When the differences in civilization levels are too large, such a result will inevitably occur-I have nothing to do with you when I destroy you, and I have nothing to do with you when I save you.

The history of the Pantheon is nothing but hundreds of Ten Thousand Years.

Azeroth's recorded history is less than ten Ten Thousand Years.

The history of the Burning Legion is rather special, ranging from one Ten Thousand Years to a hundred Ten Thousand Years.

However, whether it is the Pantheon of creation or the Burning Legion of extinction, there is essentially a cliff-like generation gap between Azeroth and Azeroth.

The Pantheon does not come to save Azeroth because it has forgotten.

The Burning Legion was always thinking about destroying Azeroth, but it was too far.

The human hymn shining with the golden spirit on Azeroth is just a dazzling wave in front of the tide of history.

Carlos has a clear understanding and adequate preparation for this.

The real Azeroth is not the more than one hundred GB of memory in the game.

If you add up all the elves of the human orcs and even the murlocs, the population will not exceed 100 million.

This kind of base resistance force is a joke in front of the Burning Legion. In the cherished knowledge gained from the astral mage Medivh, the main battlefield of the Pantheon and the Burning Legion, the number of troops killed every second is counted in millions.

In other words, uniting all the forces of Azeroth, it can resist the Burning Legion in less than two minutes.

Carlos will not forget the craziest despair of the Iron King.

The man who guarded the world in despair in his timeline is worthy of respect, but not worth learning.

Playing StarCraft, Azeroth started too late.

What is the use of plundering dozens or twenty planets? The fire of civilization is guarded by the Titan Legion, and the world of ashes is guarded by the Burning Legion.

Too late.

Although relying on tyranny can obtain maximum power in a short period of time, the sequelae are too great.

To govern short-born species, one must not only be rational, but also emotional and prestigious.

So Carlos is controlling the spread of undead natural disasters, trying to turn the bilateral game between Ner'zhul and the ancient gods into a trilateral game that joins him.

However, he still made an unforgivable mistake.

On the planet controlled by the Titans, Carlos foolishly thought that the Guardians of the Titans had fallen into internal friction, but forgot that the planet Sargeras had personally visited was not only the Guardians of the Titans.

Frostmourne is an unsolvable trap, the difference lies in the price Ner'zhul paid.

Stratholme Slaughter City was the result of a multi-party game, not an inevitable condition for Arthas to become the Lich King. As long as Ner'zhul was willing to spend the money, even Carlos would suffer as much as he went to Frost Moor.

Because human abilities have limits, Frostmourne mixed with the soul fragments of the Lich King is simply a mind control with no reverberation, and magic avoidance is useless.

After being blocked by Carlos' formation of the Silver Dawn, Ner'zhul did not have enough time to make a long-term layout.

Therefore, it directly cast a hand of the strongest Frostmourne in history, and lifted a piece of soul crystal from its natural disaster base to blend into it.

The change that this brings is that even if Arthas, who is full of spirits, pulls out this Frost Sorrow, he will definitely be transformed into a death knight by the artifact.

The price was the decline of the spirit power of the Lich King Ner'zhul over a long period of time.

The fog of war finally appeared on the map of Quantu Dog.

So Ner'zhul didn't know that Arthas got the oracle in his dream.

The existence of the self-proclaimed Elune fully informed Arthas of Ner'zhul's conspiracy, and revealed Azeroth's future to the young prince.

"what should I do?"

Arthas chose to surrender in the face of the power of the gods. His sense of justice made it impossible to be indifferent to the enlightenment of the gods. The paladin's practice made him choose dedication.

[Become a hero in the dark]

The existence of the self-proclaimed Elune told Arthas that capturing the power of the Lich King was the key to turning defeat into victory.

Arthas accepted his "destiny" with a mentality similar to a martyr.

In this round, Ner'zhul did not lose, "Elune" did not lose, and in the end only Carlos was defeated.

If there were no external forces involved, it should have been.

"So what kind of fate do we have in the end..."

A rare vacation time, accompanied by a rare beautiful woman, should be the ultimate enjoyment of two happy stacks, how can you encounter this sex when you go out for a hunt? !

Carlos was going to go to Chromie to ask what she was planning.

But that's it.

He didn't catch the troublemaker Loli's double ponytail and lifted it up and swayed wildly.

The result did not wait for Carlos's aggressive "vengeance".

Chromie came first.

"You are in trouble, you are in big trouble."


How could this start-up have such a strong sense of sight?

"Stella Gousa, go out and look out for the wind."

"Don't you think about..."

"Huh~~~~~ Huh?"

"Okay, big sister, no problem, big sister."

Chromie glared at the little star who wanted to make cruel remarks because of the alliance with Carlos. He immediately left the room where the various storm dragon trophies were placed, and went out to take care of the wind.

"Kromi, I'm Suramar's most wanted criminal now, and I am the VIP guest of the Grand Magister. In the past, don't tell me whether I can do it or not. I will sign Elisancho in two days. It's a contract."

Carlos weighed it, he really couldn't control the depth of Chromie, after thinking about it, he softened his attitude, and said gently.

"This kind of little thing is casual, your brother-in-law is going to pay for it."

"Huh? What did you just say?"

"Alsace has taken refuge in the ancient gods."


Carlos stared down at Chromie, you fucking me with your face all over.

Chromie raised his chest and arms on his hips, with a face full of me that I didn't mess with you.

Carlos stood up, walked to the wine cabinet, and asked.


Chromie hesitated for a moment.

"Strong magic wine, with ice."

After a ton of tons, the two dragons made ah~~~~~ sounds at the same time.

Chromie pulled a chair to himself and jumped up.

"Do you remember how many times you have fucked me?"

"Definitely less than killing myself."


Carlos was so shocked that he couldn't tell Faker.

"I know you can understand, so I won't talk nonsense with you, time is very tight."

Chromie paused, making sure Carlos was paying attention to him, and then proceeded to narrate.

"I'm going to borrow the Eye of Amanthul..."


"Don't interrupt, how come your child is so poor."


"Then saw some incredible things and heard some incredible conversations."


"Elune is actually the god of the ancients. It confuses Arthas, and the undead natural disasters will eventually erupt. You still have time to go back. Leave this mess alone. The nightfallen elves are all wall grass. You take yours. Alliance Marine is here, and Eli Sandro doesn’t want to play as he wants, so he should get right to business."


Carlos began to wonder if the Cromi in front of him was genuine.

"Don't stare, I offended the guy who shouldn't offend. I'm anchored in this time stream. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

There was Xiang flying across the corner of Chromie's eyes.

Obviously such a serious matter, Carlos has a kind of unspeakable refreshment.

You can't be a dragon too much Cromi.

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