Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 681: The Real Cage

As long as you run fast enough, sadness will not catch up to me.

This sentence fully proves how teleportation magic is a kind of spell of IMBA.

For Azeroth, which is billions of light years away, Turalyon's departure was only nine years ago, not even enough time for a generation to grow up.

But for Draenor, Turalyon has become a legend.

The legend generally means that strangers should not come near.

The part of this broken planet still orbiting the original planet is called Outland.

Although the explosion of the planet is a painful thing for the orcs, Draenor is their home.

But for the interstellar race, it's great.

Don't worry about the natural harbour of the planet's gravity, which is great.

Although Adal is not so ignorant of people's minds, from a cost-saving perspective, it is true.

The Pantheon is indeed the handle on the side of order in the universe, but it is not only the Titan who maintains order, Naaru also has this kind of consciousness.

And Adal's fleet is second only to the existence of the Pantheon Titans.

It can even be said that after Aggramar devoted all his energy to the struggle with his former boss Sargeras, Adal's fleet became the last pontoon in the endless sea of ​​suffering.

Look at the stuff in the Forbidden City Prison and you will understand.

After asking for enough "compensation" from the astral mage Medivh, Adal immediately returned to the plane of the dark universe and asked for help from the Naaru Council.

But when it expounded its findings, what it got was news that shocked Naaru ---Zera got rid of the presbytery and did it alone.

As a magical species that can survive the great collapse of the universe, Naaru is not surprised by the war between the Burning Legion and the Pantheon.

Light and darkness, order and chaos, even the Big Bang and the collapse of the universe, the entire universe itself is the existence of a unity of opposites.

However, as one of the ancestors Naaru who survived the last generation, Zera still believes in the legend of the Son of Light and Darkness, which is really shameful for Naaru.

How many children of light and darkness did Zela look for?

Only Adal knows no less than three digits.


You ask why there are so many children of light and darkness?

Don't get me wrong, Zera hasn't lost his reason yet. At the same time, it identified only one child of light and darkness, but it died. Then it can only explain one problem. The chosen one is not the true child of light and darkness.

Understand, Zera can make the wrong choice, but Zera can't make a mistake.

From the root cause, Zera is also to maintain the order of the universe, so the Naaru Presbyterian Church does not want to interfere too much in the "Mother of Light" mini game.

But the news that Adal brought back this time was too important, so the Presbyterian Church could no longer allow Zela to make trouble.

[Elders, I have found news of Aman Sur. 】

Adal’s thought fluctuations spread in the desolate and silent dark universe, causing an uproar like the title of the UC Shock Department. Many ancestor Naru who had been silent for hundreds of millions of years reignited their own saints because of the name Amansur. Light core.

[Sargeras returned to the Pantheon for the last time before becoming a fallen Titan, and brought up a debate between order and chaos to Aman Sur. After unhappy, Sargeras went to the Twisting Void, accepted the Chaos Force, and became the substitute of Void Will. 】

[We all know these, but they are crucial. 】

【Yes. The key is Oman Sur's response. After learning that Sargeras had fallen, Aman Sur, the father of the gods, used his ability to foresee the root cause. In the end, in the endless possibilities, he saw two inevitable results twisted together. 】

【What is it? 】

[There must be a fallen Titan, either Sargeras or Aman Sur. 】

[How did you learn this secret? 】

[Astral Master Medivh stole the highest authority of a Titan Legion to forge the world. 】

[This matter is too important, I will continue to investigate, now assuming that the intelligence is true, what are you going to do? 】

[On the surface, Aman Sur fell into a decline in power after that prediction, so he handed over the command of the Pantheon to Aggrama. But Medivh, the astral mage, had a bold guess. 】

[What kind of guess? 】

[Aman Sur is lost in his own power. 】

[This... not impossible. Aman Sur is the strongest man in this generation. If he is dissatisfied with his predictions and tries to forcibly twist his fate, this may indeed happen. 】

[So we must break the tacit understanding with Elune. 】

[Adal, even if we are Naaru, your thinking is too jumpy. 】

[Elders, I must express my dissatisfaction to you. The plan of the first ancestor Naruzela is simply a farce, and the Light Legion is not an opponent of the Burning Legion. In this generation of the universe, the highest power on the order side belongs to the Titan, not our Naaru. Aman Sur cannot save Sargeras from the fall, nor can we fight the Burning Legion. It is true that our Naaru is not afraid of the cycle of life, but this is a disregard for all intelligent life in the entire universe. The Burning Legion will destroy the entire universe and even themselves. If we do not take action, the end of this generation will come much faster than expected. 】

[So we did not block Zera's actions. 】

[No, we should not directly join the war with the Burning Legion, there is an order of magnitude difference between us and the Burning Legion. 】

【your opinion. 】

[We should wake up Aman Sur, this is the war of the Titans. Aggramar is not Sargeras' opponent, neither on two levels. It is Aman Sur that should stand up to fight Sargeras. We must wake him up. 】

【do you have any plans. 】

[Azeroth, on that planet favored by Elune, I felt the spiritual fragments of Aman Sur in a human named Carlos. On Azeroth, there are fragments of Aman'sul's will, and we must complete the plan to awaken Aman'sul before the Burning Legion destroys the planet. 】

[My sons, I order you to obey Adal's orders. 】

[My sons, I order you to obey Adal's orders. 】

[My sons, I order you to follow Adal's orders. 】

[My sons, I order you to obey Adal's orders. 】

[My sons, I order you to obey Adal's orders. 】

Adal's speech at the Naaru Presbyterian Church received responses from the five ancestors Naaru.

So, in the fastest time, Adal pulled out a fleet with interference capabilities.

However, this Adal is still too slow.

When he arrived in Outland, descended on Shattrath City, and began to look for Turalyon, the answer he got was that Turalyon ran away with Zela and went to join the so-called "Holy Light Legion".

The key to the Dark Portal is on Turalyon...

Adal fell into deep thought, and began to think about which option would take less time for interstellar navigation, reverse positioning of Azeroth, and waiting for humans to take the initiative to open the dark door to take the expeditionary force home.

Really called Naaru's head.

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