Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 710-The Devil

Even if my Ner'zhul is dead, frustrated, and my soul is nailed to the Ice Throne, I still have to use Arthas's voice to call out "The Dreadlords are all waste"!

The three-party game has advantages and disadvantages, but the Lich King miscalculated.

In terms of computing power, Ner'zhul, who never sleeps, is comparable to the ancient gods. Kil'jaeden, who is far away in the twisting void, did not put too much attention on Azeroth, and the Dreadlord was slightly inferior.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the ancient gods in the prison and the Lich King under surveillance belong to the situation of relying on the big legion to fight. The Burning Legion Azeroth's latent forces occupy an absolute advantage. Both the dreadlord and the abyss lord are one. Wait one to fight.

In terms of intelligence gathering ability, the Lich TV Demon King is obviously stronger than the ancient pyramid scheme god than the Fear Demon King.

When Dalkhan gave the key to the Sunwell in both hands, Ner'zhul thought he had won.

What is the purpose of forming the Scourge?

To fight against the faceless army of the ancient gods?

To help the Burning Legion destroy Azeroth?


Of course it was to get out of this damn big ice block.

Taking advantage of Kil'jaeden's arrogance, Ner'zhul cleverly hid himself in the shadow of the Burning Legion.

When Draenor made a single move and lost all the games, Ner'zhul personally sent himself and the Shadowmoon clan to Kil'jaeden. So Kil'jaeden, who had done what he said, not only killed all these orcs who delivered to the door, but also used their ashes and souls to form a lich.

So Ner'zhul was greedy for Alsace's body. It was not a scumbag, but a weak, helpless and eager soul seeking liberation.

The Sunwell, although the high elves covered it well, Quel'Thalas was too close to the Icecrown Citadel. Ner'zhul could still detect the existence of the Sunwell even through several powerful barriers.

Whether it was Lordaeron's undead plague and the force of natural disasters, or he first stolen the power from the sun well and then went the other way, after all, it was just a means by Ner'zhul to break free, not an end.

The Argent Dawn organized by Carlos Barov completely blocked the cursed cult's experiments on the spread of the plague, and was proud of it.

But they don't understand that the undead disease is not a simple virological bacteriology, but a special creation that mixes magic and curse.

In this regard, the ancient gods have absolute authority.

Silver Dawn thought that he could delay the outbreak of the plague by sniping the cursed cult's plague experiment, which in itself was a cognitive error.

The pathogen of the undead plague came from the ancient gods, and Ner'zhul merely changed its way of existence and turned it into his own use.

As for how Kel'Thuzad and Silga transform the Undead Plague to increase its destructive power, there is no difference for Ner'zhul.

Because the creation of the Scourge requires corpses, not undead plagues.

Although from the moment the Lich King was born, the three words "Two or Five" were deeply engraved in its soul.

But before turning over, the Burning Legion is its biggest backstage and support for Ner'zhul.

At least in the matter of destroying the natives of Azeroth, the two sides have a common language.

Ner'zhul had long given up on being an orc, but this did not prevent it from using the orcs again.

At the same time, the remaining dark lines of the Burning Legion after the failure of the last invasion, as well as the secret infiltration of the Ten Thousand Years, can also be fully activated.

The Lich King couldn't find a reason why he would lose.

Therefore, Ner'zhul told Tichondrius that the assistant and watcher Kil'jaeden arranged by his side, Carlos Barov, could die.

The key elements have been gathered, and when Arthas, who had already flattened the resistance of the Spider Demon Empire, returned to Lordaeron, all the rebels gathered by Carlos happened to be swept away.

Silvermoon City, weakened by internal friction, could not withstand the offensive of the Scourge.

Using the power of the Sunwell to completely occupy Alsace's body, the Frozen Throne that imprisoned the Lich King's soul will be in vain, and Ner'zhul, surrounded by the Scourge, can ridicule Kil'jaeden as a big fool13.

At the same time, if the attack occurs early, you can catch the ancient gods by surprise. When the plan of the Eastern Kingdom is completed, and then draw the orcs to feed the devil's blood, the elves of Kalimdor will not be able to prove it.

The ancient gods haven't really gotten out of trouble. Under its own spiritual realm, the Scourge is not afraid of the ancient gods' distorted will. Whether it is destruction or enslavement, it is an extremely advantageous choice for Ner'zhul.

