Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 714 Forgive me for my unruly and indulgent love for freedom and truth more

What are the qualities of a qualified prisoner?

Four more I am a dog!

Keke, it's on the stage.

It's a jailbreak!

So, what is the second most important thing when you cannot escape from prison?

Entertain yourself slightly.

Maintaining a good attitude will prevent the collapse of reason, and faith will prevent the distortion of personality.

So once Ten Thousand Years came, Illidan survived by thinking about Tyrande, insisting on self-righteousness, and teasing Maiev for pastime.

"Is it you, my flower?"

Illidan filled his mind with Tyrande's 17589th happy life after marriage, fantasizing about his sister-in-law's shyness, couldn't help but speak out.

What new tricks should I play today...

Thinking about this issue, Illidan found that the sealing power that had imprisoned him had been lifted.


Maiev Shadowsong, has that iron maiden come on again?

Illidan was very upset at this time, he was not in the mood to confront Maiev, he just wanted to fool his guards quickly, and then he finished it in his head.


Unlike the past, not only the seal that closed the five senses was lifted, but the seal that imprisoned power was also lifted.

Illidan's first reaction was not to be overjoyed, but to put on a defensive posture.

Maiev Shadowsong, the mad woman wanted to set up her escape scene with Malfurion and Tyrande on her back and kill herself! ! !

But when Illidan once again established contact with the world, he really felt the existence of Tyrande, and heard the voice of thinking about it 17589 times.

"Ilidan... (You have been suffering)!"

This is not an illusion, nor a disguise. After sacrificing his own eyes, Illidan gained the ability to see the truth.

Although he is blind, he "sees" better than anyone else.

"Tyrande... (you seem to be fat)?"

Even Illidan, who had experienced many battles, couldn't help but feel a little at a loss at this time.

What a shame...

No, it seems that the situation is not so bad.

"It's really your voice. After spending a long period of Ten Thousand Years in the dark, your voice still shines into my heart like a bright moonlight."

I'm such a chicken thief!

Illidan silently gave himself a compliment.

"You go out first, I have something to say to Illidan alone."

"Priestess, he..."

"Excuting an order."


After everyone retreated, Tyrande wiped his eyes, converging his sensibility and tenderness.

"Ilidan, we need your strength."

Even if he was facing Tyrande, Illidan could not suppress his inner anger when he heard these words.



"You know what, I remember every word you said, every word since we first met now."

Illidan said in a gentle voice.

"It's not the time to talk about this, you..."

"Having strength does not mean being truly powerful. That's why you chose your brother instead of me."


"And now you tell me that you need my strength."


"But it doesn't matter, who told me to care about you so much, as long as..."

"It's Malfurion, something happened to Malfurion."

Illidan was quiet for a while, who wanted to lick.

"Tell me, what happened, what happened to my brother."

"It's terrible. He suddenly fell. There are traitors around us, and I don't know who to trust."

Illidan stood up slowly, walked to Tyrande, and took her hand.

"You can always trust me."

Tyrande was never a silly white sweet, she didn't believe in the nonsense of her husband's disciples and grandchildren.

No one knew how powerful Malfurion was than Tyrande.

In order to deal with the crisis in Silithus, Malfurion has been making the final preparations-the King of Tree Caverns.

This is the reason why the Archdruid did not personally go to the front line. If the battle conditions worsen, Malfurion will use the weapon of doomsday decisive battle.

Night elves have never been a complacent race. After giving up arcane magic, Malfurion has been committed to the advancement of the Druid's way, and it seems to be doing pretty well.

But Malfurion, who was in the first level of combat readiness, fell without warning, and fell into the deepest level of lethargy.

Then the druids also told Tyrande that her husband was in good health, but his soul was lost in the Emerald Dream.

Tyrande used a lot of perseverance to pretend that I believed it all.

There is no doubt that Malfurion's drowsiness and Felwood's mutation must have a deep connection.

So Tyrande thought of Illidan.

In such a situation where everyone around him could not be trusted, only Illidan could think of Tyrande.

Stepping out of the Vault of the Wardens, Illidan looked at Maiev who was glaring at him.

"Hey, girl, change to a nest. When I'm done, I'll clean up you. I will set off a huge wave to evoke the tide and flood your mouse nest."

"You can try."

Maiev had recovered her calm, and she turned her attention from Illidan to Tyrande.

"Think about how you should explain to Malfurion."

After Maiev said this sentence, he walked to Tyrande's ear and added another sentence.

"When Malfurion wakes up, you two will think about how to explain it to everyone."

Tyrande understood that Maiev already knew some of the facts.

So Tyrande said thank you softly.

Maiev was stunned for a moment, then coldly snorted, turned and returned to the Vault of the Wardens.

After leaving the Shouwang Cavern and returning to the beach to board the boat, Illidan has always been very calm.

After Tyrande told Illidan all his guesses and existing intelligence, the demon hunter already had a preliminary guess.

The brief reunion with Tyrande temporarily buried all of Illidan's negative emotions, but he did not intend to return to the night elf society.

After the ship docked...

"Are you leaving?"

"Tyrande, I don't want you to be embarrassed."

"You are free now, your imprisonment is over, you..."

"If Malfurion is still awake, he won't sign that paper. I know what you did and I'm very happy."

"You have been away for too long, now..."

Illidan interrupted Tyrande's retention.

"You have imprisoned me for Ten Thousand Years, and now you still say that I have been away for too long? It's's...Tyrande, look at the people around you, they are afraid of me, afraid of me, and pretending to deal with me."


There were too many emotions to express in words, and Tyrande didn't know what to say.

"I will deal with Malfurion as soon as possible."

After Illidan made another promise, he waved his back to Tyrande.

On the one hand, there is the excitement of the elves carrying supplies and disembarking, on the other hand, the lonely figure of Illidan.

Maiev didn't know at this time that Illidan's threats before leaving were not intimidation and cruel words, and the reason for the demon hunter to leave Tyrande was not so vicious and simple as he said.

It's true to save my brother.

Another picture is also true.

The first thing Illidan thought about now was to quickly go to the place where he buried the Eye of Sargeras to retrieve this treasure.

It’s time to continue the business of Ten Thousand Years.

And Arthas, under the command of the Lich King's navigation, was already waiting for him on Illidan's only way.

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