Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 711: That Man He Really Came

"Damn it, that barrier has suppressed us too much, and can't exert our due strength at all!"

After Tichondrius escaped, he finally discovered the problem.

The human named Carlos has a special power in him. It seems that around him, Azeroth’s already damaged enchantment power has been strengthened countless times, and the power of the legion demons who went to ambush him has been suppressed too much. Outrageous, just standing there to let him chop.

The originally extremely strong armor could be kicked to pieces by the man named Carlos.


Last time, the night elf's magic weapon could not be used.

Excessive! ! !

Tichondrius was full of anger.

This battle was too frustrated.

The Dreadlord knew that Azeroth was a scumbag for a long time, but the existence of such a scumbag as Carlos Barov was something that Tichondrius hadn't expected at all.

The enchantment that covers the entire Azeroth is constantly weakened, so that legion demons can infiltrate.

If the enchantment before Ten Thousand Years had the strength it is now, then Azeroth would have died long ago.

It's not surprising that the demon who crossed the portal was suppressed by the planetary barrier.

But why does that man have such power? !

Tichondrius suspected the Lich King Ner'zhul for the first time.

It looks too much like a conspiracy.

It's time to report to Lord Kil'jaeden.

Tichondrius made up his mind and returned to the Frozen Throne to fight Ner'zhul's small report.

Both an assistant and a watcher, the Burning Legion belongs to Tichondrius, and the Scourge belongs to the Lich King.

But the most important point is that Ner'zhul, the Lich King, is Kil'jaeden's plaything.

This relationship is too messy.

From the beginning, the deceiver didn't believe that the Lich King would be loyal to the Burning Legion.

But Kil'jaeden has never felt relieved by Tichondrius, as a member of the Burning Legion, an organization of twenty-five per capita, as well as his good brother Archimonde.

It was the great leader Sargeras who "united" everyone together.

So even if Tichondrius wanted to hit Ner'zhul's small report, he had to compile a story that everyone's face could tell. Otherwise, Kil'jaeden will never give up such an opportunity to rectify Tichondrius.

Because of this mentality, Tichondrius could not refuse the communication from the Lich King.

"Master Tichondrius, the ancient god has something to do, the legion needs your strength."

"For Carlos Barov, don't you want to explain anything?"

"Master Tichondrius, I have a name you might be more interested in."


"Ilidan Stormrage."

The cause of the Legion is above all else, and Ner'zhul did give a reason that Tichondrius could not refuse.

Although this did not stop Tichondrius from adding fuel to Kil'jaeden, Ner'zhul's incompetence and ill-intentioned intent, but the man's name did arouse the interest of the Dreadlord.

Guy Erdalon's fiasco, the Burning Legion's power to penetrate Azeroth was severely damaged.

This is not the key. The Legion never looks at war damage.

The point is that Tichondrius did not get the result.

Zero, ZERO.

If Tichondrius wanted to beat Ner'zhul's black report to Kil'jaeden, he had to have a reasonable reason.

He needs meritorious service, needs victory.

Illidan is an excellent target.

Back then, Illidan was able to join the Burning Legion, so here to win Illidan Stormrage, this feat is enough to offset the setback from Carlos Barov.

Tichondrius accepted Ner'zhul's request, gave up returning to Northrend, returned to the Frozen Throne, and turned towards Kalimdor.

The Lich King gave Arthas only one command.

[Death to Tichondrius. 】

For this reason, Ner'zhul even made a deal with the ancient gods at all costs.

In the battle for Silithus, the night elves once again declared their strength...and vulnerability to the world of Azeroth.

When Fandral Staghelm stepped on the sad ground once again for his duty and mission, the ancient gods and the Burning Legion looked at him without any suspense.

[I have given everything to my compatriots and ethnic group, what have I gained? 】

With a huge gap in his mind, Fandral Staghelm could not escape the torture of the nightmare, and could not escape the fragility that he could do nothing before the tragic death of his only son.

So when Xavius ​​appeared in his sleep and proposed trading conditions, Fandral Staghelm hesitated.

Hesitate and lose.

No, hesitation is wanting.

Fandral Staghelm did not expel Xavius' vision for the first time, and he already explained the result.

Tyrande's political idiot was not worthy to rule the night elves.

Teacher, my teacher...

What I can do is as good as Malfurion!

I can do better than Malfurion! ! !

When Fandral Staghelm had these thoughts, his ending was doomed.

The withdrawal was proceeding in an orderly manner, and a situation that only the upper-class night elves knew was sealed.

Malfurion fell into a deep sleep for unknown reasons.

At this time, in Felwood, the Sartre began to riot.

The best timeline originally chosen by the bronze dragons, Illidan was when the Burning Legion was invading for the third time, when Tyrande had nothing to do, he accidentally discovered the place where the Watcher was held, and then went to save him.

But here, under Ner'zhul's calculations and compared to another timeline, Tyrande learned about the location of Illidan's detention about a year in advance.

Tyrande Windyu is a good priest, a good warrior, a trustworthy friend, but not a good leader.

Although she has the personal charm that a leader should have, she is too emotional.

This is a fatal flaw.

Silithus contained a large number of troops in the Aspen Valley, and the newly settled orcs in Ashenvale pulled all the remaining forces of the Sentinels.

After Tyrande fell asleep in Malfurion, he found that he could not mobilize enough power to suppress Felwood's Sartre turmoil.

Especially after Maiev Shadowsong challenged her authority for thousands of years, great pressure affected Tyrande's judgment.

"We need Illidan, the imprisonment of Ten Thousand Years is enough."



One sentence is enough, not only to interrupt other people's objections, but also to dissatisfied with one's own wavering.

It was Malfurion's decision to imprison Illidan, and Tyrande's unwillingness to object did not mean she agreed.

In Tyrande's mind, Illidan's rebuilding of the second well endangered the safety of the night elves, but the starting point was good. Only because of love, because the night elves who were blessed by the Dragon King were far away from disease and aging, Tyrande was unwilling to offend everyone and anger Malfurion.

But at this moment when his lover fell into a sudden sleep and the night elves were undergoing great changes, Tyrande thought of Illidan.

Now that I know it, I can't ignore it.

Tyrande summoned his guards and moved towards the position of the Vault of the Wardens.

"Ilidan, your sentence is over. This is the decision of the Priestess of the Moon."

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