After uniting the power of the entire Azeroth, Ner'zhul was able to calmly plan revenge against Kil'jaeden.

After all, in the days of torment, Ner'zhul also gained the taboo knowledge about Twisting Void.

The plan is so beautiful and seamless. Ner'zhul even gave up his rationality after a long absence and spent a lot of effort to watch Carlos Barov's life curtain call.

Tichondrius, Varimathras, Malganis, Memphis.

The four dreadlords lurking in Azeroth took action at the same time, and there were thousands of Ten Thousand Years to be teleported to Azeroth in this way, the elite legion demons, and the forces that were drawn to corruption in Alterac, Coupled with the betrayal of the people around you.

The Lich King Ner'zhul could not think of a reason for Carlos Barov's survival.

What a long memory.

Although in the eyes of the people of Azeroth, the end of the orc war is a matter of more than two decades.

But Ner'zhul's torment in the Twisting Void stretched to the material world, no less than three thousand years.

The Lich King has long forgotten the hatred of the Azeroth Alliance as the leader of the orcs, but it is always pleasant to watch the old opponent in the "historical memory" ascend to heaven.


"This... this is impossible!"

"Quickly retreat!"


After receiving information, the cursed cult was doing trouble with Guy Erdalon.

Carlos attacked decisively.

But when he arrived at the village indicated by intelligence, four dreadlords were waiting for him. Thousands of legion demons had already turned into walking dead villagers.

Because of wrong information, Carlos led not many entourages.

In the face of this desperate ambush, it seems that breaking through is the best choice.

Carlos's attendants have already done a good job of sacrificing themselves to clean up a way to survive for the king.

But Carlos couldn't help laughing.

Not only did Carlos's entourage fail to understand why his king laughed, but even most of the demons were just bluffing as opponents.

Only Varimathras, who was almost "tipped" by Carlos, felt a little uneasy.

The reason for Carlos's laugh is simple.

Because of his body, the holy light in his body, his turbulent emotions are all telling, all shouting, all telling him, you can, you can win!

So Carlos rushed up.

Four dreadlords, less than a thousand legion demons, two hundred and a half skeleton zombies also want to kill me?

Reason tells Carlos that the future is uncertain, but the body tells Carlos that it's okay to go up.

In the frenzy of fighting, Carlos noticed a trace of incongruity.

But soon, the fighting instinct that had been suppressed for a long time filled Carlos's brain.

The inexplicably strengthened body showed unmagical combat power. Under the horrified gaze of his followers, Carlos one after another, one after another, slaughtered the Burning Legion in Azeroth like a killing machine of Mody feelings. The accumulated military power.

When half of the Legion Demons were sent back to the Twisting Void by Carlos alone, the four dreadlords couldn't help it.

From the moment they met, the fear aura blessed by the four dreadlords joined hands to destroy the morale of Carlos's side. The soldiers lost the will to resist at a desperate moment and only wanted to escort the king to escape, and they lived up to their loyalty.

But who would have thought that Carlos didn't seem to be affected by the aura of fear at all, or that the fear reached Ultimate, and he was reckless and reckless.

By the time Tichondrius gave up searching for Carlos's mental gap and prepared to destroy Carlos physically, the Legion Demon had already suffered more than half of the casualties.

"Holy Light! That enemy is vulnerable!"

While Carlos's almost miraculous bravery inspires everyone, the dreadlords come to an end.

However, Tichondrius had a mission and did not choose to do his best. Varimathras was hit by Carlos's psychological shadow before. Malganis was not a fighter, and only Mephistos did his best in the end.


Then Carlos stepped on his chest and pushed his nose on his face and cut his head.

One thousand hits one and half of it is counter-killed, will it play!

The remaining three dreadlords also felt fear at this time.

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

Tichondrius issued an order to retreat. The dreadlords turned into bat swarms and fled in different directions. The commanders who were left in place by the legion demons looked at the commanders across the sky and seemed to be in chaos.

But Carlos, who has already gotten a red eye, doesn't care about that much.

It seems that a brand new legend will be created tonight.

Giving up watching this farce, Ner'zhul fell into contemplation.

[Alsace, go to Kalimdor. 】

With such a major setback, Tichondrius' trash disrupted Ner'zhul's wishful thinking.

It must be removed first.

Otherwise Kil'jaeden would not let him go.

The Lich King let out an unwilling anger from the depths of his soul.

"The Dreadlords are all rubbish!"

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