jaeden's greatest lie for liberation.

Ner'zhul understood that the moment the Burning Legion descended again was the end of his soul's shattering.

But it is powerless to resist fraudsters.

So he needs a body.

The Lich King Ner'zhul cannot resist the Burning Legion.

But if the self-existence is divided, then it is fine.

So for Alsace, Ner'zhul didn't mind using his feelings again.

Lordaeron’s Chu-kun traveled east, seeing the diligence of the local lord and the obscure depression along the way.

Because of the gradual advancement of the Silver Dawn, the plague has not yet fully spread, but the news of disease outbreaks still circulates frequently in the main human settlement north of Thoradin's Wall.

Although Kel'Thuzad had hinted at the use of his interpsychic spells on this trip, his own character also made Arthas hope to escape Lordaeron temporarily.

He is not ready yet.

Terenas could not hold on for long.

It can be as long as one year and as short as three months.

The life of King Lordaeron has entered the countdown.

For a long time, Arthas didn't know how many times he fantasized about what he would do after taking the crown from his father.

But when this moment is approaching.

Arthas was terrified.

Terenas didn't have time to teach his children little by little.

In order for Alsace to successfully take over, Terenas, as his father, personally broke the light and beauty that had long been shown to Alsace in a short period of time, and could not wait to deal with all the dark sides of the tactics.

This caused great confusion in Alsace's heart.

Isn’t it said that the Menethil family has ruled the kingdom by strength and wisdom for a long time?

The result is, in the final analysis, a crown of thorns twisted by iron and blood and majesty.

Alsace was really not ready yet.

So he decided to give himself a vacation.

He kept telling himself that when he returned to Lordaeron from Guy Erdalon, he would complete his transformation from prince to king.

Therefore, in the warm welcome, embraced by his sister Jia Liya, and in the admiration of his nephew Alphonse, Arthas let go of his heavy burden and relaxed his vigilance.

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I don't know what I did, but everyone says I stabbed Grandpa. I swear, I really don't know what happened, I'm sorry."

In the private space after the entertainment, Alphons wept and explained to Alsace.

"It's not your fault, my poor child, those despicable conspirators are best at using deceptive spells."

Galiya looked like she was comforting her child, but in fact she was explaining like Arthas.

"I know, all know, your grandpa told me everything, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself anymore."

Arthas held his nephew and gently stroked his back.

What else can I do?

Of course he chose to forgive him!

Regardless of whether it is based on blood relationship or national interests, Alsace has no reason to attack Alphons, and can only sigh helplessly deep in his heart.

At this time, a faint shadow wave touched Alsace's sensitive nerves.

"What's that? I feel the power of shadow!"

Under Uther, Arthas could be regarded as an official Paladin anyway. He was sure that it was the power of shadow, as evidenced by the reverberation of the excited holy light in his body.

After Terenas was injured by the evil shadow spell, the power of shadow was the most sensitive word for the Menethil family.

Then, Kel'Thuzad breathed a sigh of relief, although it would not pant for a long time.

The master's plan succeeded.

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